SMJ3 Member


  • oH my goodness! Some people are just down right mean! I think that woman is brain washing her child. It's so sad. I can only imagine how that made you feel. Just remember that woman is very rude and you have a family that loves you unconditionally, You are a much better person regardless of your weight.
  • Hi Rosey, I know the same feeling. You have already lost 10lbs, that is amazing! It is much easier to put weight on then take it off. You can do this! It is normal to feel like you want to give up. Loosing weight is very hard and requires a lot of determination, which I know u have. Please don't give up, take it one step…
  • I gained weight too after having my gallbladder removed.. I wish you the best
  • Squats WK1/100
  • I am in.. Please send a friend request (SommerJo)
  • .
    in Needing Help Comment by SMJ3 May 2011
  • My first Challenge.. =-)
  • Hi Kelly, I am new to this site and I feel the same way you do. I have no motivation and it seems like I pack on more lbs everyday. There are so many people like us out there, we are not alone. I wish you the best with everything. Maybe we can help motivate each other.
    in Needing Help Comment by SMJ3 May 2011