I weigh in every morning because I battle binge, emotional and I like to nibble it helps keep these things in check, keeps me honest and keeps me motivated to keep trying if it goes up I know to put my brain on alert and if it goes down I reward my brain for keepi g my stomach and emotions in check with some Internet game…
Me too but I'm sure thats not the advise everyone is looking for LOL
Sometimes they don't know how to "ring" it up
Sometimes they don't know how to "ring" it up it's crazy.
Oh my the stories I could tell about trying 2 get a large water
Thank YOU!!!!
and they don't have to be refridgerated so you can keep them in your room.
I own a PS3, XBOX and a WII they are all different and I would not say one is better than another because we use each one for different games and have different experences with each one. So I say wait till one of them goes on sell and get the one you want based on price of console and price of games. I agree with kdonkin…
Mearsuring tapes is my friend too.
Thanks I didn't know what Bump meant either
I lo0ve ellipitcals too I use the ARCH my knees and back don't hurt at all afterwards.:smile:
I agree that you should go to the store and try them out I have fat feet so after trying on many brands and types I like Avia but also when you go the salesperson can recommend different shoelaceings for a even better fit I just went to Famous Footware. I want to congradulate you on running, 10 minutes may not sound like…
ME I just started yesterday