Something Quick For Breakfast?



  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    Have any of you tasted like a waffle with peanut butter? Just thought of it, and not sure if it will taste as good as it sounds lol

    I love peanut butter on waffles. How about a Fiber bar with peanut butter on it (Fiber One Peanut Butter & oats bar is yummy with some extra PB on top).

    Can you get up a little earlier to give yourself more time in the mornings?

    Oh yeah, that fiber bar thing sounds good! I always try to get up earlier, but I'm so not a morning person, it rarely works out lol. I usually shower the night before, and everything; that way, I can just throw on my uniform and go in the morning. I can definitely do prep the night before for food, but I just love cuddling so much that I rarely find the motivation to get out of bed and leave my husband haha
  • Deathwithab
    Deathwithab Posts: 462 Member
    Have any of you tasted like a waffle with peanut butter? Just thought of it, and not sure if it will taste as good as it sounds lol

    i always eat my wafles with pb on them lol
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    I worry about the fat content
    In granola, how about yop, ensure shake, high fiber/low fat muffin or breakfast cookie?
    I made stove top stuffing ( high sodium...) then lined muffin tins with stuffing. Mixed egg whites, ham, green onion and cheese, pour over stuffing and bake till set. They make a tasty grab and go breakfast!!!!

    I don't really worry about fat. The reason I started trying to get fit is because my mom's diabetes has gotten out of control, and her lack of motivation to lose weight is worsening it. So I'm mostly worried about sugar, trying to avoid getting diabetes down the road!
  • honeybadger175
    honeybadger175 Posts: 69 Member
    Do you or anyone you know have a Costco membership? These Diabeteze peanutbutter chocolate bars are amazing! Low glycemic high protein, very filling cause they're so dense. I love them! Quick grab and go!
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    I use Jillian Michael's triple chocolate whey shake for breakfast. . It mixes really easy. . I like to add berries to mine. .

    Or fiber one bars, kelloggs antioxidant bars, or Cliff bars are good.

    Other than that I like a good hot cereal . . like oatmeal, or Bob's Red mill hot cereal. .

    Good luck dear.
  • honeybadger175
    honeybadger175 Posts: 69 Member
    Options can just order on line...thier site has great info too ;) good luck!
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Have any of you tasted like a waffle with peanut butter? Just thought of it, and not sure if it will taste as good as it sounds lol

    It is delicious. . . I buy lowfat nutrigrain waffles, or I go to sprouts and get buckwheat or flax waffles. . All of which taste great with peanut butter, almond butter, or sunflowerseed butter.
  • Jambe
    Jambe Posts: 58 Member
    For on the go, I like to eat Pure Protein bars. Theyre about 200 calories each and cost a little under a dollar each. Walmart, costco and sams club sells them. They last about 2-3 hours until I get hungry again.

    When I am at home, protein shake is the most cost efficient. Walmart is the cheapest I found at 15 dollars for 27 servings. 500ish calories, 2 cups of milk and 2 scoops. Keeps me full for 4-5 hours. Roughly $1.30 for 2 servings :) Takes me only a few minutes... as long as it takes to heat up a pop tart and wait for it to cool off :)
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    Do you or anyone you know have a Costco membership? These Diabeteze peanutbutter chocolate bars are amazing! Low glycemic high protein, very filling cause they're so dense. I love them! Quick grab and go!

    I have a Sam's Club membership. But no Costco in my area.
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    I use Jillian Michael's triple chocolate whey shake for breakfast. . It mixes really easy. . I like to add berries to mine. .

    Or fiber one bars, kelloggs antioxidant bars, or Cliff bars are good.

    Other than that I like a good hot cereal . . like oatmeal, or Bob's Red mill hot cereal. .

    Good luck dear.

    That sounds good! Is it available everywhere, or just health stores like GNC or just online? That shake sounds yum, though.
  • wamaverick
    wamaverick Posts: 68 Member
    I understand not being a morning person. I'm at 4:30-5, on the road by 6 to be to work by 7. Breakfast is my hardest meal.

    I struggle greatly not eating a crappy breakfast like toaster strudels or something of such. I commute 45+ minutes to work and the first 10 minutes of my drive is an 8% grade that I just focus on driving during so eating is out of the question which rules out smoothies for me as they separate before I get them drank and that's just yucky!

    I'm going to try the hard boiled eggs the night before or the few days before. I also thought about doing carrot sticks in a zip lock bag in the fridge. The other thing is keeping a healthy option on hand for the midday munchies like a high fiber cereal in a zip lock bag. I like granola bars but find that I need something else to go with it to tide me over. I have started eating my son's Simply Yogurt Go-gurts, a string cheese and a granola bar.

    The best advice I can give is to think outside of the box with foods for breakfast and perhaps "non-traditional breakfast foods" are going to be the answer. I know I'm struggling with this also. If I come up with a grand thing I'll let you know. Good Luck!
  • lalasmar
    lalasmar Posts: 18 Member
    Do you like yogurt?? Greek yogurt - plain or vanilla - mixed with some ffresh fruit is great. You can also crush some Kashi Cinnamon Harvest cereal on top for something more filling. Also, cottage cheese mixed with crushed pineapple or berries is also a great no-cook option.

    If you are worried about diabetes, try to go for something with less carbs and more protein. You will also feel full longer.
  • fatty2fabby
    fatty2fabby Posts: 415 Member
    piece of wholemeal toast with peanut / cashew butter w/ half a grapefruit
    so filling and loads of energy
  • Dunkirk
    Dunkirk Posts: 465 Member
    Have some cooked brown rice in the fridge, or frozen in portion sizes. Defrost rice in microwave if frozen. Mix in yoghurt and berries for a quick easy breakfast.
  • healthyliving_girl
    healthyliving_girl Posts: 290 Member
    My husband has the best tip I can think of: prepare everything the night before. :)

    I am forever rushing around, trying to do, grab, and make everything. It does work A LOT better to prep the night before. That way lots of things can become a "grab n go" breakfast.

    Even so, my staple for breakfast is generally a banana and/or a luna bar. Luna bars are about 170-180 calories and really filling.
  • proudmommylmb
    proudmommylmb Posts: 39 Member
    Lots of things you can do....

    1) Pre-bake breakfast muffins...i.e. whisked eggs (maybe 10 eggs for 24 muffins) plus any vegetable chopped up (bell pepper, onion, tomato, mushrooms + any kind of cheese or mix and match cheddar/jack and salt and pepper....Just mix them all up, pop them in the oven for about 30 minutes or so and've got 24 can just grab 3 at a time in a ziplock bag and just pop a banana in there...

    Or make yourself a filling shake..the kind others have already posted here
  • kel9680
    kel9680 Posts: 173 Member
    you can make scrambled eggs in the microwave, i do this a lot, i'm always rushing in the morning, I will make an egg wrap and take it to go. just use a glass bowl, any normal cereal bowl will work, i ususally use 2 eggs, spray the bowl with 0 cal cooking spray, just so they dont stick, scramble 2 eggs in bowl, my microwave takes 1:45 to cook them, i put them in a tortilla with a slice of cheese, roll it up, and go! it keeps me full for hours!

    I make smoothies also, i have a magic bullet which makes it so quick, i buy frozen fruit in a big bag from Sams club, take some frozen fruit, some plain vanilla yogurt (or whichever you prefer) and some orange juice, blend it up, and go, the magic bullet cups are made to drink right out of, so no clean up of the blender!

    or just make a pbj sandwich! and take it with you!
  • deadmittens
    deadmittens Posts: 536 Member
    They have oatmeal bars that I am just in LOVE with!! They are at grocery stores only (not super targets or walmarts) but they're GREAT! They're so heavy and filling and about 220 calories. I have yet to buy them myself, but I always snag them from my co-worker.

    Plus they're pretty big too, and heavy so they feel much more satisfying to eat than a poptart. (Trust me, hot fudge sundae poptarts used to by my weakness.)
  • nseuell
    nseuell Posts: 110
    Another really quick egg breakfast - I make this every other morning (alternating with oatmeal) pour liquid egg whites into a glass bowl, pop in microwave for 1-2 minutes, buy pre-packaged pico de gallo or make your own, scoop some on top. I eat it in the car! :)
  • cbelt82
    cbelt82 Posts: 62
    Have any of you tasted like a waffle with peanut butter? Just thought of it, and not sure if it will taste as good as it sounds lol

    Hahahaha Nathan loves waffles with peanutbutter! lol