Murad Research Labs Busts “Eight Glasses a Day” Myth



  • WisteriaLady
    WisteriaLady Posts: 28 Member
    I can easily drink 2-3 litres a day and thats not pushing myself! I have found a change in my body since doing so and all positive. The only downside I had was that the first few days I was getting up in the night needing the bathroom, this has since stopped.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    Eggs are good for you. Eggs are bad for you. Fat is bad for you. No fat is good for you. Running is good for you. No running burns muscle so it's bad for you.

    My advice. Just try to avoid getting hit by a bus or shot. Those are pretty set in stone. Everything else changes every five seconds.


    Very true.

    I drink over 10 cups of water per day. Not because some doc, article, or guru said so. I do it because I am a very thirsty human being. Follow your body. Conventional wisdom in the health/nutrition community lacks a terrible lot of proof and common sense.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    A question for those rejoicing in this report ... how many ounces of liquid do you consume each day? Be honest ... how much water, juice, coffee, milk, tea, soda, sports drink, etc are you putting into your system every day? 24 oz? 64? 128?
    I'm not rejoicing but I'm not surprised. I have no idea how much liquid I intake per day. None of us does, even the super-trackers, because a lot of it comes from food. The rest of mine comes from Diet Pepsi, coffee and water. I don't count up any of it because I know if anything, I overdrink, based on my bathroom habits. And I know that humans and animals do just fine listening to their bodies, for the most part, without using an app to tell them when to drink, breathe, fart, yawn... :tongue:
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    A question for those rejoicing in this report ... how many ounces of liquid do you consume each day? Be honest ... how much water, juice, coffee, milk, tea, soda, sports drink, etc are you putting into your system every day? 24 oz? 64? 128?
    I'm not rejoicing but I'm not surprised. I have no idea how much liquid I intake per day. None of us does, even the super-trackers, because a lot of it comes from food. The rest of mine comes from Diet Pepsi, coffee and water. I don't count up any of it because I know if anything, I overdrink, based on my bathroom habits. And I know that humans and animals do just fine listening to their bodies, for the most part, without using an app to tell them when to drink, breathe, fart, yawn... :tongue:

    So is it safe to say that you believe you're consuming more than 64 oz of liquid per day?
  • I knew my low intake of water wasn't causing me problems.....thanks for the proof! consider some rando posting whatever on the internet with zero sources, etc to be "proof"? Do you fall for pretty much anything and everything that comes down the pipe?

    The whole 8 glasses of water per day thing was always just a guideline...there never was a "rule" per sei...IMHO, there's no myth to bust in the first place. Hydration is important and 8 glasses of water is a reasonable goal to keep one hydrated...which again is what is important, not getting exactly 64 ounces of water or whatever.
    But the actual point is that you get a lot of your 'required' water intake from the foods you eat and the other drinks you would have anyway....drinking an additional 8 glasses of water may be excessive! I do apologise for using the word 'proof'....I had no idea my sense of humour would cause such an avalanche of bitter comments. Do I have to type LOL after everything I write? LOL
  • Am I the only person who drinks when they're thirsty? I keep track, but I don't cling to OMG MUST HAZ 64 OZ. H2O OR DEATHS HAPPEN.

    I am right there with you.

    Me three! I think I upset the guys who have been force feeding themselves water for the last .... years because they believed what they read on the internet about having to have 8 glasses of water a day. Pale yellow wee-wee means you are sufficiently hydrated.....but mine is pink at the moment because I love eating my home-grown beetroot.

    Heh. I do not care what my fluid intake is because I drink when I want to. Not because of random opinion articles.

    You would do well to be critical of claims that you do not understand and cannot validate. You promote pseudoscience otherwise.

    It's only a few glasses of water....why do you all take everything so seriously? I am not 'promoting' anything other than my sense of humour.....a lot of the guys on here could do with getting one and maybe it would be a happier and more appropriately-hydrated world for us all to live in. (Feeling the love!)
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I'll await "proof", but this definitely sounds right-ish to me. Certainly more consistent with our historical circumstances, in which we had no plastic bottles to chug from or taps to flow from, than the idea we're supposed to be swallowing H20 all day long.
  • baba_helly
    baba_helly Posts: 810 Member
    Murad is a skincare company. Dr. Murad is a dermatologist. Just making sure everyone is aware of this.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Am I the only person who drinks when they're thirsty? I keep track, but I don't cling to OMG MUST HAZ 64 OZ. H2O OR DEATHS HAPPEN.

    That's what I do.
  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    I drink when i'm thirsty and trust nothing any laboratory says, they'll rig their info to make the people paying them happy. You can't trust scientists anymore.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    I knew my low intake of water wasn't causing me problems.....thanks for the proof! consider some rando posting whatever on the internet with zero sources, etc to be "proof"? Do you fall for pretty much anything and everything that comes down the pipe?

    The whole 8 glasses of water per day thing was always just a guideline...there never was a "rule" per sei...IMHO, there's no myth to bust in the first place. Hydration is important and 8 glasses of water is a reasonable goal to keep one hydrated...which again is what is important, not getting exactly 64 ounces of water or whatever.
    But the actual point is that you get a lot of your 'required' water intake from the foods you eat and the other drinks you would have anyway....drinking an additional 8 glasses of water may be excessive! I do apologise for using the word 'proof'....I had no idea my sense of humour would cause such an avalanche of bitter comments. Do I have to type LOL after everything I write? LOL
    The part in bold highlights a misconception about liquid intake ... that it must be an additional eight glasses of water on top of what a person already consumes. It's those types of misconceptions that make it possible for Dr. Murad to do misleading studies based upon a half truth ... present no controls ... then run off to sell more books and skin care products (what he really does for a living).

    The reality is that the net hydration difference between a glass of water and a Coke isn't that significant ... the caloric and sugar intakes are. From a weight loss perspective ... trading six Cokes (12oz cans) for nine glasses of water is a 840 calorie reduction for the same 72 oz of liquid intake.
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    I believe that Dr. Murad is a dermatologist and while he may have studied what happens to the skin cells - I doubt he's studied this on the organ cellular level. The goal is to remain hydrated. Some may be able to do so under 8 glasses of water a day, some may need more. Again, it's all about what your body needs...
  • Mmm, I don't think so. Here are a couple of resources, peer reviewed and from reputable journals, that say otherwise.

    Drinking Water Is Associated With Weight Loss in Overweight Dieting Women Independent of Diet and Activity

    Influence of water drinking on resting energy expenditure in overweight children
  • sinkingthinking
    sinkingthinking Posts: 21 Member
    You can tell the person speaking at the beginning of that article is paid by a company. Real, objective scientists don't make assertions like the one made at the start of that article. They certainly don't make the mistake of inferring causation from correlation, as here:
    The data collected shows that the women who drink 1-2 cups of water per day exhibit a 26.94 average intracellular water percentage, while those who drink 7-8 cups per day exhibit a 25.06 average intracellular water percentage. This means the subjects drinking less water are actually experiencing more successful whole-body cellular hydration than those drinking more water.
    Absolutely no evidence is offered that drinking more water leads to the reduced intracellular water percentage as opposed to vice versa, and no mention of the possibility that third, unidentified factors are causing both the reduced intracellular water percentage AND the increased water intake.

    I don't care about this issue either way, I drink a lot of water because I get thirsty a lot but I'm not invested in the answer of how much we should drink. I'm defending the scientific method and scientific reasoning. This is a good example of the appalling standard of science journalism and the number of bought scientists that cause ordinary people to lose interest in the *real* scientific method. Most "science" articles in non-scientific publications are shockingly bad at representing the actual conclusion of the study, frequently claiming the direct opposite of what the abstract states is the conclusion, and the fact that many medical studies in particular are funded or conducted by organisations with a financial agenda does not help either.
  • Note, this doesn't mean you need to drink 8 glasses a day. But water intake is important for weight loss!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I knew my low intake of water wasn't causing me problems.....thanks for the proof! consider some rando posting whatever on the internet with zero sources, etc to be "proof"? Do you fall for pretty much anything and everything that comes down the pipe?

    The whole 8 glasses of water per day thing was always just a guideline...there never was a "rule" per sei...IMHO, there's no myth to bust in the first place. Hydration is important and 8 glasses of water is a reasonable goal to keep one hydrated...which again is what is important, not getting exactly 64 ounces of water or whatever.
    But the actual point is that you get a lot of your 'required' water intake from the foods you eat and the other drinks you would have anyway....drinking an additional 8 glasses of water may be excessive! I do apologise for using the word 'proof'....I had no idea my sense of humour would cause such an avalanche of bitter comments. Do I have to type LOL after everything I write? LOL
    The part in bold highlights a misconception about liquid intake ... that it must be an additional eight glasses of water on top of what a person already consumes. It's those types of misconceptions that make it possible for Dr. Murad to do misleading studies based upon a half truth ... present no controls ... then run off to sell more books and skin care products (what he really does for a living).

    The reality is that the net hydration difference between a glass of water and a Coke isn't that significant ... the caloric and sugar intakes are. From a weight loss perspective ... trading six Cokes (12oz cans) for nine glasses of water is a 840 calorie reduction for the same 72 oz of liquid intake.

    I think what people saying we aren't surprised by the study or found the 8 glasses thing pointless are reacting to is the dieting conventional wisdom that one sees all over MFP that 64 oz is essential and must be water, that other liquids are inferior, that more is better, etc. it's kind of like the 6 mini meals to jump start the metabolism annoyance.

    I don't see what the calories in non diet soda has to do with it. No one is saying coke and water are identical in all respects. People here comment on diaries for having inadequate water or argue that juice, diet soda, coffee shouldn't count all the time.

    Personally, I trust my body to know when I'm thirsty and it seems to be reasonably competent at this, perhaps because hydration is so readily available.
  • shutyourpieholeandsquat
    shutyourpieholeandsquat Posts: 1,394 Member
    I force myself to drink a ton of water because if I don't my kidneys hate me (yay UTI infections :grumble: ). I also don't feel as bloated when I'm drinking water regularly.

    I DO WHAT I WANT! lol
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    Murad is a skincare company. Dr. Murad is a dermatologist. Just making sure everyone is aware of this.

    There is always a puppetmaster, isn't there. To be truly informed is to realize this and find out whom it is.
    99.9% of the time, there is no such thing as unbiased.
  • lexlowe
    lexlowe Posts: 908 Member
    Unless you are strenuously working outdoors all day in 30C weather you don't need 8 glasses of water. You actually get a third of your daily water requirement from the solid food you eat-a well done steak is still something like 20% water!
    The 'eight glasses of water a day' mumo-jumbo was created by bottled water companies in the late 80's-early90's to help sell their product, people fell for it, and it's unfortunate that fitness sites like mfp still promote that myth.