jsmerdel Member


  • From my FitBit app on iPhone. uploading images
  • I think I may have figured this out. Looks like this may be the setting that explains my original question. pic host
  • Hmm, thats an interesting thought. At the end of the workout the C25K app allows for you to post to both MFP and FB. I wonder if in addition to posting on the wall of MFP it's also logging the activity? That would make a double since I wear the FitBit During the run and it logs whatever it tracks during that time. Thanks…
  • I do have it set to sedentary, but I feel like that most accurate considering I work at a desk 99% of my work day. I do have the FitBit on my non-dominant hand and have the settings set as such. Hopefully you're correct in assuming MFP+FitBit are correct. I'll just keep an eye on it the next few days and see if it…
  • Ugh. I work on computers/software for a living and still sometimes things just aren't easy. I may be overthinking some applications and sometimes things just don't work as well as they probably could or should. I started out with a iFit Active band but ended up completely hating iFit. i wanted to use it since I bought a…
  • Well, I'm doing the C25K on my treadmill and FitBit seems to get that pretty accurate so I haven't modified it. It shows minutes walked and minutes run, but it was part of the same 30 minutes period it just separates them that way. Even still, I haven't used the extra calories "earned" regardless so I suppose I should be…
  • Thanks. I haven't gotten to week 4 yet but I'm hoping I can keep the pace I have started. Don't think I'll be trying any 5k's until I'm a little more comfortable running. Thats awesome that you already have. I think I have a complex about running outside for some reason. Not sure where that comes from.
  • Thank you. I had seen that and actually copied into a Excel sheet and formatted for print. But the C25K app is so much easier once I found that. And I appreciate the well wishes.
  • @jkal1979, I logged the grass cutting on Sunday. Yesterday I logged nothing manually despite what it may look like. @shadow2soul, I promise I am NOT logging manually except where noted (such as Sunday's grass cutting). Whatever is being logged is being done either through my FitBit or settings within MFP. @yarwell, like I…
  • I'm not logging anything manually. Fitbit it syncs automatically. Not sure where the other number comes from
  • Thats awesome. Hand or paper works. I don't really keep track of it, I plan to keep it the same the whole way through and just concentrate on the longer run intervals, maintaining proper technique and breathing then as I said trying to increase the speed or incline when I'm ready to start again. I'm not using an incline…
  • I purchased the app and have started using it this week. Works great. I'm doing 2.5mph warm up, 3mph walk and 5mph run intervals. Hopefully that will continue to work for me all the way through. Then I can start again with faster speeds or adding an incline. What walk/run speeds do you find comfortable? And by halfway do…
  • Thanks everyone for chiming in on this. I have a hard time with things that are left to interpretation or with variables. I like everything laid out in stone. But I think I can manage to find my own pace here and just hearing to do it slow and then work on the times is good for me. That gives me something to work with.…
  • I get that. I ate meat for the first time in a year last night in a meal that was 1570 calories by itself. As I logged it I felt disgusted. But whats done is done. I felt myself getting upset about it and when I stepped on the scale this morning and saw the +2 lbs I got angry. But I took a deep breath. My problem has…
  • @amusedmonkey & michikade. Thanks so much for taking the time to share that. Thats very helpful. Theres an overwhelming amount of info online but hard to find specifics. If this post is any indication of the support I'll find here I'm very enthused.
  • thanks for the response man. I'll look into the app, though I'm on iPhone but I'm sure theres an equivalent.
  • Congrats. I too have similar goals and am amazed at what just logging my diet has been able to do for me. I've fluctuated weight my entire life and at 33 hit my largest at 230 pounds (6' 1") and decided that I wasn't going to let it get worse. I've gained 35 pounds since I got a promotion that put me behind a computer all…