~ Love the love here ~

VelvetPetals Posts: 3
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself

I stumbled across this place, after toying for weeks about getting off my butt and start moving... So I decided to take this incredible find as a positive omen.

My problem is not food or diet (I don't eat junk food, processed foods, or snack, I don't even have a sweet tooth), it's the gross lack of activity. I am sedentary as I spend a lot of time at the computer doing digital artwork. I need to knock off about 45 pounds of lazy fat to achieve my goal of 125 pounds of pure sexy curves. And I will succeed, especially with the beauty and love of all the support this place seems to offer.

The community here is outstanding... the support and care is almost tangible. That's what attracted me. That's what I need to give me that extra ooomph to move this body. I'm looking forward to meeting everyone and sharing your successes and achievements.

*hugs* <3


  • ShellyKay67
    ShellyKay67 Posts: 489 Member
    This is an incredible place with lots of support and great tips, recipes, etc.
    Enjoy the journey and good luck!
  • MemphisGirl75
    MemphisGirl75 Posts: 80 Member
    There are a lot of good people on here. Good luck to you! Friend me if you want- I'm trying to gather a posse of Southerners!

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  • Welcome!

    I just started this site a few days ago and, though I haven't lost a lot yet, I feel so much better about losing weight and I already feel healthier. Add me if you'd like. We can help eachother out. :)
  • i actually hink only the best are on here,,,as we are here because we want to achieve something, and refuse to settle for nothing less. We know what we have to do, we are here for each other, that most will never meet in real, but are our best friend daily basis!!!! i love MFP, and truly think we are all winners!!!! the losers are the ones who will tell us the day we get a " timbit" that we are" not supposed" to eat hey, what are you doing!!!!!! the winners will be the people here, saying, hey , you did an amazing race so far, take a break, enjoy, and go again you can do this! i love you MFP people,,,,lol
  • Caring is a choice... I have wandered around many websites devoted to weight loss and so far this is the only one I've seen that really puts out the care... You people choose to care, not just about yourselves, but about others, too... and that makes all the difference to someone else.

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