lalasmar Member


  • I also like that the calories and protein,carbs,fiber etc... are all listed on food tracked here. The thing is that I seem to have lost more weight on WW - and so it makes me wonder about what an average amount of calories would be for 29 points. I am thnking that I am eating too little calories set at 1200.
  • Beans are a great way to fill out a vegetable soup or chili. They add protein and fiber to almost anything. Buy dried beans - and soak and cook up a bag weekly. Then, you can use them to put on top of salds, wrap up in a whole wheat tortilla for lunch and make a veggie chili for dinner. They are about $1 a bag where I live…
  • I try to make sure that I always have a few staple items that I know I can make a quick meal out of : fruits and veggies (especially mixed bags of salads) skim milk chobani yogurt - i love the vanilla better oats oatmeal - quick and easy breakfast container of egg whites - also a very quick breakfast flatout bread - I use…
  • I had similar issues when I first tried to change to a more healthy diet. I have a husband and 5 children (mostly teenager boys really) who definetely love to eat. I started out making alot of my own dinners and snacks because I assumed that they wouldnt eat the healthy stuff. Now, almost a year later - we ALL are eating…
  • I am kind of there also. I know that I am not at any "goal weight" that would be set for me. But, I feel so much better than I have in so many years. And I just dont feel as obsessed about watching every little thing that goes into my mouth. I want to live "normally" for a while and if I loose some weight - great! If I…
  • I understand your frustration. I have also lost 97 lbs - in just about 1 year exactly. For the past 2 months, I feel like I have gained and relost the same 5 lbs or so. I, too, have good days and not so good days. And it is frustrating sometimes. But, I try to remember how far I have come and what a difference I have made…
  • I speak English as my first language and can understand most Arabic, but have a harder time actually speaking it. I also have studied French, Russian, and Polish in college, but studying it in school is so much different than actually having a working knowledge of it.
  • I started 30DS when i was about your weight. I did all of the modified exercise versions - and couldnt even keep up with those most of the time. I stayed with level one all the way thru and , by the end of the month, could finally get thru it. Just try - you will be amazed at what you can do . Take it slow and do what you…
  • Do you like yogurt?? Greek yogurt - plain or vanilla - mixed with some ffresh fruit is great. You can also crush some Kashi Cinnamon Harvest cereal on top for something more filling. Also, cottage cheese mixed with crushed pineapple or berries is also a great no-cook option. If you are worried about diabetes, try to go for…
  • I never used to want to eat breakfast and always said that I wasnt hungry in the morning but I notice that when I eat a filling breakfast, I am less hungry all day. It took a little while of almost forcing myself to eat something before taking my kids to school. Now, I look forward to breakfast everyday. I usually eat only…
  • I love it! I like chobani vanilla or plain Fage 0% fat. Then I add fresh strawberries, blueberries and raspberries. Sprinkle a few bisquits of Kashi Cinnamon Harvest cereal on top and it is a delicious breakfast. It keeps me full all morning.
  • This week I would like to: 1. Do some sort of exercise everyday 2. No mid afternoon snacking (this is my worst time of day) 3. Get creative with vegetables
  • Check out what you have available "On Demand" on Exercise TV. I workout early (around 5 am ) even though my youngest is 9. Sometimes it is the only time that I can get something in during the day. There is so much available On Demand - from Yoga to Dance to targetted workouts. I like alot of change in my workouts - so I…
  • Have you tried any of the Kashi TLC bars? I like them because I can read and know what all of the ingredients are - and they do taste pretty good. The cherry dark chocolate is delicious - and I also like the one with dark chocolate/coconut. The nutritional facts are decent - 120 calories 2g fat 4 g fiber 5g protein. Check…
  • Woke up SORE this back, my thighs, my arms......going to pop in two advil so I can get thru the workout this morning. If I dont do it as soon as I wake up, Ill keep putting it off all day.
  • For those that dont want to buy the DVD right away, I am doing mine on On Demand under Evercise TV. I have Verizon, but a friend of mine has it on Comcast Cable also. The only problem is that it is only Level 1, but I just didnt want it to stop me from starting today.
  • How are people recording the exercise? How many calories do you normally burn? I have tried to find some of the dvds that I have done, but couldnt find them in the exercise tracker and then didnt know what to put down.