

  • Never heard of it, what is it and i am down to starting one.
  • Just keep at it just because you slip up do not beat yourself up over it, just make sure that you do better the next day. One day at a time is what i am doing, i have had issues loosing weight for 3 yrs now and finally this week i lost 4 lbs so i am pumped and want to keep it going. Once you see a result the temptation…
  • thank you... i guess i should not have asked this question after last weeks menu because people are thinking this is the way i eat all the time... not!! i am a very healthy eater and just had a bad week. i have been trying to lose weight since january with no luck. i have gone to the doctor, gone to the gym, seen a trainer…
  • Guess I will need to get some hand weights at the flea market... my work has the machines i use so that is free but i have nothing at home.
  • thank you both but i have already stated that last week was a bum week... my food choices are normally very good that is why i was trying to find someway to speed up my metabolism.
  • I will walking outside at about 4mph for between 45-60 min, jogging i am at a 5.5 and do that on a treadmill and will do 1.5 miles then walk at a 3.7 for 1.5 miles... the ellptical i am up to 20 min and according to the heart rate on the machines i am in the burn zone. i have not lifted any weights because i thought it was…
  • I get what your saying about my food selections and this week would not be the week to look at what i was eating... i have been for the last 5 months adding more fish chicken and fruit and veggies and nothing works. I have had a personal trainer look at my foods and she said i am making good decisions i just need to eat…
  • thank you
  • can you give me some of the foods it listed please
  • any specific vitiamns... this week i started to do the eating sm meals every 2-3 hrs so i cant wait to see if that makes a difference
  • I do walking, jogging, treadmil, elliptical for my work outs and i drink close to 100 oz of water a day sometimes with slices of lemon in it... but nothing is working
  • Thank you for your ideas
  • I have been trying all of those items... i try each of them for like 2 weeks and if no result i try something else
  • I talked to a trainer and they said to eat 1600 calories cause i am buring 400-500 in the work outs but i did that for a month also and still nothing.