


  • cjcarson87
    cjcarson87 Posts: 31
    Eating smaller meals more often is a great idea. i started doing the same thing....i dont feel deprived now or like im "dieting" and ive started to loose weight!
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
  • grindeveryday
    You certainly do not need to eat 6 meals a day to keep your metabolism going. Its a great way to eat well and not stay hungry but not by any means necessary. Absolutely the most important thing for you to do is to hit your macronutrients EVERY DAY. Find out what your maintenance calories are and reduce by approx 500 calories. Everybody's macro needs are unique, I suggest that you google it to not only inform yourself about how the body works but to calculate your own personal individual needs. Start a beginner's weight training program (like Rippetoe's starting strength) and I guarantee your metabolism will get faster with time and dedication.

    There's nothing wrong with cardio however if you are doing a lot, you should be eating more. Eating a very low calorie diet and doing a lot of cardio will KILL your metabolism, maybe you will get skinny but you won't be terribly healthy and as soon as you cheat a bit you can wave bye bye to a lot of progress.
  • skinneyamy0211
    Guess I will need to get some hand weights at the flea market... my work has the machines i use so that is free but i have nothing at home.
  • skinneyamy0211
    thank you... i guess i should not have asked this question after last weeks menu because people are thinking this is the way i eat all the time... not!! i am a very healthy eater and just had a bad week. i have been trying to lose weight since january with no luck. i have gone to the doctor, gone to the gym, seen a trainer and no results so the last thing that i have is the metabolism so i am aksing my fellow partners out there for some advise. i will check out your food journal thank you for the offfer as my days are very busy from 6am to 9pm most days and it is very hard to get in the work outs and prepare the meals.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    I don't agree with the person who says it doens't matter what you eat as long as the calories are right. It does! Because your energy level goes up and your body responds to the exercise you are doing, and builds more muscle. It makes it easier to get fitter and work out.
    Make sure when you work out you get your heart rate over 150bpm, really sweat. Weights are good but I do think you build muscle if you do a lot of cardio as well.
    Unless the cardio is HIIT or Tabata protocol, you DON'T build muscle doing steady state or moderate interval cardio. In fact you actually can catabolize muscle.
    I find your body gets used to walking and then its not really any good.
    Not true. Whether you run a mile or walk a mile the calorie totals expended is the same.
    40-50 mins cardio 4-5 times a week with heart rate way up as above should help a lot.
    You are welcome to look at my food diary for meal ideas, I never spend more than 5 minutes preparing a meal, its all just natural clean food that takes a minimum of preparation. I really don't think I'd lose weight eating the way you do to be honest.
    I also have to say if I were paying a personal trainer and not getting results I'd be pretty p'ed off! If she is giving you the right advice and you are doing what she says you should get results. Change PT!
    You can get by on 30 minutes of cardio 5 days a week and still lose if you're efficient and in caloric deficit. But as a PT I would insist on having a strength training program. This would only increase resting metabolic rate which is VERY important because you spend much more time with non activity than actually doing activity throughout a whole day.