

  • Since it seems that it has not been mentioned, most people I have met seem to like a good sole (typically fried), you should try that. You could also come to Iceland, especially Ísafjörður, for the best fish restaurant there is, if that doesn't work you will probably have to give up.
  • Been there. It means you are consuming so few calories that your body has turned your metabolism low.
  • Congratulations!
  • It looks like you are low on calories! If you are suddenly doing a physically demanding job, then it can easily increase your calorie need from 500-1500 calories per day. Try to figure out your current need so as not to go into starvation mode. Starving is bad for happyness, diet, wellbeing and hard working people.
  • While things are going so well for you it should be OK to continue on these low calories. But as soon as you slow down I think you should really up your calories. Before you give up or something like that, at least.
  • I sure know what you mean. After almost 30 years of trying to battle my weight I have been in exactly your shoes....., - until recently! When I joined Myfitnesspal and started logging every food intake and excercise, distributing my calories througout the day in 5-6 meals (the biggest during dinner though), eating most of…
  • Take five. Makem different.
  • Your new style, exercising, could easily explain why you wouldn't loose any weight for quite a time, even one or two months. But you should feel some difference on your clothes. Patience is the key. And also try to enjoy yourself within the calorie boundaries.
  • This is for life. Find your calorie boundaries. Try to fill your diet with as healthy and enjoyable foods as possible. Something that could make the rest of your life pleasent. Spread your calories over the day, 5-6 meals. Preferably no meal should consist of more than 25% of your daily calorie intake. To loose weight, go…