

  • debieanne
    debieanne Posts: 85
    mary happy bday and happy aniversary
  • Caharleygirl
    Caharleygirl Posts: 109 Member
    Good day to all...

    May...got my eating pretty much under control...lost 8 pounds so right on track with food...not so much on exercise.

    June...need to work on getting in more exercise...hope to enter onederland by 4th of July so need a little extra umph.

    Sorry I will work on catching up with everyone later...wishing you all a great month!!!

  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Hi and thank you Barbie for organising the June thread!! :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:
    Mary! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :heart: :heart: :heart: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    So, you had a June wedding! I bet you were a beautiful bride!! I wish you many more years together.
    I did well with my walking plan for May but didn't get to swim as much as I wanted - hoping you'll support me here, Mary, since you're
    so good at it, yourself. I lost weight consistently and have done really well in keeping within my calorie goals. In June, I want to try
    to eat more healthily - last month, I had good days but some not so good. I will be better this month.
    My walking challenge for this month is to increase my speed and not necessarily walk so far. Still working on how best to record this,
    so if anyone has any ideas...?
    Also, in June, I intend to keep more up to date with the posts and be more involved. I love all your chat but seem to run out of time! :noway:
    To all of you who have been with me through May, I hope you had success and hope you have even more in June
    For those of you just joining- good luck in reaching your new goals! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Caharleygirl
    Caharleygirl Posts: 109 Member
    For Barbie & the frisky poodles (if I did it right...lol)

  • alitarose
    alitarose Posts: 103 Member
    Hi Everyone, I'm Rose from the state of Oregon. I've dropped in here once but I'd like to become a regular and meet more ladies on here my age. I'm rededicating myself to weight loss. I floated in Spring and sorry for it now. Fall I was doing great and lost 20 pounds. I started losing much slower in Spring and didn't gain but didn't lose either. I have over 50 pounds to lose and so I need to get with it!! My biggest downfall is portion control and sweets. I am very active, I have no problem getting my exercise which I love. It's eating to much and not the right things for me. I was raised a Vegan, became a Vegetarian when I left home many years ago. Married my husband 36 years ago. He was a vegetarian but has since added some meat. We now eat white meat a little, but I still have to watch that I eat enough protein. Well, I will try to be a regular here this Summer. We don't have many trips planned. Last year we spent 5 weeks in Europe and had a wonderful time. We are saving this year to go back next year at this time. THIS time I want to be a slim, trim little 5'1" person instead of hating my pictures when I get back home!!
  • alitarose
    alitarose Posts: 103 Member
    PS, please add me as a friend if you have room!! I will try to respond each day and to encourage you along this weight loss journey. Rose.
  • cjwil01
    cjwil01 Posts: 4

    Thanks for the welcome. Yes, please add me to the birthday list. My B-day is March 21st.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just wanted to let you know that I heard from Deborah (eotrg). She wants you to know that she does sometimes peek in, but because of issues with her husband's health, she hasn't been able to afford the time to post.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    My goals are to eat better foods and watch the kind of carbs I`m eating.To slowly increase my exercise per the dr.
    Be more positive.Look at what Iv`e done versus what I haven`t done.
    Don`t get discouraged with the number on the scale if I know I did the best I could.
    Today my 8th grade daughter graduates.What a beautiful day weather wise.
    Have a good one to you all
  • ritamerlot
    ritamerlot Posts: 44 Member
    hello, everyone.
    hope everyone is doing okay.

    i live in downtown orlando, about a half mile from lake eola. it's 9/10 of a mile around the lake.
    my goal this month will be to make it a habit to get up early enough each morning to walk around the lake (or, do it after work, if i'm not doing anything that evening).

    still bellydancing (actually run a rehearsal on wednesday nights for a troupe), but i need to take more lessons...might actually start some tribal bellydance on saturday.

    went way over on the food the past two days. i've got to do better.

    see ya'll later!
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Just popping in to say hello. It's wonderful to see the "old" faces and great to see so many new ones. Welcome to the best group of women I've ever had the pleasure of meeting - led - so consistently and so sensibly - by our own, faithful, Barbie.

    My goal this month is to read the posts and post every day. We are such a prolific bunch that I'm not going to try to (in fact, I'm going to try NOT too, but it's so hard) say hello to each of you. Please know that I read your posts and think about you. I'm glad we're all in this together.

    I did see a mention of "portion control," my old nemesis. I so do NOT believe in portion control anymore. What works for me is to eat lots and lots - of fruits and veggies. I don't do well with deprivation so this strategy works for me.

    I've been up and down every few weeks since last October. I've thought and thought about it. It doesn't work to beat myself up (has the opposite effect in fact) so I'm not going there. I'm not planning to never change my routine changing my routine is where I get into trouble)....so, what to do, what to do.

    I've been paying attention to Barbie and many of you saying not to eat to please other people. Well...I never did (!) BUT, I have done a lot of eating to "please" myself. I put "please" in quotes because, when I eat a lot of crappy food, it doesn't really please me. I still have the straggling thought that it will, but it doesn't!

    That's not to say that I don't - and won't - enjoy a treat once in awhile. I do and will. However, I want to focus on what I do when I haven't decided to have a treat. It's the brain-turned-off, mindless eating I want to change.

    Although I don't eat to please others I think I do go with the flow. I am going to be braver about eating separately when I need to and weighing and measuring my food. Truly, nobody minds. It's just me being self-conscious.

    So...that's my plan! I also plan to walk more. I've been thinking about the best way to motivate myself. I have gotten to enjoy walking - that's a huge first for me. It's easy to be distracted though. When I hop on the computer first thing in the morning, I'm lost!

    I'd love to hear your ideas for the best way to get in more walking. (As long as you don't suggest self-discipline. I put that in the same category as portion control!) Hmmm.

  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Mary: Just to let you know, my birthday is January 5th. What an amazing list of birthdays you have compiled.

  • eotrg
    eotrg Posts: 20 Member
    Just checking in to mark my spot, so that I can find the new June thread when I have time to make a real post! Hope everyone is doing well! TTYL!
  • 2youngatheart
    2youngatheart Posts: 338 Member
    Hi everyone....I stopped by invited...and didn't quite make it back. I would like to become an official participant :) I am trying to lose ...but it is ever so slow..don't really know what my problem is...but I just keep plugging along, trying. I will try to read the post and keep up and be very supportive with all. I like to garden and paint. My hobbies can be endless...and I do work part-time as a bookkeeper. I am 57, my birthday is Feb. 7. Looking forward to getting to know everyone!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,987 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: it is so great to see everyone posting with great ideas for goals for June.

    :bigsmile: Mimi, about walking.......lately I have decided that my dogs love to walk with me on their leashes:bigsmile: whether that is true or not, it is motivating because I go for a walk thinking I am helping my dogs :laugh: :laugh: The other thing is that I will often just go out and walk for a few minutes (10, 20, 30, whatever) rather than thinking it has to be a big deal.....slow and steady wins the race.

    :bigsmile: in an hour I'm going to a potluck........I ate my usual small supper already and am bringing bananas to the potluck......at the potluck I will eat a banana and maybe something else (if there is anything I would normally eat like raw veggies) otherwise I will relax and enjoy the company of my friends. I consider eating at potlucks to be a good example of eating to please other people. i don't like to eat food with unknown ingredients or unknown preparation methods or foods with creamy dressings or other high calorie, high sodium, low nutrition qualities. So the only reason I would be eating such foods would be to please or appease other people. It was difficult the first time I went to a potluck and ate nothing but once I did it, I realized that I felt much better for having done so.

    :bigsmile: my goal for June is to dance more
    yes, I already go to three line dance classes a week and on Saturday I'm going to an all day (8AM to 10PM) line dance workshop, but at home I want to choose dancing more often over walking poodles or sitting at the computer..
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Lorri - those zucchini pineapple muffins ARE very good. The people's house we went to, the husband likes things made with zucchini so I made them for him. But, of course, I HAD to taste test.

    Did an hour of a power sculpt class today (Tues), tomorrow yoga and then deep water. Then I'll probably go food shopping some (just to get what is on sale), then our senior bowling league.

    Mary - glad you had such a wonderful birthday!

    Congrats to everyone who is losing and passing up on foods

    For our geneeral meeting with the Newcomers, since we're having it at night, I'll need a couple of tables so I thought I'd make (really, cut down) some tablecloths. I was going to make them anyway for my own 6' banquet tables, so this just made me have to make them sooner. I just finished the third one today. One of them I'm not happy with at all -- it's the first one I made. Earlier this year I'd taken the measurements for the buffet table and another table we have downstairs, someone made Christmas tablecloths for me. Well, I had those measurements, but I originally cut one which I thought was for the banquet table but it really was for the other table. Now I know which is which. Like I said, I'm not happy with the one, and if I can, I might cut it down more so that I have a tablecloth for our card table.

    Happy Anniversary and birthday Mary. What a great accomplishment! 37 years, that's totally awesome. Thanks so much for the update about Deborah

    Did a hour of yoga today then an hour of the deep water, went food shopping for the things on sale that I can give to the food pantry, I also ordered cantaloupe and watermelon to be cut up so I can take it to the Newcomer's general meeting next week -- before the meeting I'll buy some strawberries and clean them, came home, took a triple chocolate cheesecake to this lady at the Y (yes, it IS low in calories for a cheesecake, but high in flavor), then went bowling. The first game I got a 90 (yuk), but the next game was truly an anomoly -- 148, the third game was a 94. Then came home, browned short ribs for Vince to cook in the pressure cooker, made my dinner of leftover salmon cake, veggies, tomato sauce (Vince won't eat it, I personally think it's pretty good), Vince wondered why the barbecue sauce on the short ribs looked different. Well, it's because I made it, it doesn't have all those additives and preservatives, but he would prefer the bottled stuff. I'm not about to buy a bottle for a tiny bit. Tomorrow we're going out to lunch with the Newcomers so I'll do a band workout DVD at home, then lunch, then take my car to get the oil changed, then pick up Jessica's cats at the vet. Vince said the short ribs were pretty good, they were falling off the bone when I took them out of the pot.

    We went to that cookout at this lady's house. Well, she had 17 people there and it was so hot that everyone had to be inside. There weren't enough chairs. Actually, we wound up eating outside, well, most of us. I just don't understand it, her hubby and her were both in the house. When Vince and I have company, he's usually with one group (the guys, or the people inside) while I'm with the other group. Then she played canasta. Now, I like canasta, but both she and her hubby were both playing. There were people (like Vince) who weren't into playing cards. They just left early. I had the marinated chicken breast. Honestly, it was on the dry side. I think that happens when you make some foods ahead of time and then reheat them. To me, the chicken tasted salty, wonder what she marinated them in? I left the cauliflower for her that I brought, since I know she likes cauliflower. I also left the rest of the zucchini/pineapple muffins since her hubby likes things made with zucchini (also, I want to make them again, but this time make them in mini-muffin tins). She'd made a zucchini/chocolate bread. I'd made one a while ago for her hubby and he really liked it.

    Thanks, Barbie, for starting the new thread. You're wonderful!

    Question for people (barbie, you might be able to give some advice), what do you do when you go somewhere to eat, and there's nothing good (diet-friendly, I'm talking about)? You're hungry, but you really don't want all the pasta salads with mayo? Mimi - you go away so much, what hints do you have?

    Welcome Cheryl and Rose! Looking forward to "seeing" more of you both. Wow, Rose, 36 years is awesome! 2youngatheart - you ARE an official member already! Keep plugging along and posting!

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    :heart: Wow, another month, where do they go and why are they flying by so darn quick now....

    Just back from a day in Tulsa, my DH had a dr. appt. and I had a date with Target, Ulta and Sam's.

    Bought large boxes of yummy fresh blueberries and raspberries so we will have those with cereal for breakfast for a few days, I found a brown puffed rice that is gluten free and actually has some taste..

    There are some wonderful ideas and thoughts on this board and I feel so connected to some of you. After a couple of years of inactivity because of knee problems and 3 knee surgeries I now feel well enough to get rid of the weight I added...wow, what a shocker to me when I realized nothing I had fit anymore and no way was I buying larger sizes. I am seeing and feeling a difference but I am one of those who like to see it in lost pounds:love: ...that has been a little slow..I will celebrate the day that my loss reaches 10 pounds...right now it is still at 9 and holding...Sissy:heart:
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    Welcome to the newbies....I love to make friends, so feel free to add me.

    I measured today....I am stunned... I lost 2 inches off my waist in a month. I am going to add the total later. I was speechless. I knew that I lost a few inches here and there but didn't think 2 inches just from my waist. No wonder my pants are falling down!

    Hope that you all have a great evening!
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Can't believe it's June already.. going golfing tomorrow, 18 holes with a cart, but you burn lots of calories, because you still get in and out of the cart and swing the club... 800 according to this MFP, if you play 4 hours of golf, which 18 holes usually is.. hard to believe..
    anyway, I have started 17 DD again on cycle 1 for round 2... hope to lose some more weight, since I have not lost anything in 34 days... maintained, but not lost.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Hi everyone....I stopped by invited...and didn't quite make it back. I would like to become an official participant :) I am trying to lose ...but it is ever so slow..don't really know what my problem is...but I just keep plugging along, trying. I will try to read the post and keep up and be very supportive with all. I like to garden and paint. My hobbies can be endless...and I do work part-time as a bookkeeper. I am 57, my birthday is Feb. 7. Looking forward to getting to know everyone!

    Welcome! Just keep coming by; it's addictive!