Thanks everyone! helpful info. i originally though weight is weight when it comes to the calorie calculator
*gone for 2 days
Hi all, my binge junk food eating has been for 2 days (not a lot but the first time in over a month for me) I found that my willpower increased immensely when I knew I would be wearing a bikini in 5 weeks. I think having an event helps you stay on track and accountable, really helped me when nothing else did
Thank you all for the input. I'll keep trying
yeah i'll try to up my fruits. although i guess it's not really just "sugar" i crave, but i specifically crave "granola bars" "cookies" "baked goods" chocolate, etc.
all right thanks for the input, just trying to find a way to beat this.. it really is an addiction to me, i think about how/when/where i'll get my next sweet fix all the time (work, while driving, while with friends, etc.)
Measured at the fattest part because I have saddlebags and they're easy to spot and always the biggest
About 3 inches around each thigh
Thanks for the replies, I burn about 1500 a week by exercising and my goal caloric intake is 1200 a day
Thanks ladies! Follow up Q: does anyone know whether having a period monthly or having one every 3 months is better or will help me lose weight? my dr. gives me the option to do either. on one hand i'd think periods make you hungrier and therefore hinder my progress. on the other, i'd think less hormone (monthly period…
seeing pictures of myself is always the last straw like "okay i need to change NOW" because mirrors aren't always accurate