

  • Love hiking and am lucky enough to be able to do a fair bit of it. Finished a 4 day hike along the Thorsborne Trail that travels across Hinchinbrook Island World Heritage area (on the Great Barrier Reef - Queensland, Australia), and in a couple of weeks I'm off to do a new 4 day hike through some rainforests north of…
  • Whatever tent you get make sure it's good quality. The last thing you want is for your gear let you down we you really need it to work. If you'r ever going to backpack and carry your tent, then get something as light as possible. That normally costs money. I use an MSR Hubba Hubba 2 person tent. Weighs in at under 2kg and…
  • I'm just like you. What has worked for me is to earn your treat...then you don't feel guilty. Stick in a piece of chocolate cake into your MFP Food diary at the start of the day. Have a long hard look at how many calories it has and you know right from the start how much extra exercise you have to do before you get to eat…
  • Hi. I'm from Brisbane, Australia and get to see some gorgeous places around this amazing continent. Great Ocean Road, Thorsborne Trail, Jatbula (my absolute favourite), Larapinta (now that one was tough), Green Gully, Coastal track and lots more. Hiked the Annapurna Circuit in Nepal last that was a fantastic…
    in Welcome!! Comment by lbowd2 May 2012
  • For years I thouight 'pole users' were just wimps...but then I used a couple of anti-shock poles when i did the Annapurna Circuit and have become an absolute convert. Love em. I only tend to use one pole, but it sure helps for balance, especially on rough, wet, muddy or icy hikes. I use some quality Leki poles (light…
  • Only 44cal/hr. That's like one bite of a chocolate Freddo! Wonder who they signed up as their researchers?
  • Is there a competition to see who canm score the most calories?
  • I really don't care what people want to call me (I'm a school I get used to being called lots of things). I just wish some people would be a bit more creative, or give the insult some real thought. The quality of the insult often measures the quality of the person giving it. :wink:
    in Fat BEECH Comment by lbowd2 May 2012
  • You know, life isn't about who can get to the end with the best looking corpse. Feed your body healthy food, exercise enough so that your body is fit enough to do the things you want it to do, spend your time looking for amazing things to do and interesting people to do them with. Focus on having fun and making the most of…
  • OMG...You're gorgeous. 9. I'm glad I didn't have to rate a guy. :laugh:
  • About 1hr 45min...half marathon distance. I hate treadmills but they a nice warm option on those cold winter nights.