

  • I'm going to friend all of you! :)
  • Just finished W3/D2. Much better today, did a lot more than I could yesterday- not perfect, but as Jillian says, "Perfect SUCKS!" :bigsmile:
  • I'm curious - what do you mean when you say zig zag your calories?
  • I fell behind a little :ohwell: but I started week 3 today and...omg...My arms are hating me right now!!!
  • First circuit planks kick my *kitten*, completely. :grumble: However, I'm feeling stronger every time I do this dvd. I checked out week 3 just to see what was in store for next week....it ain't pretty! :sad:
  • I'm in the middle of RI30 week 2. That plank will be the death of me! But, I try to do what she says, take a tiny break and comer back, DON'T QUIT! Ha! I'm using 3lbs weights, but since all of you are mostly using 5, I think I'm going to have to up it. So far I've lost an inch in my arms (damn you, plank position!) and…
  • When I really feel like dying, I pause the DVD, walk it out and then put it back on. Don't quit! Don't stop! You don't have to keep up with them for every second and don't feel bad about pausing for a minute. The more you keep up with it (and do it straight through, even if it takes you an hour), the better you'll feel and…
  • My friend is doing it right now with a bunch of co-workers (it's not just the drops, there's a metabolism booster as well). She can't eat anything! I told her no wonder she's lost that much that fast, who needs the drops? She says she's not starving, but her co-workers are. They've made it a competition between themselves-…