

  • I recently discovered "my drink" and shared it on my blog. I've gotten great feedback--it super simple! Just be sure to order enough limes! Check it out. http://kristinfoteh.blogspot.com/2011/07/tgif-favs.html
  • Ladies! I have a feeling June is going to be a good month! Looks like everyone is excited to jumpstart the summer. Since I've gotten my gym membership, I've gone ever day except for 2 days! Today, I went to the gym for my lunch break and I plan on returning after work since I'll be at a birthday celebration dinner and…
  • Hey Ladies! I've been MIA my first month in this group, sorry! I will try to log on here a little more. May was a crazy up and down battle for me. My goals were to input all foods (good and bad), lose 2-5 lbs, and work out at least 3x a week. Well I gained about 5 lbs due to stress and emotional eating, and did not put in…
  • Thanks for being so welcoming ladies! I'm excited to be apart of this group. I definitely need the encouragement today. Although I'm eating very consciously, I'm not feeling good. I'm bloated and just feel fat :( No worries! I'm just gonna accept that everyday cannot be the absolute best! Have a Happy Friday loves!
  • This morning I had my first attempt at an omelet, and it was so delicious! 3 Egg Whites 2 Tablespoons of reduced fat Feta 1 cup of fresh Spinach 3 cherub Tomatoes diced Pepper to taste I also had half of a grapefruit. This breakfast is a great kickoff to my Friday! I hope you guys try this...Enjoy!
  • Hi Everyone! I stumble upon this thread, and I would love to join! I'm 23 and ready to tone up and get back into shape. I want to lose 10 lbs, but most of all I want to be happy and healthy! My weaknesses are late night binging, chocolate, and cereal. Once I eat some, I eat all, and I usually never log it. I hope this…
  • I've been with a trainer for the past two months and he told our group no carbs or fruit after 4 p.m. I was shocked about the fruit part, and it was very hard at first, but I wake up feeling lighter and less sluggish. He also suggested we eat a piece of fruit first thing in the morning then our normal breakfast. You can…
  • Just curious before I purchase the book. What does the 17 Day Diet say about alcohol and eating out?
  • Is each Cycle 17 days or is it a total of 17 day with all 4 cycles?
  • Try Salsa! At first I was skeptical and craved tortilla chips, but then I tried it and it is so much better than dressing. I like HEB Brand's Cilantro Salsa.
  • Shape Magazine always has great ideas! http://www.shape.com/healthy-eating/40-crunchy-and-creamy-healthy-snack-ideas-under-200-calories
  • Second night without binging! I came home from work craving some cereal and had a small small bowl of Kashi Go Lean Crunch before my training session. Not too bad! I'm feeling so much better and energized in the morning! Thanks again for all the advice.
  • Start you day off with a piece of fruit! I usually eat 1/2 a grapefruit or 1/2 a banana. If fruit isn't your thing in the morning, try whole wheat toast or 1/2 whole wheat English muffin with a tsp of natural peanut butter.
  • Thank you all, this is great advice! I will keep you posted. After some research, I think I'm going to head over to GNC and find Panax Ginseng & a protein mix. I think I may be eating too few calories during the day. A protein shake should help right? What are some favorites?
  • As a fruit lover, I always see myself in the red with sugar. I'm currently working with a personal trainer, and I showed him my grocery list, and he scratched off half of my fruit. He told me to pick 3-4 fruit to eat until my next shopping trip (I chose grapefruit, berries, bananas and apples). Make sure the fruit you are…