meganmiedema Member


  • Exactly. Not saying that the OP isn't into sex with her husband but why should she have to use her body as the bait to get him to achieve his goals? Sounds a little icky to me. Sex shouldn't be a bargaining chip. I would say offer to cook his favorite meal or go to his favorite restaurant for a nice splurge. Then maybe you…
  • DAAMMMMNNN! You look like a different person! Congrats to everyone. These photos are amazing!
  • I cut out meat and most animal products. When eating a mainly plant based diet I find it REALLY difficult to eat my allotted daily calories and I am rarely hungry. I've never been a huge meat eater but removing it from my diet has really helped with my health goals and reducing my fatigue through out the day.
  • When I was younger I was also on Metformin with terrible periods (My doc never diagnosed me as PCOS but I did have endometriosis and really awful menstrual cycles. This was before we knew what we now know about PCOS and it is more commonly diagnosed.) I tried EVERYTHING. Worked out like a maniac but saw no results until I…
  • The point is you wouldn't be able to eat 3000 calories of asparagus. I can't even imagine how pad your pee would smell if you could. One cup of asparagus = about 27 calories. Even if you ate 20C of asparagus (go for it, I dare you) you would only be taking in about 550 calories.
  • Congrats on the changes and the results!!
  • Let's be friends! I'm not entirely vegan but looking to make better dietary choices. We can swap recipes and offer encouragement.
  • You may already know but Ohsheglows in an amazing blog. I didn't think it was possible but this is a vegan recipe that is in fact better than the non-vegan dish it is modeled after: And this is a great breakfast that keeps me full through the lunchour!…
  • I'm not sure what your diet looks like now but this video really resonated with me and I always share if with friends considering surgery. Reducing foods that are high in macro nutrients (meat, dairy, processed carbs) and replacing them with foods high in micro nutrients will…
  • Today I had a piece of toast with Avocado, lime and some salt with a little mango on the side. If I want something warm this is one of my FAVORITE options: Super filling. You can pretty much add whatever veggies you…