Murad Research Labs Busts “Eight Glasses a Day” Myth

New Water Study Results From Murad Research Labs Busts “Eight Glasses a Day” Myth

“The myth that we must drink eight glasses of water per day actually comes from dated studies that have since proven to be off the mark as more data has been gathered over the years,” said Dr. Murad. “This newest data that we’ve gathered is significant because it demonstrates that drinking a large amount of water is in fact an ineffective method of whole body cellular hydration, despite what we’ve been taught in popular culture. In a nutshell, eight glasses of water means eight trips to the bathroom, flushing the system of vital nutrients and minerals. Working with and monitoring tens of thousands of subjects, we’ve seen that colorful raw fruits and vegetables are actually the best form of water for our cells as they provide structured water and antioxidants so that the hydration stays in the system longer.”

The data collected shows that the women who drink 1-2 cups of water per day exhibit a 26.94 average intracellular water percentage, while those who drink 7-8 cups per day exhibit a 25.06 average intracellular water percentage. This means the subjects drinking less water are actually experiencing more successful whole-body cellular hydration than those drinking more water. As this is a measurement of hydration on a cellular level, even a small fraction of a percentage can make a substantial difference in terms of overall health. For example, the overall average intracellular water level in women aged 40–50 is 24.6 percent, while the average level in women aged 30-40 is 25.4 percent.

Another observation made by Dr. Murad was that the 40-50 year old women studied by Murad Research Labs that were drinking less water actually have a cellular hydration level that matches average women that are 10 years younger.


  • catcalledjinx
    I knew my low intake of water wasn't causing me problems.....thanks for the proof!
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Any link to actual information or just what they want to say?

    For example... what was the control group, how long was it conducted, what method was used to measure it, so on, so forth.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I knew my low intake of water wasn't causing me problems.....thanks for the proof!

    This isn't proof. these are just words on the internet. If it told you that jumping off a cliff was good for your heath, would you be Googling the nearest cliff to jump off of?


    Cite your sources. This sounds likea load of stinky poop to me.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Link to the study please.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I knew my low intake of water wasn't causing me problems.....thanks for the proof!

    This isn't proof. these are just words on the internet. If it told you that jumping off a cliff was good for your heath, would you be Googling the nearest cliff to jump off of?


    Cite your sources. This sounds likea load of stinky poop to me.

    I kinda agree. To my knowledge, ICF and ECF are mostly governed via sodium levels.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,134 Member
    Am I the only person who drinks when they're thirsty? I keep track, but I don't cling to OMG MUST HAZ 64 OZ. H2O OR DEATHS HAPPEN.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Am I the only person who drinks when they're thirsty? I keep track, but I don't cling to OMG MUST HAZ 64 OZ. H2O OR DEATHS HAPPEN.

    I am right there with you.
  • bro_manski
    I drink when I'm thirsty and I'm going to continue doing that. But I appreciate that you're willing to be a voice of dissent (and while I don't really care enough to look up the study, for the record, I almost never drink 8 glasses a day).
  • bro_manski
    Am I the only person who drinks when they're thirsty? I keep track, but I don't cling to OMG MUST HAZ 64 OZ. H2O OR DEATHS HAPPEN.

    I am right there with you.

    oh apparently there are several of us!
  • tennisgirl444
    tennisgirl444 Posts: 57 Member
    I tried to search for the paper on PubMed and google, and as far as I can tell, it seems like those are preliminary and unpublished results released through their company's PR. I'd be hesitant to trust anything that hasn't gone through the peer review process yet. And of course, nothing I found discusses what type of variables they controlled for, such as exercise. And as always, correlation does not apply causation. For example, perhaps cellular hydration decreases when people drink more. On the other hand, perhaps people with low cellular hydration are thirstier and therefore drink more- i.e. their body is attempting to increase cellular hydration. That being said, I suspect that our obsession with water drinking is a bit overboard, and that you should just drink when you're thirsty and not worry too much about it otherwise. As our renal lecturer liked to say, "You drink- you pee."

    As an important note, I'd be very hesitant to trust media's reports of research- there is a reason that people feel like research is always conflicting (i.e. eggs are bad for you, eggs are good for you)- because the media tends to take small and specific findings with cautiously discussed implications from research articles and twist them into a dramatic headline like DON'T EAT EGGS!!!!! Don't blame the researchers :-).
  • catcalledjinx
    Am I the only person who drinks when they're thirsty? I keep track, but I don't cling to OMG MUST HAZ 64 OZ. H2O OR DEATHS HAPPEN.

    I am right there with you.

    Me three! I think I upset the guys who have been force feeding themselves water for the last .... years because they believed what they read on the internet about having to have 8 glasses of water a day. Pale yellow wee-wee means you are sufficiently hydrated.....but mine is pink at the moment because I love eating my home-grown beetroot.
  • mathjulz
    mathjulz Posts: 5,514 Member
    Well, I know that if I don't drink enough I'm much more prone to headaches. Dehydration is a major trigger for me. I do aim for 64+ oz a day, but don't hold it to just plain water -- just about anything liquid can count towards it (even soda *gasp*)

    I look at it this way ... If I don't drink enough water, I start to see the effects of dehydration - headache, grumpy, tired, etc (and longer term effects like chapped lips, less clear skin, and so forth). On the other hand, if I drink more than my body technically "needs," the only ill effect is going to the bathroom more often. (OK, way too much can cause problems, but that would take a LOT more). So isn't it safe to err on the side of more water?
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Am I the only person who drinks when they're thirsty? I keep track, but I don't cling to OMG MUST HAZ 64 OZ. H2O OR DEATHS HAPPEN.

    I am also in this club. And my tinkle is always light yellow to clear so I am pretty sure I am hydrated. :drinker:
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Am I the only person who drinks when they're thirsty? I keep track, but I don't cling to OMG MUST HAZ 64 OZ. H2O OR DEATHS HAPPEN.

    I am right there with you.

    Me three! I think I upset the guys who have been force feeding themselves water for the last .... years because they believed what they read on the internet about having to have 8 glasses of water a day.

  • catcalledjinx
    Am I the only person who drinks when they're thirsty? I keep track, but I don't cling to OMG MUST HAZ 64 OZ. H2O OR DEATHS HAPPEN.

    I am right there with you.

    Me three! I think I upset the guys who have been force feeding themselves water for the last .... years because they believed what they read on the internet about having to have 8 glasses of water a day.


    You got me...hehehe!
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    Am I the only person who drinks when they're thirsty? I keep track, but I don't cling to OMG MUST HAZ 64 OZ. H2O OR DEATHS HAPPEN.

    I am right there with you.

    Thank goodness for the proof!! Now I can finally stop OMG-ing too!! I'm so grateful that my 63 oz yesterday was sufficient. WHEW!!!!!!
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Am I the only person who drinks when they're thirsty? I keep track, but I don't cling to OMG MUST HAZ 64 OZ. H2O OR DEATHS HAPPEN.

    I am right there with you.

    Me three! I think I upset the guys who have been force feeding themselves water for the last .... years because they believed what they read on the internet about having to have 8 glasses of water a day. Pale yellow wee-wee means you are sufficiently hydrated.....but mine is pink at the moment because I love eating my home-grown beetroot.

    Heh. I do not care what my fluid intake is because I drink when I want to. Not because of random opinion articles.

    You would do well to be critical of claims that you do not understand and cannot validate. You promote pseudoscience otherwise.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Am I the only person who drinks when they're thirsty? I keep track, but I don't cling to OMG MUST HAZ 64 OZ. H2O OR DEATHS HAPPEN.

    I am right there with you.

    Thank goodness for the proof!! Now I can finally stop OMG-ing too!! I'm so grateful that my 63 oz yesterday was sufficient. WHEW!!!!!!

    Go run!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    I knew my low intake of water wasn't causing me problems.....thanks for the proof! consider some rando posting whatever on the internet with zero sources, etc to be "proof"? Do you fall for pretty much anything and everything that comes down the pipe?

    The whole 8 glasses of water per day thing was always just a guideline...there never was a "rule" per sei...IMHO, there's no myth to bust in the first place. Hydration is important and 8 glasses of water is a reasonable goal to keep one hydrated...which again is what is important, not getting exactly 64 ounces of water or whatever.