Tayla_Grant Member


  • Okay, first off, the average Insanity workout is 40 mins... they have an add on Ab Routine that's 15 mins... .it's just a bonus done at the end of every two weeks. It's an amazing cardio/fat blaster work out! I love it! I say give it a go, at least you can say you did it. Also, You will sweat your butt off, literally, and…
  • F.A.N.T.A.S.T.I.C.!!! Go YOU!
  • SPANX!!!!.. from target or go to Spanx online Amazing! Great for body shaping and ur chest! And u'd never know it was a spanx either!
  • I would love to "Start Over"... I need new motivation and have beek wicked MIA this week. SORRY PINK TEAM! Let's regroup and start again!
  • WTG AMY!!! That is amazing! HOLY CRAP... 90 LBS! That's friggen incredible! GO YOU And you should be so PROUD OF YOURSELF!!!!
  • HI LADIES!!! I will be out of town on vacation until Tuesday the 5th and will not have access to a computer. I have printed out the week 7 challenge so I can take it with me and I am going to track my calories and exercises manually and enter them all in when I return on Tuesday (that may be a pain in the *kitten*, but I…
  • Starting SAHMU Weight 156 Week 1 Weight 152.9 Week 2 Weight 151.8 Week 3 Weight 151.8 Week 4 Weight 150.2 Week 5 Weight 148.0 Week 6 Weight 148.0 no loss :( IT's okay though... been a rough week! I am so sorry for not being around these past few days. It's been craziness over here, but week 7 will be STRONG! I'm making a…
  • hey Ladies! Please bare with me... I just had the power restored from the outage we had as a result of the hurricane. Not sure if it's a permanent restoration or just temporary so I wanted to come on here and give a little Hello and tell you that I will be updating everything tomorrow morning as I have to catch up on…
  • WEEK 5 RESULTS: (I copy and pasted from losinit_4_good's post on the main sahmu thread for week 5). CONGRATS LADIES!!! AMAZING JOB! Hey y'all! Karie is busy this weekend so she has asked me to take over reporting the resuls from Week 5 as well as monitoriing the challenge for Week 6. So if you have any questions, or need…
  • My vote is for Green Teams fruit recipe! Love those things and my kids inhale them!
  • All of the points, weights, and calories burned have been added. Just need everone to go to the week 5 main thread and vote for your favorite team recipe! THANKS!
  • I posted week 5 team results under the week 5 thread if anyone is looking for them. Thanks.
  • Pink team scored 9 points for each member so 45 total. Not sure on the team points... How are we calculating team points this week? And our Total weight loss is 10.2 LBS!!! GO PINK GO! Total Team Calories Burned are 25,130 for the week!
  • Here is the winner for the Pink Teams Recipe Challenge provided by jennyfair24: Apple Pinwheels Ingredients 1/4 cup peanut butter 1-1/2 teaspoons honey 1/2 cup miniature semisweet chocolate chips 2 tablespoons raisins 4 medium unpeeled Red Delicious apples, cored Directions In a small bowl, combine peanut butter and honey;…
  • Okay so we all scored 9 points each for this week! Woo Hoo! *raises hands in the air and shakes frantically as if there are imaginary pom-poms there* lol. Our total team weight loss for this week is 10.2 lbs! That is effing awesome! GO GIRLS! And our team recipe winner is jennyfair24 with her apple pinwheels. Congrats Jen!…
  • Here are the links that we will need for this week: Main SAHMU Link FOR WEEK 6: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/325673-sahmu-60-day-challenge-week-6-closed-group Weigh Ins and Points Link: https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnwPqv9GV3KzdGUxdVFLcVdiZmFOVmQzbmd1Y3RCOEE&hl=en_US The recap on the…
  • Bring it... this is definitely working!
  • Starting SAHMU Weight 156 Week 1 Weight 152.9 Week 2 Weight 151.8 Week 3 Weight 151.8 Week 4 Weight 150.2 Week 5 Weight 148.0 Loss of 2.2 lbs. Hey it's a loss! WOO HOO!
  • Okay total Pts so far: Michelle- Amy- 9 pts Chella- 9 pts Jen- Tayla- 9 pts GOOD LUCK ON THE WEIGH IN'S TOMORROW! No matter what the scale says, I am So Proud of all of you! You are all amazing and I am proud to be captain of this team. The dedication, involvement, and drive that you all have is admirable and inspirational!
  • WOW! Michelle... WOW! You are a GORGEOUS ROCK STAR!
  • My recipe vote is for Jen's Apple Pinwheels... yum!
  • Hello Ladies! Sorry I have been a little MIA the past few days... 4 days ago I witnessed my 10 yr old niece snap her forearm in half... literally. If you take a twig and snap it in half, that was her arm. (she tripped over a bench and landed the wrong way on her arm). Most brutal thing I've ever seen in person. So…
  • TODAY'S CALORIES BURNED: Walking, 3.5 mph, uphill for 70 mins =476 Walking, 3.0 mph, mod. pace, walking dog for 20 mins =75 Rope jumping, moderate, general for 15 mins =170 TOTAL= 721 calories burn *plus i do the strength exercises listed below, but do not log the calories burned: 50 Squats 25 Push Ups (push-ups) 100…
  • Here is my Recipe for the week: (normally my kids and I HATE meatloaf, but for some reason if you put it in cupcake liners and top it with mashed potato frosting and voila... just like that, we will all eat the meatloaf . :) (again from skinnytaste.com) Skinny Meatloaf Cupcakes with Mashed Potato Frosting Gina's Weight…
  • UMM... Has anyone checked out the calorie's burned spreadsheet? Pink team is kicking *kitten* so far... just thought I'd share that! Nice work everyone! There is some SERIOUS BURN going on here! How's everyone doing on the motivation end? Anyone need anything?
  • I vote Green Team's recipe all the way.. omg I just might have to make them today lol.
  • Please find below a list of all of the links that we need for the SAHMU challenge (if I left any out please let me know) I thought it would be easier to have them all in one location: Weigh Ins and Points Link: https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnwPqv9GV3KzdGUxdVFLcVdiZmFOVmQzbmd1Y3RCOEE&hl=en_US The…
  • Good Morning Pink Team! Okay so I am on a mission to get into the 140's and continue to lose from there. I am up 5 ounces from yesterday and today is going to be a "kick my own *kitten*" workout day lol. I set my calorie goal at 4000 (a little crazy? Maybe, but I have to do something different and I think this will give me…