Absolutely amazing transformation, you look fantastic. Real inspiration for us folks still working towards our goals!
I'll do my best to brainstorm with you: 1) It sounds like you're incredibly busy during the week. I would try and do as much dinner prep/cooking on the weekend as possible. Your two year old may not be old enough, but your four year old could help you prepare vegetables, etc. It's amazing what kids will eat when they've…
T-shirts and such I cut up, convert to yarn, and make baskets out of :)
Nope, wouldn't be offended or irritated one bit. If it is as often as you say than go through HR. There are a lot of irritating people in the world, at least these ones have good intentions :)
Note, this doesn't mean you need to drink 8 glasses a day. But water intake is important for weight loss!
Mmm, I don't think so. Here are a couple of resources, peer reviewed and from reputable journals, that say otherwise. Drinking Water Is Associated With Weight Loss in Overweight Dieting Women Independent of Diet and Activity Influence of water drinking on resting…
Zucchini noodles, spaghetti squash. Try miracle noodles if you like, but I found them to be absurdly unsatisfying, due to their texture and flavor (nothing like a really crappy pasta dish to make you crave a really good pasta dish).
Thank you so much everyone who mentioned how to link the two! So useful :D