penash Member


  • I'd like to join the challenge too. As for me, I know how the story goes (and who gets the girl in the end). But, I have to say that I find Jacob to be a much more relatable character. So I guess I'm on Team Jacob. My biggest problem with weight is motivation. I will do really well for a while, then my bf will order pizza…
  • I really like Fage. It's so creamy and delicious. If you need to sweeten it up a bit to your taste, add just a touch of honey or some fresh or frozen fruit. Then it's healthy snack...filling and delicious
  • I think part of it depends on how you're built and how evenly you distribute fat. For me, if I lose between 8 and 10 pounds I go down a pant size, but I'm also losing on my hips and thighs. My belly is one of the last things to shrink. I have a friend who can lose 5 pounds and go down a size, but she's built very…
  • I'm looking to lose at least 15 by May. Maybe we could help each other stay on track.
  • Hello all...I'm new on this site too (just joined today). It's always helpful to have someone to share your journey with, so I'm also looking for friends. Feel free to add me to your list.