Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - June Challenge!!



  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    AFM - life has been a total mess this week and sooo hectic i haven't even considered my goals for June yet. i will think about what I want to achieve this month throughout the day and post my results from May and new June goals tonight.They will all most likely be related to my lifestyle and mental health/well-being. I definitely need to continue working on this whole "balance' thing and to stop allowing myself to feel so much stress over things I cannot control.

    Food and eating has been very good the last few days, but it's a definitely struggle with the new job. The hours of work are flexible but often require me to stay late and by the time I get home I am totally famished and running out of time to get to the gym, so I am wholly unmotivated to make dinner. I know that planning ahead is the key but I can find that sometimes planning meals in advance stresses me out more than it really needs to. I end up obsessing about my food instead of enjoying it and it turns into a very negative and destructive experience. I'll have to find some solution that works best for me!

    Anyway I have baseball tonight after work so Ill be around later tonight. Thanks for keeping things ordered around here, guys. You're the best!
    Meag :heart:
  • Bumping for later!
  • I will join!!

    erinnmcpherson- Goals: Drink 6-8 cups of water a day, lose at least three pounds, run/walk a 5k scheduled for June 18, run 3x a week, cook/eat more fruits and veggies again (and less processed foods) and start 30DS again.
  • crystalfaith
    crystalfaith Posts: 23 Member
    Hey everyone! I definitely began to fall off the wagon towards the end of May so needless to say, I did not complete all of my goals :grumble: BUT, what can you do except look forward right? So from here on out, no more feeling guilty and only pushing forward one day at a time! :smile:

    My goals for June are: workout at least 4x a week, solidify my spot in the 140s (shooting for 145), containing my eating on the weekends, drink lots of water!

    Have a great day ladies!
    Angela4Health -run 50 miles in June and eat clean for 29 of the next 30 days
    CCSunlight- Drink at least 8c of water a day, lose 8 pounds, and make sure to stay on track as I move and settle in
    Ashleypeterson37:: Finish the last 10 days of 30DS, finally hit ONEDERLAND (8lbs away), run at least 50 miles and start Ripped in 30!
    ashleyk_xox- Lose 10 pounds to make it to my 100 pounds total lost, bring ALL my meals to work, complete entire 30 DS video, NO sweat tea, go to the gym at least 4 times every week, and tone my legs enough to wear shorts!
    Anitanz - loose 2kg to get down to 63kg / 139lb. Drink less alcohol and look and feel great at my 30th!
    ~KanCrav~..... Reach 135. ~ Drink at least 80oz of water a day. ~ Work out 6 days a week, even if its just Shred. ~ Finish Shred! ~Run at least 4 miles a week.
    milieitner-Get into the 8-stone-something category, Finish shred and start NMTZ, and Eat 100% clean 5 days a week
    emmaldownie (Emma)- cycle 100k, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
    mkingraham (Megan)- Strength train at least 2 times a week, DON'T Weigh-in until July 1, run at least 2 miles 3 times a week, believe in myself, lose 8 lbs (ambitious I know)
    erinnmcpherson- Goals: Drink 6-8 cups of water a day, lose at least three pounds, run/walk a 5k scheduled for June 18, run 3x a week, cook/eat more fruits and veggies again (and less processed foods) and start 30DS again.
    Crystalfaith: workout at least 4x a week, solidify my spot in the 140s (shooting for 145), containing my eating on the weekends, drink lots of water!
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Cant Believe it's June already!!!!

    May Goals were:
    not focus on the scale loss! keep working on running plan that I came up with for the 5k in June. Start the push-up and squat 6 week challenge

    Definitely did not focus on the scale! Even took it a step further when I started my Whole30 challenge which meant no weighing in or measuring for 30 days. Running plan suffered a little with my new crossfit routine and this crazy weather. Push-up and squat challenge were going really well and then I joined crossfit and I kinda had to bail on them... sorry Meag :ohwell:

    I am actually really proud of myself for this past month. I just kept listening to my body and what it needed and made adjustments accordingly! It was a great month for me and I can feel that June is going to be another great one!!!!

    So for June:
    Continue with crossfit schedule of 3 days a week (MWF) get back in to a better running schedule (TR, Sat or Sun), compete in Father's Day 5k (hoping for a solid PR!) work on letting myself just get outside and relax a little bit on my day off, complete my Whole 30 challenge (check out my blog to see what it is).

  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Angela4Health -run 50 miles in June and eat clean for 29 of the next 30 days
    CCSunlight- Drink at least 8c of water a day, lose 8 pounds, and make sure to stay on track as I move and settle in
    Ashleypeterson37:: Finish the last 10 days of 30DS, finally hit ONEDERLAND (8lbs away), run at least 50 miles and start Ripped in 30!
    ashleyk_xox- Lose 10 pounds to make it to my 100 pounds total lost, bring ALL my meals to work, complete entire 30 DS video, NO sweat tea, go to the gym at least 4 times every week, and tone my legs enough to wear shorts!
    Anitanz - loose 2kg to get down to 63kg / 139lb. Drink less alcohol and look and feel great at my 30th!
    ~KanCrav~..... Reach 135. ~ Drink at least 80oz of water a day. ~ Work out 6 days a week, even if its just Shred. ~ Finish Shred! ~Run at least 4 miles a week.
    milieitner-Get into the 8-stone-something category, Finish shred and start NMTZ, and Eat 100% clean 5 days a week
    emmaldownie (Emma)- cycle 100k, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
    mkingraham (Megan)- Strength train at least 2 times a week, DON'T Weigh-in until July 1, run at least 2 miles 3 times a week, believe in myself, lose 8 lbs (ambitious I know)
    erinnmcpherson- Goals: Drink 6-8 cups of water a day, lose at least three pounds, run/walk a 5k scheduled for June 18, run 3x a week, cook/eat more fruits and veggies again (and less processed foods) and start 30DS again.
    Crystalfaith: workout at least 4x a week, solidify my spot in the 140s (shooting for 145), containing my eating on the weekends, drink lots of water!
    Finncmh (Cait)- Continue with crossfit schedule of 3 days a week (MWF) get back in to a better running schedule (TR, Sat or Sun), compete in Father's Day 5k (hoping for a solid PR!) work on letting myself just get outside and relax a little bit on my day off, complete my Whole 30 challenge (check out my blog to see what it is).
  • So before getting to my June goals, my May goals were: hit 169lbs. Drink 64+ oz of H20 25/30 days. Finish C25K. Start One Hour Runner. Stick with 30DS.
    So I didn't make 169. I did, however, break through a pretty lengthy 'plateau' to land at 171. I only lost 2.5 pounds this month, but considering I didn't lose a single pound in April... I'll take it. I was basically negligent with water this month, so I'll be carrying that goal over to next month. I did finish C25K!! I'm currently working on One Hour Runner, which is... a beast. It's getting really, really hot here in Memphis so running outside is pretty miserable. Since I'm anti-treadmill, I haven't exactly figured out how I'm going to get my runs in. I've also been sticking with 30DS. I don't do it daily, so I'm not quite as far along as I thought I would be, but at least I'm doing it. So I'm 3/5 on goals last month, but I feel like I had a good month.

    Now for my June goals. I really am hoping to break into the 160s this month. So I'll put my goal at 168 pounds. My body seems to like to take it's sweet 'ol time with weight loss, so I think that's a reasonable goal. As for water, I'm going to say drink 32 ounces of water before drinking anything else. I want to stick with 30DS and OHR. Only one cheat meal a week, log everything else.

    Angela4Health -run 50 miles in June and eat clean for 29 of the next 30 days
    CCSunlight- Drink at least 8c of water a day, lose 8 pounds, and make sure to stay on track as I move and settle in
    Ashleypeterson37:: Finish the last 10 days of 30DS, finally hit ONEDERLAND (8lbs away), run at least 50 miles and start Ripped in 30!
    ashleyk_xox- Lose 10 pounds to make it to my 100 pounds total lost, bring ALL my meals to work, complete entire 30 DS video, NO sweat tea, go to the gym at least 4 times every week, and tone my legs enough to wear shorts!
    Anitanz - loose 2kg to get down to 63kg / 139lb. Drink less alcohol and look and feel great at my 30th!
    ~KanCrav~..... Reach 135. ~ Drink at least 80oz of water a day. ~ Work out 6 days a week, even if its just Shred. ~ Finish Shred! ~Run at least 4 miles a week.
    milieitner-Get into the 8-stone-something category, Finish shred and start NMTZ, and Eat 100% clean 5 days a week
    emmaldownie (Emma)- cycle 100k, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
    mkingraham (Megan)- Strength train at least 2 times a week, DON'T Weigh-in until July 1, run at least 2 miles 3 times a week, believe in myself, lose 8 lbs (ambitious I know)
    erinnmcpherson- Goals: Drink 6-8 cups of water a day, lose at least three pounds, run/walk a 5k scheduled for June 18, run 3x a week, cook/eat more fruits and veggies again (and less processed foods) and start 30DS again.
    Crystalfaith: workout at least 4x a week, solidify my spot in the 140s (shooting for 145), containing my eating on the weekends, drink lots of water!
    Finncmh (Cait)- Continue with crossfit schedule of 3 days a week (MWF) get back in to a better running schedule (TR, Sat or Sun), compete in Father's Day 5k (hoping for a solid PR!) work on letting myself just get outside and relax a little bit on my day off, complete my Whole 30 challenge (check out my blog to see what it is).
    shannonaufman: hit 168 pounds. Drink 32oz of H2O before any other beverage. Stick with 30DS and OHR. One cheat meal a week, log everything else.
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290

    Angela4Health -run 50 miles in June and eat clean for 29 of the next 30 days
    CCSunlight- Drink at least 8c of water a day, lose 8 pounds, and make sure to stay on track as I move and settle in
    Ashleypeterson37:: Finish the last 10 days of 30DS, finally hit ONEDERLAND (8lbs away), run at least 50 miles and start Ripped in 30!
    ashleyk_xox- Lose 10 pounds to make it to my 100 pounds total lost, bring ALL my meals to work, complete entire 30 DS video, NO sweat tea, go to the gym at least 4 times every week, and tone my legs enough to wear shorts!
    Anitanz - loose 2kg to get down to 63kg / 139lb. Drink less alcohol and look and feel great at my 30th!
    ~KanCrav~..... Reach 135. ~ Drink at least 80oz of water a day. ~ Work out 6 days a week, even if its just Shred. ~ Finish Shred! ~Run at least 4 miles a week.
    milieitner-Get into the 8-stone-something category, Finish shred and start NMTZ, and Eat 100% clean 5 days a week
    emmaldownie (Emma)- cycle 100k, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
    mkingraham (Megan)- Strength train at least 2 times a week, DON'T Weigh-in until July 1, run at least 2 miles 3 times a week, believe in myself, lose 8 lbs (ambitious I know)
    erinnmcpherson- Goals: Drink 6-8 cups of water a day, lose at least three pounds, run/walk a 5k scheduled for June 18, run 3x a week, cook/eat more fruits and veggies again (and less processed foods) and start 30DS again.
    Crystalfaith: workout at least 4x a week, solidify my spot in the 140s (shooting for 145), containing my eating on the weekends, drink lots of water!
    Finncmh (Cait)- Continue with crossfit schedule of 3 days a week (MWF) get back in to a better running schedule (TR, Sat or Sun), compete in Father's Day 5k (hoping for a solid PR!) work on letting myself just get outside and relax a little bit on my day off, complete my Whole 30 challenge (check out my blog to see what it is), continue to blog everyday about my experience with the Whole30 challenge.
    shannonaufman: hit 168 pounds. Drink 32oz of H2O before any other beverage. Stick with 30DS and OHR. One cheat meal a week, log everything else.

    added a blogging goal!
  • drjennelle
    drjennelle Posts: 138 Member
    may was up and down for me - i am not back to 130 (in fact im not at all sure where i am, i haven't weighed myself in a while! woot!) but i really started focusing on my nutrition the latter part of the month - and i drank more water as i wanted! woot woot!

    june will be tricky as i was away last weekend, will be away this weekend, have a concert and a benifit the following weekend, and then vacation in florida for 10 days, followed by the 4th of july! eek! so i really really want to try to make FUN not FOOD the FOCUS of the summer :bigsmile:

    Angela4Health -run 50 miles in June and eat clean for 29 of the next 30 days
    CCSunlight- Drink at least 8c of water a day, lose 8 pounds, and make sure to stay on track as I move and settle in
    Ashleypeterson37:: Finish the last 10 days of 30DS, finally hit ONEDERLAND (8lbs away), run at least 50 miles and start Ripped in 30!
    ashleyk_xox- Lose 10 pounds to make it to my 100 pounds total lost, bring ALL my meals to work, complete entire 30 DS video, NO sweat tea, go to the gym at least 4 times every week, and tone my legs enough to wear shorts!
    Anitanz - loose 2kg to get down to 63kg / 139lb. Drink less alcohol and look and feel great at my 30th!
    ~KanCrav~..... Reach 135. ~ Drink at least 80oz of water a day. ~ Work out 6 days a week, even if its just Shred. ~ Finish Shred! ~Run at least 4 miles a week.
    milieitner-Get into the 8-stone-something category, Finish shred and start NMTZ, and Eat 100% clean 5 days a week
    emmaldownie (Emma)- cycle 100k, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
    mkingraham (Megan)- Strength train at least 2 times a week, DON'T Weigh-in until July 1, run at least 2 miles 3 times a week, believe in myself, lose 8 lbs (ambitious I know)
    erinnmcpherson- Goals: Drink 6-8 cups of water a day, lose at least three pounds, run/walk a 5k scheduled for June 18, run 3x a week, cook/eat more fruits and veggies again (and less processed foods) and start 30DS again.
    Crystalfaith: workout at least 4x a week, solidify my spot in the 140s (shooting for 145), containing my eating on the weekends, drink lots of water!
    Finncmh (Cait)- Continue with crossfit schedule of 3 days a week (MWF) get back in to a better running schedule (TR, Sat or Sun), compete in Father's Day 5k (hoping for a solid PR!) work on letting myself just get outside and relax a little bit on my day off, complete my Whole 30 challenge (check out my blog to see what it is), continue to blog everyday about my experience with the Whole30 challenge.
    shannonaufman: hit 168 pounds. Drink 32oz of H2O before any other beverage. Stick with 30DS and OHR. One cheat meal a week, log everything else.
    jyopchick: stay on Turbo Fire schedule as much as possible (even through a 10-day beach vacation), make FUN not FOOD the FOCUS of the summer!! :)
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Tara- I wish you would post your results already! I'm anxious to see how much you kicked *kitten*

    Everyone else- great goals so far!! WOO June!
  • smapl001
    smapl001 Posts: 6 Member
    I'd like to join :)

    cw= 157
    gw =140
    goal for june = work out 3x a week and lose 8lbs :)
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    Tara- I wish you would post your results already! I'm anxious to see how much you kicked *kitten*

    Everyone else- great goals so far!! WOO June!

    i know! come on allie and tara!
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Angela4Health -run 50 miles in June and eat clean for 29 of the next 30 days
    CCSunlight- Drink at least 8c of water a day, lose 8 pounds, and make sure to stay on track as I move and settle in
    Ashleypeterson37:: Finish the last 10 days of 30DS, finally hit ONEDERLAND (8lbs away), run at least 50 miles and start Ripped in 30!
    ashleyk_xox- Lose 10 pounds to make it to my 100 pounds total lost, bring ALL my meals to work, complete entire 30 DS video, NO sweat tea, go to the gym at least 4 times every week, and tone my legs enough to wear shorts!
    Anitanz - loose 2kg to get down to 63kg / 139lb. Drink less alcohol and look and feel great at my 30th!
    ~KanCrav~..... Reach 135. ~ Drink at least 80oz of water a day. ~ Work out 6 days a week, even if its just Shred. ~ Finish Shred! ~Run at least 4 miles a week.
    milieitner-Get into the 8-stone-something category, Finish shred and start NMTZ, and Eat 100% clean 5 days a week
    emmaldownie (Emma)- cycle 100k, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
    mkingraham (Megan)- Strength train at least 2 times a week, DON'T Weigh-in until July 1, run at least 2 miles 3 times a week, believe in myself, lose 8 lbs (ambitious I know)
    erinnmcpherson- Goals: Drink 6-8 cups of water a day, lose at least three pounds, run/walk a 5k scheduled for June 18, run 3x a week, cook/eat more fruits and veggies again (and less processed foods) and start 30DS again.
    Crystalfaith: workout at least 4x a week, solidify my spot in the 140s (shooting for 145), containing my eating on the weekends, drink lots of water!
    Finncmh (Cait)- Continue with crossfit schedule of 3 days a week (MWF) get back in to a better running schedule (TR, Sat or Sun), compete in Father's Day 5k (hoping for a solid PR!) work on letting myself just get outside and relax a little bit on my day off, complete my Whole 30 challenge (check out my blog to see what it is), continue to blog everyday about my experience with the Whole30 challenge.
    shannonaufman: hit 168 pounds. Drink 32oz of H2O before any other beverage. Stick with 30DS and OHR. One cheat meal a week, log everything else.
    jyopchick: stay on Turbo Fire schedule as much as possible (even through a 10-day beach vacation), make FUN not FOOD the FOCUS of the summer!! :)
    smapl001-work out 3x a week and lose 8lbs :)

    adding smapl001!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Just setting my goals for now. I will try to come back to say more later. Crazy day peeps!

    Angela4Health -run 50 miles in June and eat clean for 29 of the next 30 days
    CCSunlight- Drink at least 8c of water a day, lose 8 pounds, and make sure to stay on track as I move and settle in
    Ashleypeterson37:: Finish the last 10 days of 30DS, finally hit ONEDERLAND (8lbs away), run at least 50 miles and start Ripped in 30!
    ashleyk_xox- Lose 10 pounds to make it to my 100 pounds total lost, bring ALL my meals to work, complete entire 30 DS video, NO sweat tea, go to the gym at least 4 times every week, and tone my legs enough to wear shorts!
    Anitanz - loose 2kg to get down to 63kg / 139lb. Drink less alcohol and look and feel great at my 30th!
    ~KanCrav~..... Reach 135. ~ Drink at least 80oz of water a day. ~ Work out 6 days a week, even if its just Shred. ~ Finish Shred! ~Run at least 4 miles a week.
    milieitner-Get into the 8-stone-something category, Finish shred and start NMTZ, and Eat 100% clean 5 days a week
    emmaldownie (Emma)- cycle 100k, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
    mkingraham (Megan)- Strength train at least 2 times a week, DON'T Weigh-in until July 1, run at least 2 miles 3 times a week, believe in myself, lose 8 lbs (ambitious I know)
    erinnmcpherson- Goals: Drink 6-8 cups of water a day, lose at least three pounds, run/walk a 5k scheduled for June 18, run 3x a week, cook/eat more fruits and veggies again (and less processed foods) and start 30DS again.
    Crystalfaith: workout at least 4x a week, solidify my spot in the 140s (shooting for 145), containing my eating on the weekends, drink lots of water!
    Finncmh (Cait)- Continue with crossfit schedule of 3 days a week (MWF) get back in to a better running schedule (TR, Sat or Sun), compete in Father's Day 5k (hoping for a solid PR!) work on letting myself just get outside and relax a little bit on my day off, complete my Whole 30 challenge (check out my blog to see what it is), continue to blog everyday about my experience with the Whole30 challenge.
    shannonaufman: hit 168 pounds. Drink 32oz of H2O before any other beverage. Stick with 30DS and OHR. One cheat meal a week, log everything else.
    jyopchick: stay on Turbo Fire schedule as much as possible (even through a 10-day beach vacation), make FUN not FOOD the FOCUS of the summer!! :)
    smapl001-work out 3x a week and lose 8lbs :)
    lostalykat- No weighing in until a month from my last WI day, June 26th. Focus on fueling for my workouts and staying in a good calorie range. Relax and stretch more, worry less. Check in on how I am feeling emotionally and mentally once a week.
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    ok quickly posting my official WI results and goals... well after not weighing in for about weeks, the final number today was 149.0.. so i did meet my goal for the month for being in the 140's, and i'm beyond happy to see no gain, however i must say i was a tad disappointed and was hoping to see something beyond that... though looking back on my last few days of eating.. no surprise... didn't take measurements, so totally clueless in that arena...this month is beginning with 9 days off from work with pretty much no commitments except a doc's appt...i think i really need to take this time to start planning meals and change up the diet and get away from the processed foods that i tend to rely on.. fortunately next month the farmer's market in my town will begin so that will def help! thanks again for a great month of support ladies.. here's to an even better June for us all!! and best of luck to those embarking on a no-scale challenge this month!!

    going off of the no-scale, i think this month i'm going to WI one day a week (been doing Mondays so i may stick with that) and not checking the scale every day.. it will def drive you crazy sometimes!

    Tara- i'm dying to hear your results!! and thank you again so so much for our daily check-ins.. it really helped me get back into logging and i know i couldn't have done it without u and the rest of our kicking *kitten* ladies!!

    Angela4Health -run 50 miles in June and eat clean for 29 of the next 30 days
    CCSunlight- Drink at least 8c of water a day, lose 8 pounds, and make sure to stay on track as I move and settle in
    Ashleypeterson37:: Finish the last 10 days of 30DS, finally hit ONEDERLAND (8lbs away), run at least 50 miles and start Ripped in 30!
    ashleyk_xox- Lose 10 pounds to make it to my 100 pounds total lost, bring ALL my meals to work, complete entire 30 DS video, NO sweat tea, go to the gym at least 4 times every week, and tone my legs enough to wear shorts!
    Anitanz - loose 2kg to get down to 63kg / 139lb. Drink less alcohol and look and feel great at my 30th!
    ~KanCrav~..... Reach 135. ~ Drink at least 80oz of water a day. ~ Work out 6 days a week, even if its just Shred. ~ Finish Shred! ~Run at least 4 miles a week.
    milieitner-Get into the 8-stone-something category, Finish shred and start NMTZ, and Eat 100% clean 5 days a week
    emmaldownie (Emma)- cycle 100k, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
    mkingraham (Megan)- Strength train at least 2 times a week, DON'T Weigh-in until July 1, run at least 2 miles 3 times a week, believe in myself, lose 8 lbs (ambitious I know)
    erinnmcpherson- Goals: Drink 6-8 cups of water a day, lose at least three pounds, run/walk a 5k scheduled for June 18, run 3x a week, cook/eat more fruits and veggies again (and less processed foods) and start 30DS again.
    Crystalfaith: workout at least 4x a week, solidify my spot in the 140s (shooting for 145), containing my eating on the weekends, drink lots of water!
    Finncmh (Cait)- Continue with crossfit schedule of 3 days a week (MWF) get back in to a better running schedule (TR, Sat or Sun), compete in Father's Day 5k (hoping for a solid PR!) work on letting myself just get outside and relax a little bit on my day off, complete my Whole 30 challenge (check out my blog to see what it is), continue to blog everyday about my experience with the Whole30 challenge.
    shannonaufman: hit 168 pounds. Drink 32oz of H2O before any other beverage. Stick with 30DS and OHR. One cheat meal a week, log everything else.
    jyopchick: stay on Turbo Fire schedule as much as possible (even through a 10-day beach vacation), make FUN not FOOD the FOCUS of the summer!! :)
    smapl001-work out 3x a week and lose 8lbs :)
    lostalykat- No weighing in until a month from my last WI day, June 26th. Focus on fueling for my workouts and staying in a good calorie range. Relax and stretch more, worry less. Check in on how I am feeling emotionally and mentally once a week.
    Allie7383- stay in the 140's.. WI once a week.. continue with the 30 Day Shred, focus on changing my eating, continue feeling better about myself, no matter the number on the scale!!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    Angela4Health -run 50 miles in June and eat clean for 29 of the next 30 days
    CCSunlight- Drink at least 8c of water a day, lose 8 pounds, and make sure to stay on track as I move and settle in
    Ashleypeterson37:: Finish the last 10 days of 30DS, finally hit ONEDERLAND (8lbs away), run at least 50 miles and start Ripped in 30!
    ashleyk_xox- Lose 10 pounds to make it to my 100 pounds total lost, bring ALL my meals to work, complete entire 30 DS video, NO sweat tea, go to the gym at least 4 times every week, and tone my legs enough to wear shorts!
    Anitanz - loose 2kg to get down to 63kg / 139lb. Drink less alcohol and look and feel great at my 30th!
    ~KanCrav~..... Reach 135. ~ Drink at least 80oz of water a day. ~ Work out 6 days a week, even if its just Shred. ~ Finish Shred! ~Run at least 4 miles a week.
    milieitner-Get into the 8-stone-something category, Finish shred and start NMTZ, and Eat 100% clean 5 days a week
    emmaldownie (Emma)- cycle 100k, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
    mkingraham (Megan)- Strength train at least 2 times a week, DON'T Weigh-in until July 1, run at least 2 miles 3 times a week, believe in myself, lose 8 lbs (ambitious I know)
    erinnmcpherson- Goals: Drink 6-8 cups of water a day, lose at least three pounds, run/walk a 5k scheduled for June 18, run 3x a week, cook/eat more fruits and veggies again (and less processed foods) and start 30DS again.
    Crystalfaith: workout at least 4x a week, solidify my spot in the 140s (shooting for 145), containing my eating on the weekends, drink lots of water!
    Finncmh (Cait)- Continue with crossfit schedule of 3 days a week (MWF) get back in to a better running schedule (TR, Sat or Sun), compete in Father's Day 5k (hoping for a solid PR!) work on letting myself just get outside and relax a little bit on my day off, complete my Whole 30 challenge (check out my blog to see what it is), continue to blog everyday about my experience with the Whole30 challenge.
    shannonaufman: hit 168 pounds. Drink 32oz of H2O before any other beverage. Stick with 30DS and OHR. One cheat meal a week, log everything else.
    jyopchick: stay on Turbo Fire schedule as much as possible (even through a 10-day beach vacation), make FUN not FOOD the FOCUS of the summer!! :)
    smapl001-work out 3x a week and lose 8lbs :)
    lostalykat- No weighing in until a month from my last WI day, June 26th. Focus on fueling for my workouts and staying in a good calorie range. Relax and stretch more, worry less. Check in on how I am feeling emotionally and mentally once a week.

    Mariababe81 (Mariam): I want to keep up with c25k and get to week 8 by the end of june, to continue zumba once a week and shred on days i cant run, get back to my clean eating!!! I am going to try to not weigh in every day and stick to once a month or fortnightly as i dont want the scale to rule my life! get the hang of maintainance!
  • shelsab
    shelsab Posts: 138 Member
    bumping for later....I need to think of my June goals :]
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Fixing the list
    Angela4Health -run 50 miles in June and eat clean for 29 of the next 30 days
    CCSunlight- Drink at least 8c of water a day, lose 8 pounds, and make sure to stay on track as I move and settle in
    Ashleypeterson37:: Finish the last 10 days of 30DS, finally hit ONEDERLAND (8lbs away), run at least 50 miles and start Ripped in 30!
    ashleyk_xox- Lose 10 pounds to make it to my 100 pounds total lost, bring ALL my meals to work, complete entire 30 DS video, NO sweat tea, go to the gym at least 4 times every week, and tone my legs enough to wear shorts!
    Anitanz - loose 2kg to get down to 63kg / 139lb. Drink less alcohol and look and feel great at my 30th!
    ~KanCrav~..... Reach 135. ~ Drink at least 80oz of water a day. ~ Work out 6 days a week, even if its just Shred. ~ Finish Shred! ~Run at least 4 miles a week.
    milieitner-Get into the 8-stone-something category, Finish shred and start NMTZ, and Eat 100% clean 5 days a week
    emmaldownie (Emma)- cycle 100k, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
    mkingraham (Megan)- Strength train at least 2 times a week, DON'T Weigh-in until July 1, run at least 2 miles 3 times a week, believe in myself, lose 8 lbs (ambitious I know)
    erinnmcpherson- Goals: Drink 6-8 cups of water a day, lose at least three pounds, run/walk a 5k scheduled for June 18, run 3x a week, cook/eat more fruits and veggies again (and less processed foods) and start 30DS again.
    Crystalfaith: workout at least 4x a week, solidify my spot in the 140s (shooting for 145), containing my eating on the weekends, drink lots of water!
    Finncmh (Cait)- Continue with crossfit schedule of 3 days a week (MWF) get back in to a better running schedule (TR, Sat or Sun), compete in Father's Day 5k (hoping for a solid PR!) work on letting myself just get outside and relax a little bit on my day off, complete my Whole 30 challenge (check out my blog to see what it is), continue to blog everyday about my experience with the Whole30 challenge.
    shannonaufman: hit 168 pounds. Drink 32oz of H2O before any other beverage. Stick with 30DS and OHR. One cheat meal a week, log everything else.
    jyopchick: stay on Turbo Fire schedule as much as possible (even through a 10-day beach vacation), make FUN not FOOD the FOCUS of the summer!! :)
    smapl001-work out 3x a week and lose 8lbs :)
    lostalykat- No weighing in until a month from my last WI day, June 26th. Focus on fueling for my workouts and staying in a good calorie range. Relax and stretch more, worry less. Check in on how I am feeling emotionally and mentally once a week.
    Allie7383- stay in the 140's.. WI once a week.. continue with the 30 Day Shred, focus on changing my eating, continue feeling better about myself, no matter the number on the scale!!
    Mariababe81 (Mariam): I want to keep up with c25k and get to week 8 by the end of june, to continue zumba once a week and shred on days i cant run, get back to my clean eating!!! I am going to try to not weigh in every day and stick to once a month or fortnightly as i dont want the scale to rule my life! get the hang of maintainance!
  • kafoteh
    kafoteh Posts: 18
    Hey Ladies!

    I've been MIA my first month in this group, sorry! I will try to log on here a little more. May was a crazy up and down battle for me. My goals were to input all foods (good and bad), lose 2-5 lbs, and work out at least 3x a week. Well I gained about 5 lbs due to stress and emotional eating, and did not put in all my food. BUT I've been working out about 5x a week and got a membership at a gym because it is soo hot here in TX! Let's start this summer off right! Here are my goals:

    *Lose 2-5 lbs
    *Workout at least 4x a week and at least 45 mins each session
    *Go to the golf driving range at least 3 times this month

    Angela4Health -run 50 miles in June and eat clean for 29 of the next 30 days
    CCSunlight- Drink at least 8c of water a day, lose 8 pounds, and make sure to stay on track as I move and settle in
    Ashleypeterson37:: Finish the last 10 days of 30DS, finally hit ONEDERLAND (8lbs away), run at least 50 miles and start Ripped in 30!
    ashleyk_xox- Lose 10 pounds to make it to my 100 pounds total lost, bring ALL my meals to work, complete entire 30 DS video, NO sweat tea, go to the gym at least 4 times every week, and tone my legs enough to wear shorts!
    Anitanz - loose 2kg to get down to 63kg / 139lb. Drink less alcohol and look and feel great at my 30th!
    ~KanCrav~..... Reach 135. ~ Drink at least 80oz of water a day. ~ Work out 6 days a week, even if its just Shred. ~ Finish Shred! ~Run at least 4 miles a week.
    milieitner-Get into the 8-stone-something category, Finish shred and start NMTZ, and Eat 100% clean 5 days a week
    emmaldownie (Emma)- cycle 100k, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
    mkingraham (Megan)- Strength train at least 2 times a week, DON'T Weigh-in until July 1, run at least 2 miles 3 times a week, believe in myself, lose 8 lbs (ambitious I know)
    erinnmcpherson- Goals: Drink 6-8 cups of water a day, lose at least three pounds, run/walk a 5k scheduled for June 18, run 3x a week, cook/eat more fruits and veggies again (and less processed foods) and start 30DS again.
    Crystalfaith: workout at least 4x a week, solidify my spot in the 140s (shooting for 145), containing my eating on the weekends, drink lots of water!
    Finncmh (Cait)- Continue with crossfit schedule of 3 days a week (MWF) get back in to a better running schedule (TR, Sat or Sun), compete in Father's Day 5k (hoping for a solid PR!) work on letting myself just get outside and relax a little bit on my day off, complete my Whole 30 challenge (check out my blog to see what it is), continue to blog everyday about my experience with the Whole30 challenge.
    shannonaufman: hit 168 pounds. Drink 32oz of H2O before any other beverage. Stick with 30DS and OHR. One cheat meal a week, log everything else.
    jyopchick: stay on Turbo Fire schedule as much as possible (even through a 10-day beach vacation), make FUN not FOOD the FOCUS of the summer!! :)
    smapl001-work out 3x a week and lose 8lbs :)
    lostalykat- No weighing in until a month from my last WI day, June 26th. Focus on fueling for my workouts and staying in a good calorie range. Relax and stretch more, worry less. Check in on how I am feeling emotionally and mentally once a week.
    Allie7383- stay in the 140's.. WI once a week.. continue with the 30 Day Shred, focus on changing my eating, continue feeling better about myself, no matter the number on the scale!!
    Mariababe81 (Mariam): I want to keep up with c25k and get to week 8 by the end of june, to continue zumba once a week and shred on days i cant run, get back to my clean eating!!! I am going to try to not weigh in every day and stick to once a month or fortnightly as i dont want the scale to rule my life! get the hang of maintainance!
    kafoteh (Kristin): *Lose 2-5 lbs *Workout at least 4x a week and at least 45 mins each session *Go to the golf driving range at least 3 times this month
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    **Changed my goal to 60 miles instead of 50 :)

    Angela4Health -run 60 miles in June and eat clean for 29 of the next 30 days
    CCSunlight- Drink at least 8c of water a day, lose 8 pounds, and make sure to stay on track as I move and settle in
    Ashleypeterson37:: Finish the last 10 days of 30DS, finally hit ONEDERLAND (8lbs away), run at least 50 miles and start Ripped in 30!
    ashleyk_xox- Lose 10 pounds to make it to my 100 pounds total lost, bring ALL my meals to work, complete entire 30 DS video, NO sweat tea, go to the gym at least 4 times every week, and tone my legs enough to wear shorts!
    Anitanz - loose 2kg to get down to 63kg / 139lb. Drink less alcohol and look and feel great at my 30th!
    ~KanCrav~..... Reach 135. ~ Drink at least 80oz of water a day. ~ Work out 6 days a week, even if its just Shred. ~ Finish Shred! ~Run at least 4 miles a week.
    milieitner-Get into the 8-stone-something category, Finish shred and start NMTZ, and Eat 100% clean 5 days a week
    emmaldownie (Emma)- cycle 100k, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
    mkingraham (Megan)- Strength train at least 2 times a week, DON'T Weigh-in until July 1, run at least 2 miles 3 times a week, believe in myself, lose 8 lbs (ambitious I know)
    erinnmcpherson- Goals: Drink 6-8 cups of water a day, lose at least three pounds, run/walk a 5k scheduled for June 18, run 3x a week, cook/eat more fruits and veggies again (and less processed foods) and start 30DS again.
    Crystalfaith: workout at least 4x a week, solidify my spot in the 140s (shooting for 145), containing my eating on the weekends, drink lots of water!
    Finncmh (Cait)- Continue with crossfit schedule of 3 days a week (MWF) get back in to a better running schedule (TR, Sat or Sun), compete in Father's Day 5k (hoping for a solid PR!) work on letting myself just get outside and relax a little bit on my day off, complete my Whole 30 challenge (check out my blog to see what it is), continue to blog everyday about my experience with the Whole30 challenge.
    shannonaufman: hit 168 pounds. Drink 32oz of H2O before any other beverage. Stick with 30DS and OHR. One cheat meal a week, log everything else.
    jyopchick: stay on Turbo Fire schedule as much as possible (even through a 10-day beach vacation), make FUN not FOOD the FOCUS of the summer!! :)
    smapl001-work out 3x a week and lose 8lbs :)
    lostalykat- No weighing in until a month from my last WI day, June 26th. Focus on fueling for my workouts and staying in a good calorie range. Relax and stretch more, worry less. Check in on how I am feeling emotionally and mentally once a week.
    Allie7383- stay in the 140's.. WI once a week.. continue with the 30 Day Shred, focus on changing my eating, continue feeling better about myself, no matter the number on the scale!!
    Mariababe81 (Mariam): I want to keep up with c25k and get to week 8 by the end of june, to continue zumba once a week and shred on days i cant run, get back to my clean eating!!! I am going to try to not weigh in every day and stick to once a month or fortnightly as i dont want the scale to rule my life! get the hang of maintainance!
    kafoteh (Kristin): *Lose 2-5 lbs *Workout at least 4x a week and at least 45 mins each session *Go to the golf driving range at least 3 times this month
This discussion has been closed.