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  • Name: Penny Reddit Username: Penngi Male/Female? - Female/35 Where ya from?: Arlington, VA
  • 1. I have a family history of heart disease and diabetes...I want to avoid both of these. 2. I want to have the stamina to keep up with my active friends when we go hiking, kayaking, cycling, etc. 3. I have struggled with my weight my entire life and I honestly feel much better physically and emotionally when I'm slim. 4.…
  • My goal is under 20, but I feel perfectly fine as long as I stay under 40.
  • Go to your Exercise tab, click settings, and make sure that the box allowing negative calorie adjustments is clicked. I was having the same problem, clicking this box fixed it.
  • I've been back on the wagon for about three weeks. So far, so good. I had a lot of success with LCHF in the past, let myself slip back into eating high carbs and regained almost everything I had lost. I would love to have more support.
  • I tried it about 6 or 7 years ago. I really didn't like the food. I thought it was all very bland and tasteless.
  • This is my general philosophy about eating. My tricks? Do the shopping the perimeter of the store trick. I hit the produce section and get spinach, onion, bell peppers, apples, berries. I then hit the dairy aisle for butter, greek yogurt, and cheese. I then get eggs. Sometimes I pick up some nuts, depending on my mood.…
  • I have the female equivalent example: How about the woman I saw, buck naked with one foot up on the bench using the hair dryer to dry her pubes? I just let my hair air dry now.
  • I just got back into keto. Feel free to add me.
  • My husband has this same issue. For him, it is IBS and what triggers his is processed oils. Natural fats don't affect him but anything with corn oil, canola oil, or vegetable oil tears him up. He really just has to avoid those foods as much as possible. He's not on medications for it, because he knows what his trigger…
  • I'm really glad I've found this thread. I just stared the Induction Phase this past Monday. I've lost 3 pounds in the last 3 days. I had the "Atkins flu" one day, but it was only a mild headache and fatigue. I've felt great every other day. About 10 years ago I lost about 40 pounds doing Atkins, then I switched over to a…
  • I've been out of commission for the last few days. I had a wisdom tooth that started giving me a lot of trouble towards the end of last week. It's amazing how bad you can feel when something goes wrong with your teeth! I just couldnt' bring myself to go running when I was already in so much pain. Anyway, I plan to get back…
  • Ok, so I'm totally proud of myself today. I skipped my run yesterday because I had a splitting headache. Today, I'd talked myself out of going to the gym after work. My motivation level was running in the negative. But, I went anyway. I was able to finish W2D1, and felt great afterwards. Yay me!
  • I started gaining weight when I was a small child. I was always the chubby kid in class. Then I experienced some childhood abuse issues that completely obliterated every ounce of self-worth I had. I ate to my feelings. These issues were not even close to being resolved when I hit puberty. Unable to tolerate the changes in…
  • I make something very similar, only I throw in a little Worchestershire Sauce. Tasty, tasty. And you're right, sometimes you need to spruce up the dreaded chicken breast.
  • Tips/Tricks that I've found helpful: 1. Eat a light snack about 1 hour before running. It gives me enough energy to power through my workout. 2. Get a jammin' play list. The more upbeat my music, the more energy I feel. Very helpful when I'm starting to fatigue. 3. If I exercise in the morning, I find myself being a lot…
  • I've heard mixed messages on this issue. Some studies have suggested that aspartame makes people crave more (actual) sugar, leading to a binge...thus, weight gain. However, not everyone has this problem. I've never had an issue with my Diet Coke. It takes a full day for me to finish a 20oz soda, and completely satisfies my…
  • Just finished w1D2 before going to work today. This is the second time I've tried this program. As is typical for me, I do really well for the first few weeks then I get in my own way and stop taking time for myself. I'm hoping that posting here and getting the support of some peers (hint, hint) will help me with the…
  • It sounds like it's the season for allergies/head colds. I totally feel all of you...I've been sick for about a week now. I can finally breathe through my nose today, but I still can't smell or taste anything (and I have this sound in my ears like I'm underwater--Annoying!). Anyway, I"ve been eating mostly "comfort" foods…
  • When I was a Senior in high school, a friend of mine and I both broke up with our boyfriends at around the same time. By that time, pretty much everyone was paired up with dates. Instead of going stag to prom, we decided to be each other's dates. The week before prom we were pulled into the principal's office and told that…
  • Yes, there is such a thing as too much water. If you drink too much water, you induce a state know as hyponatremia, which can be potentially fatal. This is a state in which you've drank so much water that you've flushed out all of the electrolytes (sodium or potassium) from your body. Mind you, it takes A LOT of water to…
  • Hi everyone. I stepped on the scale this morning and almost jumped for joy. Down two pounds since last Wednesday! YAY! Anyway, reading over the thread, I'd say a lot of us had a difficult time with the pizza over the weekend. My bf bought a pizza stone for us so we can make our own pizza. I haven't been able to get the…
  • I survived the weekend (which included pizza/movie night without going over my calories--YAY!) and have had a good start to the week. I weighed myself this morning and I'm down two pounds already. Feeling great about that!
  • Wow! That totally sucks. But, hopeless optimist that I am, I think this may be happening for a reason. I've noticed that sometimes God doesn't give us a light tap on the shoulder, he gives us a major kick in the behind to get us moving towards the direction we're supposed to go. I know it doesn't feel like it now, but I…
  • Sorry I missed the Friday weigh in. I' at 164, and I'd like to lose more than 10 by May, but you gotta start somewhere. My weekend goal is to start a jogging program.
  • I ALWAYS gain a couple pounds after starting a new workout. At first I thought I was doing something very wrong and got discouraged. That was until I asked a trainer at my gym, who basically told me the same thing that is in this article. Sure enough, about a week later, the scale went down and I started noticing that my…
  • I tried Alli once...and I can't say that I would recommend it. Not only did I have some pretty gross side effects when I went just a few grams over my fat content once in a while, but I really didn't lose any weight. The recommended a calorie range for me that was simply just too high. In addition to that, they will even…
  • I think one of the biggest challenges people face with weight loss is learning how to practice delayed gratification. We work so hard all week with eating right, tracking our calories, and working out, just to lose one pound?! Ugh! We want that quick result for our efforts. Unfortunately, for many of us, it's just not…