Sample menus? need inspiration


I am new to MFP and am looking for some menu inspirations, i am a working mum and not the best cook but was wondering what people had for breakfast, lunch, dinners? do you have snacks? any ideas greatly appreciated

Many thanks


  • :smile: Hello there! Well what I have been doing is stocking up my fridge w/ fruits, veggies, chicken breasts, Turkey burgers, low carb wraps, light mozarella sticks, Skinny cow cheese wedges, tons of bottled water, crystal light for flavor, and I always have eggs (I eat the whites only). Almond milk, protein powder, Chia seeds, Hemp seeds, Flax seeds.And I am in LOVE with Cauliflower now- It is my new substitute for many dishes!.. got an idea now? :) best of luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • RawIndian
    RawIndian Posts: 90 Member
    I drink a Strawberry Banana smoothie for breakfast and a Green smoothie for Lunch.

    I snack on fruits between Lunch and dinner.

    For dinner it is a salad plus some of whatever my wife makes for dinner.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Breakfast - summer - fresh fruit or tomato with low ft cottage cheese
    winter - oatmeal with an egg

    Lunch is usually leftover dinner. Dinner depends on the season and what is on sale at the store. I love the microwave in bag vegetables for dinner and usually just make some kind of lean protein ( chicken or pork or lentil burger). In winter I make huge pots of soup or stew or chili and reheat through the week with different sides.
  • Yum Lentil burger..gotta try that!
  • Here's what a typical day looks like for me
    Breakfast: 2 eggs (the whole egg) skim milk w/ a scoop of protein powder (chocolate flavor)
    Lunch: Plate of fresh veggies, fruits. Chicken breast w/ barbecue sauce. (I pre-cook a couple pounds of chicken, divide them up into 4-6oz servings and freeze them. Then they're easier to have ready for lunch.)
    Dinner: A protein (meat, fish, beans) a carb (homemade whole wheat bread, corn on the cob, sweet potato) more veggies (cooked), fruit. Nut butter, guacamole, chips and salsa, etc.
    Dessert: Ice cream, fancy desserts my husband makes, cookies, dark chocolate, etc.

    I don't snack unless I'm hungry. (Actually I usually snack because I'm bored- trying to stop that!)

    You could add some friends that open their food diary and you can check out w/ they are eating. Some people have public diaries also. You could do a search for public diaries (it's sometimes a forum topic) and check out what people are eating. My food's kind of repetitive and boring but you can add me.
  • Thank you for the replies i have some new ideas to try x
  • shrinkingbrian
    shrinkingbrian Posts: 171 Member
    This is pretty typical for me:

    breakfast: oatmeal, banana, 1/2 apple (300 cal.)
    lunch: apple, banana, ham/cheese sandwich on wheat bread (500 cal.)
    snack: carrots, green pepper (100 cal.)
    dinner: 1 cup skim milk, corn, spaghetti and meat sauce, 1 slice of bread (1200 cal.)
    Total: 2,100 calories
  • ukaryote
    ukaryote Posts: 874 Member
    I have seen many diaries and IMMO (in my male opinion) many women have a cup of yogurt and fruit for breakfast, that's it. for lunch, the women at the office usually whip up wonderful salads on the spot with mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, and feta or goat cheese.

    It also depends on your pattern of effort. I used to have a low at 10AM and had a slice of bread for the calorie bounce.

    Now I work out in the morning before commuting.
    Breakfast: a serving of Grits or oatmeal with fruit, or 1/2 sweet potato to have carb energy before working out.
    1/2 to 1 cup cottage cheese after working out

    Lunch: I'm a simple guy. half a box of frozen veggies suits me seasoned with whatever is around - soy sauce, hot sauce, something

    Dinner: DW loves to cook pasta because it is quick. There is a bit of "discussion" over what we really should have for dinner. I bring home lean meats and braising some chicken chunks or sliced steak takes no time. Tortillas can really kick up the calories quickly but you can manage with one or two small ones and load them with anything.

    Oh yeah, hard boiled eggs. Another very flexible menu ingredient. as long as it ain't egg salad.

    'nother thought - Snacks = fresh fruit. Period. Generous quantities of grapes, strawberries, peaches, apples, whatever you got. Not half an apple - have the whole thing. And who could stop at 1/2 of a wonderfully juicy peach?
  • pgilly81
    pgilly81 Posts: 53 Member
    bump for ideas later :)
  • My breakfasts are almost always the same: two eggs scrambled in a bit of spray coconut oil with chopped vegetables (whatever's around - peppers, onions, tomato, kale, chard, squash, etc.) in two small corn tortillas with a bit of hot sauce. I often have a piece of fruit, or if I'm not that hungry I save it for later in the day.

    Lunch varies: salads with tuna and chickpeas or avocado make a frequent appearance. So does leftovers from the night before (whatever those are). Tacos with corn tortillas, vegetables, and some leftover steak or chicken (you may be sensing a theme here...).

    I cook a lot at dinner so I can take leftovers the next day. Often I make grilled fish, chicken, or steak with a vegetable side and some brown rice or potatoes. Beans and rice with lots of sliced cabbage, radishes, lime, and herbs. I love making larb at home (google for some recipes). Low-cal, high protein, and fast (not great if you are watching sodium but you might be able to do some crafty substitutions). Vegetable stir fry with tofu or chicken. Grilled sausages with grilled peppers and onions. Pasta with tons of vegetables (I have a terrible time with pasta portion control, but if you pad it out with enough veggies one measly cup of cooked pasta can feel sort of like a meal).

    I love to cook so I have fun finding, adapting, and trying new recipes. My thoughts are that basically, unless you are making a cake or mayonnaise, all oil and fat measures can be halved or better, and whatever you are cooking will still be tasty. Hope that helps, have fun!
  • wonderwoman234
    wonderwoman234 Posts: 551 Member
    I saw a registered dietician and she recommended trying to eat most of my calories at breakfast and lunch and taper off in the evening. I try to do this but not always. So this is what I had today which is typical:

    Pre-workout - Fruit smoothie with Chobani yogurt, 1/2 banana, 1/2 cup frozen berries
    Breakfast - I had an early lunch because my workout wasn't over until 11:00. Ordinarily I would have eggs or something
    Lunch - 2 slices Ezekial Sesame bread, 1 can of tuna in water mixed with pickles and mayo, sliced avocado and tomato on the sandwich. Veggie chips on the side.
    Snack 1 - Luna protein bar
    Snack 2 - 1/2 cup full fat cottage cheese, 130 grams of watermelon
    Snack 3 - 14 roasted Almonds, 3/4 cup Heritage Grains cereal w/ 1/2 cup skim milk
    Dinner - 5 oz. grilled chicken breast, steamed broccol and cauliflower, 1/2 cup cooked quinoa

    I've been trying to make sure the "food quality" of what I eat is high so that I get good nutrition. I do an hour of lifting and 30-60 minutes of intense cardio 5 days a week, so I need to be well-fueled even though I'm losing weight.
  • marissanik
    marissanik Posts: 344 Member
    I have an open diary that you are more than welcome to look at!
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Breakfast -4slices hormel precooked bacon, coffee latte made with Kroger carbmaster vanilla skim milk

    Lunch-Moo goo gai pan, no rice ,no egg roll

    Dinner-5 jumbo boiled shrimp, green giant cauliflower with cheese sauce, grilled peaches with microplaned blueberry stilton
  • peanutbutter_runner
    peanutbutter_runner Posts: 36 Member
    I am also a working mom. :)

    Today's menu--
    Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs with diced ham and salsa on top (and coffee--always coffee!)
    Snack: more coffee, small apple & natural almonds
    Lunch: green salad (coleslaw mix, baby spinach) with tuna & balsamic vinaigrette, vanilla Greek yogurt, baby carrots & garlic hummus
    Snack: probably more coffee lol, Luna protein bar (I also like Clif Builder protein bars and Quest bars)
    Dinner: spaghetti squash with meatballs and marinara sauce