

  • I live with my boyfriend of five years, and he has the most insane metabolism I have ever encountered. He is 6'4" and weighs about 175 lb - which is after a concerted effort to gain from his college weight of 150. He loves beer, pizza, Mexican food, fried things, burgers, the whole shebang. Sometimes he will just eat a…
  • I am old fashioned and loooove cookbooks. Deborah Madison's Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone and Madhur Jaffrey's World Vegetarian are chock-full of delicious vegetarian recipes, many of which are also vegan and many of which can be made vegan. I just made the Hot and Spicy Szechuan Eggplant from World Vegetarian tonight,…
  • My breakfasts are almost always the same: two eggs scrambled in a bit of spray coconut oil with chopped vegetables (whatever's around - peppers, onions, tomato, kale, chard, squash, etc.) in two small corn tortillas with a bit of hot sauce. I often have a piece of fruit, or if I'm not that hungry I save it for later in the…
  • A few ideas I like: Sliced vegetables like carrot, cucumber, kohlrabi, fennel, radish, green beans, or even tomato dressed with a squeeze of lemon juice and some salt, or dipped into hummus. Fruits of all sorts (though they do contain sugar, it's often less than processed snack bars and the like). A piece of whole wheat…
  • Hey Rellsher/Sherrell! I too struggle with wanting to snack all the time, and I'm still very much in the middle of figuring it all out. So far, I've tried replacing the chips/crackers that I want to snack on with stuff like cut up vegetables and fruit. I can still snack, I just have to snack...differently. I think that has…
  • Here's my (weekday) routine; as you can tell, I am a creature of habit :) Get up at 6:30 I always eat breakfast at home before I go to work, almost always two eggs scrambled with some vegetables of some kind and corn tortillas, plus a piece of fruit. I might not eat the fruit, and instead save it for a mid-morning snack. I…
  • I also lost 40lb on weight watchers several years ago, and I too lost "motivation" a little over halfway to my goal. I have been overweight my entire life from early childhood, and I honestly think the reason I stopped was that, at a 40 lb loss, I did not hate my body for the first time in a looooong time. I actually…
  • Hello! I am new (been here for one week) and am looking for friends to connect with. I am 27, 5'10", and currently weight just over 200lb. I have maintained a 40lb loss over the past six years, and am now starting on "round two" to reach my goal weight of 160. I have an open diary and love to cook and eat a varied, whole…
  • I second (third? fourth?) everyone who suggests learning how to cook. It is not only much healthier, but it saves you money (lots of it!) over eating out. Head out to the library and pick up a few simple healthy cookbooks. I always recommend Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone, by Deborah Madison. Even if you aren't a…
  • Nuts - specifically roasted, salted nuts like cashews or pecans. I only keep my least favorite nuts in the house (walnuts and almonds) for my boyfriend to put on his oatmeal, and I buy the raw ones, and I keep them in the freezer so they don't really taste good. I STILL snack on them when I shouldn't...
  • I lost 40 pounds several years ago while working in a bakery where I could eat as many chocolate croissants, muffins, cookies, etc. etc. as I wanted. It was hard, but it taught me a LOT of discipline and willpower. I found that it helped to take the mindset that since all those treats were surrounding me all the time,…
  • That is awesome - what a great feeling! I did the Couch to 5k program when I started running a few years ago, and I remember feeling basically like an Olympian when I was able to run 30 minutes without stopping. You'll be there in no time at all :)
  • I'm adding you! I'm 27 and want to lose almost exactly the same amount - and (surprising my teenage self immensely) i also dig cardio.
  • Hi Kristen, I would love to be your friend (since we are the same age and all...) 1. I struggle with stress eating too. When I have a difficult client at work I have started to feel the exact moment the urge to go cruise the conference room snack table hits. I have no easy answers on this one, other than yoga/mindfulness…
  • Hi! Feel free to add me, I am also new and I'm committed to logging in every day
  • Hi! Feel free to add me, I am new and looking for friends too.