Vegan recipe ideas?



  • meganmiedema
    meganmiedema Posts: 10 Member
    You may already know but Ohsheglows in an amazing blog.

    I didn't think it was possible but this is a vegan recipe that is in fact better than the non-vegan dish it is modeled after:

    And this is a great breakfast that keeps me full through the lunchour!

    This blog and a few others were lifesavers as I have been transitioning my diet.
  • k_poo
    k_poo Posts: 3
    50 g Cellophane noodles
    Cup cabbage
    2 table spoons of oyster sauce
    3 table spoons of soya sauce
    half cup of small prawns ( if not then add an egg)
    Cup vegies

    Add oil into wok, or pan
    After you have soaked the cellophane noodles in hot water and are soft add them into the wok/pan
    Add in cabbage, small prawns, or egg, and vegies
    Add in soya sauce and oyster for flavour and colour
    Mix through thoroughly, add some water to make it easier if the oysters to thick to mix in


    (The amount of ingrediants are not 100percent accurate, its just a rough guess of what I put in mine. I make this all the time and you will know how much youd want to put in :) Enjoy
    I think you missed the ethical vegan part = no fish, seafood, meat, eggs or dairy. Oyster sauce, prawn and egg do not = ethical vegan :noway:
    LOL I was gonna ask if she read the vegan part