Anyone have success with the 3 day rule for junk food?



  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Quitting alcohol and cigarettes are way different than not having a cookie, and shouldn't be compared.
    As for cutting back on sweets, I have at least one daily and make them fit into my allotment.
  • gingersnapnz14
    gingersnapnz14 Posts: 1 Member
    I found the in the first week it was really helpful to cut out processed carbs such as bread and junk food entirely, instead getting my carbs through fruit and vegetables and I had no cravings at all, for the first time in my life.

    I think the thing with craving carbs and sugary foods is that the more processed carbs you have the more your body craves them - I think it's because they're an easy form of energy.
    I started a week or two before Christmas and found that I could eat whatever I wanted on Christmas and Boxing Day (with portion control of course) without it derailing me.

    I have reintroduced wholegrain foods into my daily diet and have the occassional serving of junk food, but can still manage the occassional cravings the pop up. I think the part that's really important is that you try to eat a lot (and a wide variety too) of fruit and vege, because if you're getting enough of a range of nutrients your body is less likely to revert to its old ways.
  • Beastshaw
    Beastshaw Posts: 12 Member
    For me personally, once a bad habit is kicked for 30 days, it's gone for good.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    No, because I don't consider eating junk food either bad or a habit to break.
  • jasmineruth
    jasmineruth Posts: 88 Member
    Buy a small amount of your fave snack. Buy a food scale. Measure a reasonable amount (amount that fits your calorie allotment and still allows for meals) put it in ziplock bags or containers portioned out. Eat one of those portions every day and still lose weight. No need to 'cheat' no need to never eat the thing you love again. Just eat less of it.
  • resistsweets
    Hi all, my binge junk food eating has been for 2 days (not a lot but the first time in over a month for me) I found that my willpower increased immensely when I knew I would be wearing a bikini in 5 weeks. I think having an event helps you stay on track and accountable, really helped me when nothing else did
  • resistsweets
    *gone for 2 days