colors_fade Member


  • Then don't. I don't count my exercise calories. At all. I calculated my TDEE at sedentary. And that's what I stay under for calories. Exercise calories then just become a hidden deficit value of some small measure that add to my overall deficit. This way I'm always on the correct side of the deficit.
  • Your PR at that weight is awesome. Congrats. I was chasing after 500 but finally decided fat-loss needed to take priority. I do a push-pull split, so I don't have "leg day" or "back day". I do this because I try to keep my MPS elevated for most of the week. Deadlifts fall on a "pull" day for me even though it's really a…
  • Bingo. These are all over my dairy. I only eat fast food when I am traveling, so I want something easy to eat-and-drive. Cheeseburger is 300 calories. Two for 600. Depending on my calorie budget that day, I get one or two.
  • Brett Contreras is the master of the glutes. He's done all the research and he's the reason the hip thrust is gaining popularity. You cannot go wrong with his "Strong Curves" book. The results of his clients should be all the proof anyone needs.
  • Dice up and cook slowly with some taco seasoning. Will be useful all week. I make burritos with my chicken breast all the time. Beats eating them plain. A tortilla shell will run you 160 calories. Throw in some lettuce, tomato, whatever veg you prefer. A little sour cream if you have the calorie room. Mine usually come in…
  • There's no specific forum for that, but you'll find information across a variety of the forums here. The video linked above is the best advice for diet. Then you just need a lifting routine. I'd recommend a push/pull that keeps your MPS levels elevated for the major body parts 6 days a week and staying away from bro-split…
  • 390 Calorie Breakfast burrito. Hot, fresh, takes only five minutes to make, tastes great and packs about 5x the protein of a bowl of oatmeal. 1x Reeser's Baja Cafe Burrito Size Tortilla Shell (160 cal) 1/2 cup Egg Beaters (60 cal) 1x Morningstar Farms - Sausage Patty (80 cal) Salsa (approximately 40 cal) 1x slice of Kraft…
  • This is why I rarely have a burger when I go out. They're just hugely expensive in the calorie department. My wife and I go out quite a bit, but we've learned to get appetizers instead, or a small steak. That said, I love burgers. But what I do for my burger craving is make them at home. Bison. I weigh it out. I use…
  • Once you hit intermediate weightlifting levels (newbie gains gone, a year+ in a gym, etc.), I think doing an upper body day with "all the exercises" is just not possible. Too many lifts/too many individual parts that need attention. You'll end up short-changing something (probably lats). The upper body split that I've…
  • People are trying to help you - by informing you that your goals are unrealistic. The idea is to get you to adjust your goals to something reasonable to achieve. Achievement & progress will help you stay on course. Failure will discourage. People on this message boards have been here a LONG time; we've been doing this for…
  • Yes, that is exactly what I did when I had a FitBit, and it's still what I do now just tracking with MFP. Sedentary. I found that to be way more accurate. In fact, what I've found to be most accurate when dealing with TDEE and exercise is always use Sedentary. Calculators have this tendency to overestimate exercise…
  • If you're lifting 6 days per week, yes. You're young and full of testosterone. Make sure those 200-300 calories over TDEE are protein sources and you'll do fine. Follow your programming and you'll put on muscle.
  • That's really awesome to see in a DEXA result. And inspiring. 43-year old female. I just weighed today, down another 7. I've lost 22 lbs. in just a 20.4 weeks. About 1 lb. per week. I took some measurements at the start. On my last weigh-in I measured my arms again: they had increased in diameter by .75 inch, while I had…
  • Brett Contreras wrote the book on glutes (and thus Strong Curves). He does tons of research into it. He's basically the guy who championed the hip thrust into popularity since it is scientifically proven to activate the glutes better than squats or deadlifts.…
  • Walking is an underrated exercise. If you dislike a lot of forms of cardio (like I do) then walk. It's actually an amazing way to add to your caloric deficit. And when the weather is nice it's a great way to get some fresh air and clear your head. It's decompression time.
  • He means get on a progressive overload program, like was suggested at the top of the thread. If you are just lifting willy-nilly without a proper program, you're not maximizing your efforts. You're wasting time, in other words. So get a on a proven progressive overload program. Because when you are eating at a deficit -…
  • They count, which is why I stopped cooking in oil. If you eat a lot of chicken like I do, I recommend alternate cooking methods. I started cooking in the oven and haven't looked back. I load up a bare 13x9 glass pan with chicken breasts and then salt and pepper. Put in the oven on low heat (300 degrees for 45 minutes…
  • The real question is: how many sets are you doing, total? How long is your workout? How much volume are you doing? What types of exercises are you doing? Beginners often make the mistake of doing a bunch of isolation lifts when what they really need to work on is the compound lifts to build strength and muscle. Typically,…
  • One other point: I don't know what order you're doing this in, but I'm going to guess you're on the cardio first since you wrote it first. If you're going to lift, lift first, then cardio. Reason being you want the glycogen in your muscles as energy to fuel your lifting. As you lift you will reduce these glycogen stores.…
  • 8-12 gets you into the hypertrophy range, which, if you're cutting (and he effectively is) that's where you want to be. So @mtbusse73, you like going to the gym (same here, it's how I got started as well). You want to lose fat and not muscle. As you eat at a deficit you're going to lose both fat and muscle UNLESS you live…
  • No. My go-to is whiskey and a diet coke chaser. If I'm sitting at home watching a movie with the family, I'm just alternating between these two items the whole time. Hard liquor is the way to go. Small amount for fewer calories with a better buzz. I've more or less turned away from beer because of the calorie content. I…
  • I don't log my coffee because I drink it black. On the rare occasion that I do have some kind of creamer or milk, I log it. Only you can decide what is right for you. But if, at the end of the day, you notice you're devoting 300 calories to milk for coffee, you might decide those calories are better spent on food.…
  • My opinion: I've bought several Fitbit Zips, and I'm done wasting money on these things. The wrist-worn trackers may be better, I don't know. But I don't like things on my wrists, so I've bought the Zips. They die fast. After the factory batter dies, all subsequent batteries seem to have about a 1/4 of the lifespan. The…
  • I use the stuff from Creature: What I like is that it's zero calorie, which is important while in a calorie deficit (which I am). And then if you're maintenance or bulking, just mix it with a protein shake. I get usually have two kinds…
  • My wife doesn't have access to a gym either, but she does yoga and has dumbbells, and she's ripped. So it can be done. Look for workouts online and YouTube that use the things you have access to. And I would recommend a few yoga classes if you have someone teaching nearby.
  • You're in a similar situation to me. Same amount of time lifting, experience, etc. What I've found, cutting, is that I can maintain strength as long as I get adequate protein intake and hit every major body part twice per week. Take advantage of the MPS window. When the 48-hours is over, I hit that muscle group again. My…
  • The OP asked why her trainer gave her a "no carbs until dinner time" edict. That's (likely - we're still guessing) the trainer's way of simplifying all these "complicated rules" down to something easy to follow and adhere to. She wanted to know more. Myself and others are simply trying to explain the logic behind the…
  • Yes, so why double-down on an insulin spike when you don't have to? So you'd rather be inefficient about it? That doesn't compute. I know of no study that says you can only burn fat for X amount of hours per day, so you might as well have elevated insulin levels the rest of the time...
  • This. (P.S. Nice link GauchoMark) Regulating insulin levels to optimize fat burning is not "bro science". Your trainer may not have explained the reasoning behind his logic because he's just trying to direct you in the most efficient manner possible. So it's up to you to engage him in a more detailed conversation as to the…
  • You must take the long view. The problem with weight loss, for many people, is there's a constant need for feedback. We weigh, we measure, we want to see results. But weight loss takes a long, long time. So the only way to make it work is through consistent effort, and realizing you are not going to see results day to day,…