

  • Ill add you. I need all the motivation I can get! Lol
  • I am starting over myself. Feel free to add me. Good luck!
  • That's it, Couch to 5K. Love it. And, there is a Zombie App running game that, believe it or not, is more like a book on tape version of a running app. Really well done and is always adding more content. I believe they are working on their second "story" too, which will be free to us already owners of the app. (I love…
  • For 5k practice, there are some really good apps on the iPhone and android to build up endurance. I'm working on that as well. There are a few zombie themed runs that I want to run in really bad! Lol Anyone need some support, add me. I could always use a kick in the pants once in a while.
  • I'll help out where I can! Feel free to friend me! I'm all for daily challenges
  • Used to live there
  • Believe it or not, some of those frozen meals are really good, and only 280 calories or below. Michalina's has some good ones, as does Lean Cuisine. I work alot so these meals are saviors to me.
  • Welcome to the site! I have been on this thing for a bit, lost a good 15 pounds previously. Unfortunately, I put it back on, hence why I am back on here. This is by far the easiest way to loose weight, for me anyway. Just plug in what you eat and try not to go over. Simple enough. Feel free to add me as a friend for…
  • I know the feeling. Losing weight can be really slow. My advice is focus on a new thing each week. I started with cutting out soda, which I LOOOVE, and switched it with water. I added some Mio in once or twice in the week to help with the cravings. The next week, I took a look at my meals and realized that they were all…
  • Welcome! Good luck with everything. Add me if you'd like.
  • Welcome! I just started this site a few days ago and, though I haven't lost a lot yet, I feel so much better about losing weight and I already feel healthier. Add me if you'd like. We can help eachother out. :)
  • Hey. I'm 23 too. And I used to do the same thing. One day and I would say, forget it! But for the last 5 days, I have been really good and even turned down my favorite pizza today that I would have gotten for free... it's a big deal for me. This site has really kept me motivated. Great people here. Add me as a friend and…
    in Hello Comment by PaintballGirl May 2011