

  • I track my fruit and I'm always over on my sugar too. I wouldn't worry too much about it. MFP is just suggesting amounts and they don't seperate bad and bad sugar.
  • It's all about how you see yourself. If you imagine yourself as manly, well you will be. Although I don't have broad shoulders and am the farthest thing from tall, I completely relate to you on the feelings front. More girlfriends is probably your best bet. Find some that you relate to (girls who tend to relate to men more…
  • I have the same exact problem. I feel like I have to be constantly eating in order to meet my goal. My solution, iced coffee drinks. They are super easy to make and taste amazing :) I personally put 1 c coffee 2 scoops of protien 1 tbsp of creamer (I personally use peppermint, it tastes so yummy with chocolate protien) and…
  • Healthy means not junk food for me. I know processed food isn't all that great and know the difference between good and bad calories/sugars/fats....but find if I eat the goods I don't get much calories
  • One of my friends hit a brick wall recently. She not only makes sure she has a cheat day (not often but maybe once or twice a month) but now swiches up her workouts regullarily. This keeps her from getting bored. I also find that I don't like working at and the only thing keeping me from getting completely bored is variety…
  • Where can I get gainer shakes? I've been using protein shakes and it takes a good bit out of my calorie intake, but just not enough
  • I have been drinking protein shakes before bed since I was a child (I am consistantly under weight) and have never had weird dreams
  • I'm not a simiilar build, but any excersise that doesn't involve power will be great for you. Yoga or Pilates keep your muscles lean and help you shed pounds :)
  • Bagel-fuls are good. The kids will like them, and they don't have a ton of calories (they are around 200 calories). This saves you from buying all the fixings of bagels, and you can keep them in the fridge :)
  • My nutritionist has me drinking a protien shake in the morning when I wake up, and one after I work out. She also wants to drink some during the day if I am having a particularily active day.