Breakfast help??

I'm getting back on all of this and I have been back at it about a month but I've found I get hungrier quicker during the day and wondered any breakfast that can last me a while?
I start work at 8 and wake up at about 7, I try to have my breakfast around 10. I feel like breakfast and lunch is what causes me to fail during the day because I don't leave myself enough for dinner. I usually have 2 eggs on 2 toast for breakfast or a bowl of cerial. Tomorrow I'm going to try a yogurt and a fruit salad which is about 200 cal compared to my normal 400+ but don't think it'll last me that long? Any help on foods to keep you full :) I know eggs are supoose to but I seem to be hungry again around 12!


  • debtay123
    debtay123 Posts: 1,327 Member
    What about oatmeal- that usually keeps me full- also eggs with and veggies like an omelette and slice of while grain toast- Love Dave's killer bread
  • regina_demcuka
    regina_demcuka Posts: 12 Member
    I think it depends on person. But if you have your breakfest between 7-8 than i think it's okay to have lunch at 12. I have breakfest at 7-8am and it's 36gr of plain oats and black coffee (everyday :D i just like oats) around 135cal and it lasts till 12, max 13pm.
  • dressagerider1020
    dressagerider1020 Posts: 108 Member
    I partially cook 1 scrambled egg at home, and take 2 pieces of turkey bacon and a light English muffin. Heat it up around 9am, that cooks the rest of the egg. But I do need something before lunch, so I take Halo oranges or something around 100 calories so I don't overeat at lunch.
  • sportychic87
    sportychic87 Posts: 214 Member
    If you like veggies, toss a bunch of finely chopped veggies into your two eggs. Toss in a slice of cheese and you’ll have a hefty omelette. Then you could have oatmeal or grits (minus butter) as a side.
  • ZRunner5Lulaica
    ZRunner5Lulaica Posts: 168 Member
    Oatmeals or dairy tend to keep me full for the longest. I vary up my breakfasts, so this week is cottage cheese and fresh berries (yay for sales that fit my tastes).

    I've never stayed full long on eggs without adding some carbs in (usually fried egg and ham sandwiches).
  • kemoon0915
    kemoon0915 Posts: 113 Member
    edited January 2018
    I have the exact same breakfast every day, which is half a cup of egg beaters with 2 tablespoons of cheddar cheese. It's not a big breakfast, but I always have my first snack about 2 hours later which is usually cottage cheese or Greek yogurt (high in protein and keeps me full). I then have a another small snack about 2 hours later (a glass of skim milk, 2 pieces of Turkey bacon, an ounce of sharp cheddar cheese, etc) and then i have my lunch in another 2 hours which is usually egg salad, tuna salad, or chicken salad made with Greek yogurt instead of mayonnaise on Nature's Own light bread which is only 80 calories per 2 slices. I then have another snack before my highest calorie meal of the day which is dinner, followed by dessert which is usually a nutri-grain bar or one serving of Oreo Thins or a 100 calorie snickers or Twix. Basically, I have several small meals throughout the day and it really works well for me.
  • JMcGee2018
    JMcGee2018 Posts: 275 Member
    edited January 2018
    Cut out the bread and substitute it with some fruit and you could save yourself 100+ calories (depending on the fruit). That way you could eat breakfast earlier and a small lunch later to hopefully keep you from being hungry before dinner, all for the same calories.

    I like to eat most of my calories at night, so I have a protein shake for breakfast (150 calories) and two hard boiled eggs with horseradish mustard for lunch (200 calories) and am fine until I get home. Then I have a small snack (14g almonds or trail mix for ~70 calories) and still have a good amount left over for dinner.

    Sometimes I get hungry, but once you accept that hungry isn't bad, you learn to handle it in a healthy way. Plus, I drink a lot of tea and water. The tea especially helps.

    EDIT: What are your stats and your calorie goal? 400 for half the day isn't bad.
  • LaurenMT96
    LaurenMT96 Posts: 184 Member
    I have the Skyr yoghurt, 350 grams, massive tub! 190 calories, minimal fat but 30+ grams of protein! i eat it around 9:30 - 10:30 and keeps me full and not snacking until lunch at 1:30 !
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    @katiehepp1 What target are you actually aiming for? I have a 500 calories breakfast around 6:30am before my 7:30am job. Then another 600 at lunch and dinner, with possibly 200 for snacks. Of course this varies a bit, but usually fits in my 1960 target, and I feel okay.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    What are your preferred eating times (if 10 am breakfast, when do you have lunch and dinner? any snacks?) and how many calories for each? Do you definitely prefer to have breakfast?

    I tend to eat at 6 am, noon, and 9 pm (I know that's kind of weird) and when I was losing I liked to do 350, 500, and then what was left for dinner (I usually had around 1500 calories). Yours may be very difference, and understanding how long you need it to last and calories you want to have will help. Do you need it to travel well so you can eat it at work?
  • katiehepp1
    katiehepp1 Posts: 138 Member
    Yes I do have to travel! Probably 10, and I try to last until 1 but I normally get hungry around 12! And then 5/6 for dinner.
  • Icrizz
    Icrizz Posts: 69 Member
    What about having a small snack instead between meals? Small = 100-150 cals
  • CaliMomTeach
    CaliMomTeach Posts: 745 Member
    I have steel cut oatmeal and mash a banana into it. It is filling and not that many calories.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited January 2018
    Are your lunches keeping you happy until dinner? If so, and given that it's only 2-3 hours before lunch and you want more cals available for dinner, I think the idea to try doing about 200 cal is a good one. Just try a few different things -- I actually find low fat greek yogurt or cottage cheese really filling and would pair it with fruit or maybe half an avocado or some veg. It may not work, but it's something to try.
  • krisg1978
    krisg1978 Posts: 2 Member
    Try steel cut oatmeal with blueberries, i also add a little fat free milk to it and cinnamon..
  • colors_fade
    colors_fade Posts: 464 Member
    390 Calorie Breakfast burrito. Hot, fresh, takes only five minutes to make, tastes great and packs about 5x the protein of a bowl of oatmeal.

    1x Reeser's Baja Cafe Burrito Size Tortilla Shell (160 cal)
    1/2 cup Egg Beaters (60 cal)
    1x Morningstar Farms - Sausage Patty (80 cal)
    Salsa (approximately 40 cal)
    1x slice of Kraft Cheese (60 cal)

    Burrito: 390 cals. 30 grams of protein.

    Also, when I first started doing this, I got hungry. It's just part of the normal process of adjusting from a calorie-rich diet to a calorie-lite one. To get through the day under-budget I frequently scheduled in a 200 cal snack during the day. Oikos makes a Triple Yogurt that has 15 grams of protein for 120 calories. Throw in a few nuts of your favorite nuts and you can get a nice, protein-packed snack for 200-250 calories that will get you through to a late lunch.

    When you're transitioning your body from calorie-rich to calorie-lite, you just have to eat strategically so you minimize hunger. Eventually your body will adjust fully to the reduced calories. But until it does, dealing with the hunger takes some planning.

  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I think it depends on person. But if you have your breakfest between 7-8 than i think it's okay to have lunch at 12. I have breakfest at 7-8am and it's 36gr of plain oats and black coffee (everyday :D i just like oats) around 135cal and it lasts till 12, max 13pm.

    Yes - it does depend on the person......

    OP - filling components are protein, fat and fiber. But it's not the same combination for everyone.

    Plain oats aren't super filling for me. I make my oatmeal with milk (for protein) and add chopped banana or nuts.

    2% Greek yogurt with berries and Fiber One cereal sprinkles is filling for me too.

    Just keep experimenting.