popchex Member


  • Louise has a good point. I've seen a recipe somewhere for baked oats for the week, that you let cool, then slice into breakfast size portions, and then you can just microwave it through the week. Other than that, make an extra kid-lunch for yourself, or cheese and fruit to munch on in the car?
  • We're definitely eclectic, some of the stuff is sit-down work, some of it is un-schooling, I'm a fan of unit studies. The only thing I get firm on is the writing and maths in the morning, then it's pretty much what he wants to work on. He's only 5.5 so we're still in the baby stages. Just started in November! :) Still…
  • I feel ya! For me it's that I can't send my kids out in the heat to play, so they're inside bothering me when it's free time, which is when I'm supposed to exercise. Then they stuffed up my iPod the other day so I didn't even have THAT to drown them out! :P I'm just glad it's not a sustained temp over 40 for weeks like it…
  • I avoid "diet" food. I refuse to believe the only way I can lose weight and be healthy is to eat empty food full of chemicals. I eat real chocolate (not the "filler" stuff, lost a taste for it when I was dairy free, now I eat dark chocolate, in small doses). I eat real butter. I eat it all, and if it has "diet" or "lite"…
  • Not so much the way it's used here, I believe in the body's responses and "feast" or "famine" though, on a long term basis. Not over the course of a day though. Over months? Yes.
  • It's taken a LOOOOONG time to not tie my self worth to how much I weigh. Now it HAS become but one of many bits of data that go into the whole - a fit and healthy me. Even as large as I am at the moment, I'm healthy, actually. All of my numbers are in normal range! But I'm woefully out of shape, and that's why I'm here! :)
  • I saw one when I was pregnant about 3 years ago, and she couldn't tell me anything I didn't already know. I've learned so much about food and nutrition though, on my own, and because of food intolerances in my family, that it was a waste of time. That said, if you have no idea where to start, it could be a good way to get…
  • We've recently removed the "side car" crib from our bed as our 2.5 year old has moved into his brother's room - so I've taken the mattress from it and use it as an indoor jump space. We'll be replacing the foam mattress on his bed (used to be the trundle/spare bed) with a real mattress and we'll save THAT for a "crash pad"…
  • We try to do the quiet time or "siesta" but like today it often turns in a nap! lol Much needed, as we all slept for like three hours!
  • omg the owls. :D :D
  • I go to the toilet, or wait until they are in bed. Mostly though I throw the pod on, sit on my bike and let them watch tv (in the same room) and just go for it. I can still see them, and they don't act out because I am actually still in the room!
  • I don't know what i'd do if my oldest (special needs) was an only child! It's not even enough for him to have all three of us home to 'bounce' off of!
  • If it's anything even remotely similar to having a c-section (I'd imagine yours is worse though!) then you have my support and sympathies! Getting out of bed after I had my kids was worth logging - it took me long enough and worked up a sweat! Heck, 2.5 years later and I'm still getting twinges in my scars if I move wrong!
  • Thank you so much for this! I'm a homeschooling stay at home mom, and we have a home-based business. EVERYONE is home all day. I do all the cooking, cleaning and educating for my family. I also have a rotated pelvis and a bad knee, so I can't exercise like I used to. When I do *anything* outside the norm of my day (which,…
  • I logged cleaning yesterday because I was moving furniture around to clean under it and scrubbing my kids' walls. But it's posts like this that make me feel I have to justify it so other people won't think it's absurd. Also going to echo the post about limitations. I have been in almost constant pain for 2.5 years and have…
  • I'm doing it the same way. I started cooking for intolerances, and now it's just so much more economical to make it all myself - but luckily I have the time at home to do it. I haven't gone for any "diet" foods as I seem to justify doubling the amount I eat! I find I definitely eat less, but still get more calories -…
  • That is a LOT to lose in a short amount of time. :( You should be aiming for a max of about 1kg a week, after the first bunch of weight comes off (most people drop a lot in the first weeks, then it evens off). It took me a year to lose 26kg.
  • Thanks for the welcome! Sorry it's been so long to respond, my husband and I are sharing a computer at the moment as mine hates me. :P I do try to fit in my exercises while the boys do theirs, but often I have to supervise and coach them on what to do, so they don't fight over who gets to jump first. ;) My husband got the…
  • Glad it wasn't just me doing that. hahahah My biggest thing was cheese. I'd put cheese on everything, especially potatoes. 2+ years dairy free (my youngest has a severe intolerance) and I got out of that bad habit!
  • Born and raised in Chicago, but living in Adelaide (for over 7 years now, well minus a year in Sydney). :) Feel free to add (anyone!)
  • Me! I have about 35kg to lose total. My initial goal is 10kg though, and getting in better shape as I have some mobility issues due to injuries. Also: Adding a few of you!
  • Born and raised in Chicago, but married an Aussie and now living in Adelaide, South Australia. Love it. :)
  • I'm changing my schedule up all the time, based on what works/doesn't for my kids. My oldest works better with a schedule written out, with times, on the fridge (which goes against my very nature! lol) but in general schooling is relaxed. this is the current flow: 7:30am is wake up and get ready for the day 8am breakfast…
  • That's me too. I've been here 7 years, will be officially Aussie this year though, hopefully!
  • Hello all! I was SO very glad to see this group was here! I'm Renee, 36, married, and living in Australia. I'm mother of two boys, 5.5 and 2.5. My oldest is exceptionally gifted/possibly Aspergers, and struggling with sensory processing/ingratiation issues, and it's looking like my youngest is on the same path. We started…
  • Adelaide here! :) I know there are quite a few people here! lol
  • What a change! You can see the progress so well. I think you are very pretty - both before and after! But you can see in the "after" that you are happier in yourself. :)
  • Can't believe no other Aussies have posted! I'm originally from Chicago, but have been in Australia for 7 years now. :-)
  • I'm a mother of 2, and my oldest has to be homeschooled due to special needs, We also have our own business, which my husband has taken the brunt of since I can't work now. My advice is to get something for at home. My exercise physiologist said that for my particular needs a stationary bike would be the best thing. We…
  • I'm not trying to gain weight, but I AM trying to eat more. I struggle most days (until recently) to get in enough calories to actually lose weight. I'm also trying to do it without resorting to any "lite" or overly processed foods (i.e., natural peanut butter which is real peanuts and a bit of oil versus the overly…