Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - June Challenge!!

Hey everyone and welcome once again to another Kickin' *kitten* Challenge!

It's JUNE and can you believe we've made it this far? That's month NINE of our challenges and still going strong. Lots of folks seemed to drop out in the last month or so, or are "kicking around" but not really actively participating. Life gets in the way - Don't I know it - but let's not lose sight of our goals! Keep posting 'em and stay on track. Whether you update with us regularly or not, make sure that you always keep your own personal goals on the radar and take time each day to dedicate to your own health and well-being. You deserve it!

For those of you unfamiliar with our challenges...

This group/forum is an on-going conversation between motivated, dedicated and totally kick-*kitten* young people all working towards their own individual goals. Each month we are tasked with setting reasonable and attainable goals for ourselves and then checking-in with the group periodically, either to post questions or advice, update on your own personal progress, or provide support and encouragement for those of us that struggle with the everyday stresses and ups & downs of our journey toward healthier living.

Here's how it works:

1) As our veteran members (and newbs alike) sign onto the challenge once again, a list like the one found at the bottom of this post will start forming. This is our “goals list”. If you want to join the challenge, we ask that you copy and paste the most up-to-date list and tag your own screen name and goals to the bottom – this is so that we can keep things moving along and no one gets left behind! (If you notice that someone's been left off, due to a high volume of posting, please incorporate their goals back into the list whenever possible.)

2) Set attainable and realistic goals! I cannot stress this enough, and we will regularly be posting PSAs (as always) to this effect, but I am going to throw it out there right now just so that we're clear. This group is dedicated to supporting healthy living, first and foremost, and that includes physical, emotional and mental health. So set goals that you know you can reach, with hard work and persistence, and find ways to celebrate small victories whenever you can. This will help you stay motivated and on track! We recommend setting some non-scale goals along with a scale goal if you are trying to lose weight – seeing progress in your fitness, your measurements and your diet is a great way to celebrate small changes in your life that make a HUGE difference. Be flexible, know that things aren't going to go perfectly as planned every day, and allow some wiggle room for a bad day here and there. We all have them!

3) Once your goals are posted, stay active and enjoy the benefits of this awesome community. Oh, and invite your 20-something friends! Let's keep this group moving, ladies and gentleman!

But before all of that.... Here's the list of May goals. How did you do? Reach your goals? Still have things to work on? Did challenges arise throughout the month that you weren't expecting? And how did your goals change over the month? I want to hear about it!
Leela30: comment more on this month's challenge; eat at least 80g of protein a day
Believeinmagic: To lose 13 pounds; eat more vegetables and do more strength training
Meggonkgonk: To reach 133lbs; to run my 10k course at least 1x, Run my 4m run at 9:30
Allie7383:get out of the 150's finally, continue with the 30 Day Shred, work on increasing my running distance, and overall feeling good about myself!
SpaceCoconaut: To lose 2-3 lbs a week and stick to my experiment.
Shannonaufman: lose 4 pounds to hit 169. Drink 64+ ounces of water 25/30 days. Finish C25K. Start One Hour Runner. Stick with 30DS.
~KanCrav~ Reach 143, Jog at least 3 times outside,follow WO schedule, incorporate Low GI foods into my diet.
rai8759: GW 160.4, One day off per week (tracking food), WI on Friday, JM should kick my *kitten* 5-6 days a week, Cardio 3-5 days a week x 20-30 min., Tracking every day except day off, Eat less processed sugar
wardiemelissa (Melissa)-continue to maintain weight between 120-125 lbs; exercise routine 5 days running, 2 days strength, 1 day rest (long run 10+miles on Sundays), continue to test out new recipes (including new fruits and veggies), and making more time for my family, AND try to post at least ONCE a day!!!
pixycats: lose 5 pounds, continue C210K at least 3/week, stay under calorie goal 6/week, rest one day/week
finncmh- not focus on the scale loss! keep working on running plan that I came up with for the 5k in June. Start the push-up and squat 6 week challenge
lostalykat- To get back to 169 by June 1st. Work on headache prevention and be mindful of what I am doing and eating. Focus on my new training plan and enjoy life. Stress less, yoga more!
WannabRN10- get out of the 160's!!! Work out at least 3 days a week (piloxing class, hot yoga class, and weights class). Eat Dairy Queen only twice (it is my fav!). Stay in a positive mind set and not get over-stressed with school.
alwhisler-Increase my run to 45 minutes non-stop, get down to that lower pant size instead of being in-between :)
sarahmay25- Complete an ab circuit every day of the week except rest day, and decrease my finish time of a mile by the end of every week.
mkingraham (Megan)- get down to 208, strength train at least 2 times a week, run 3 times a week
eleanoreb (Eleanore or El) - improve 10k run time, stay in bottom part of weight range, face food head on and not give in to temptations (rather than just avoid)
MamaMango: Lose 7 pounds,keep my portions under control, do HIIT 3 times a week,strength train moderate-heavy 5 times a week,do some form of low to moderate cardio every other day,eat more fresh greens and less starch and grains! :)
jyopchick: get back to 130lbs, only allowed one day to go over cals (and within reason), and MORE WATER!!
crystalfaith: continue to workout at least 4 times a week, drink tons of water, finish the C25k program, and break into the 140s
LisaRid - lose 10 lbs, drink 8 glasses of water each day, exercise 4x per week, and curb my dessert eating. May is the month!!! :)
emmarie- do the best I can!
shelsab-keep up my 10k running schedule, lose 5lbs, strength training 2x week, 3 yoga classes.
k_ewilliams - log in everyday and keep out of the red, lose at least 5 pounds, run 3x a week
spellbinder25: (1) Lose 4lbs to reach 133.5, (2) Do 30 Day Shred 5 times/week, (3) Count calories everyday, (4) Update on this thread at least twice a week.
meagalayne - get back into my maintenance range and stay there, log food no more than 5 days/week, complete weeks 2 and 3 of the push-up challenge, make it to 4 spin classes, increase H2O consumption, and find ways make each day great!
nausicaa11-lose 6 pounds and try to reach the 8km/h mark on the treadmill.
McBody- actually rest on rest days; incorporate yoga; get back on a running schedule for race
carro585-workout 4x/week, average less than 200 beverage cal./day, don't fall too far off the wagon while on vacation
yvalcaraz-(Yolanda)- Run for 3 miles w/o stopping, lose 8lbs, 1000 sit-ups 3x wk, post at least once a week to the group
tjradd73(Tara)- to lose -5.4lbs to put me at 100lbs lost total, 8 cups H20/day, 3 days of my strength plan, 3 days of cardio, no more than 4 days over on my cals, and >20 under on my sodium.
stuartme123- finishing and passing my thesis, and cooking dinner more often
maddyguru - Build up endurace at the the gym and go at least 4-5x a wk, lose at least 5-6 lbs
Adrianamdelacruz(Adriana) - lose 5lbs., workout atleast 30mins.3 x/day and drink atleast 8 glasses of water a day
aoifebr - run 5k be under 85kg
noobiegotbass- lose 12 lbs, drink at least 5 glasses of water daily, walk 3x/wk, begin my first round of p90x, increase protein intake
dodier01 - Start 30DS, loose 8lbs by the end of the month, Complete Week 4 and start week 5 of C25K and drink lots of water!
kafoteh(Kristin)-Input ALL my meals/foods...even the bad ones. Lose 2-5 lbs. Exercise at least 3x/week
heather_miller - spend more time on mfp and less time web surfing. no fried food, no exceptions. lose 4 pounds.
justbreathe418 (Jess) - drink 8 cups of water daily, strength train 2 times a week, increase potassium intake and lower sodium intake, make 1 new healthy recipe a week
nolachick-work out atleast 5x a week (which is doable since i usually do 6x). tomorrow starts my second week of bootcamp and I need to stop sleeping in and wasting money (Its quite pricey).
mariababe81 (Mariam): to finish week 3 of c25k by end of this week, go zumba once a week. so x4 sessions of exercise/ week .drink no less than 9 cups of water/ day and enjoy being at goal weight.
Keep up all the hard work, ladies. You all motivate and inspire someone - so don't quit! :drinker:
Meag :heart:


  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    I guess I'll start? I've never joined before but I'd love to now! I'm 26 years old and trying to lose these last 2.5 - 3 lbs.

    Angela4Health - goal : run 50 miles in June and eat clean for 29 of the next 30 days
  • CCSunlight
    CCSunlight Posts: 249 Member
    I'd love to join!
    June Goals:
    Drink at least 8c of water a day, lose 8 pounds, and make sure to stay on track as I move and settle in
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Bump :-)
  • Ashleypeterson37
    Ashleypeterson37 Posts: 347 Member
    I would love to join!

    June goals: Finish the last 10 days of 30DS, finally hit ONEDERLAND (8lbs away), run at least 50 miles and start Ripped in 30!

    Oh and I'm 22 yrs old!
  • ashleyk_xox
    ashleyk_xox Posts: 158 Member
    Hi-Id like to join :) I am 24 years old

    Angela4Health -run 50 miles in June and eat clean for 29 of the next 30 days
    CCSunlight- Drink at least 8c of water a day, lose 8 pounds, and make sure to stay on track as I move and settle in
    Ashleypeterson37:: Finish the last 10 days of 30DS, finally hit ONEDERLAND (8lbs away), run at least 50 miles and start Ripped in 30!
    ashleyk_xox- Lose 10 pounds to make it to my 100 pounds total lost, bring ALL my meals to work, complete entire 30 DS video, NO sweat tea, go to the gym at least 4 times every week, and tone my legs enough to wear shorts!
  • Brooke1542
    Brooke1542 Posts: 115 Member
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Bumping for now! Finally weighing in tomorrow with Tara... depending on how that goes, i'll set my June goals :)
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    Bumping for later!
    tara and allie good luck ladies!!!! Cant wait to see how well u do! Im def going to do the no scale challenge to gain some control back!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
  • anitanz
    anitanz Posts: 72
    Hi! I'd like to join too.
    I'm 29 and I'm turning 30 at the start of July, so I guess I'll only be able to be a member of this group for a month! I want to loose a couple of kilos before my 30th.

    Angela4Health -run 50 miles in June and eat clean for 29 of the next 30 days
    CCSunlight- Drink at least 8c of water a day, lose 8 pounds, and make sure to stay on track as I move and settle in
    Ashleypeterson37:: Finish the last 10 days of 30DS, finally hit ONEDERLAND (8lbs away), run at least 50 miles and start Ripped in 30!
    ashleyk_xox- Lose 10 pounds to make it to my 100 pounds total lost, bring ALL my meals to work, complete entire 30 DS video, NO sweat tea, go to the gym at least 4 times every week, and tone my legs enough to wear shorts!
    Anitanz - loose 2kg to get down to 63kg / 139lb. Drink less alcohol and look and feel great at my 30th!
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    thanks maria!!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Angela4Health -run 50 miles in June and eat clean for 29 of the next 30 days
    CCSunlight- Drink at least 8c of water a day, lose 8 pounds, and make sure to stay on track as I move and settle in
    Ashleypeterson37:: Finish the last 10 days of 30DS, finally hit ONEDERLAND (8lbs away), run at least 50 miles and start Ripped in 30!
    ashleyk_xox- Lose 10 pounds to make it to my 100 pounds total lost, bring ALL my meals to work, complete entire 30 DS video, NO sweat tea, go to the gym at least 4 times every week, and tone my legs enough to wear shorts!
    Anitanz - loose 2kg to get down to 63kg / 139lb. Drink less alcohol and look and feel great at my 30th!
    ~KanCrav~..... Reach 135. ~ Drink at least 80oz of water a day. ~ Work out 6 days a week, even if its just Shred. ~ Finish Shred! ~Run at least 4 miles a week.
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    Hi I would like to join. I'm 21.
    My June goals are:
    1. Get into the 8-stone-something category
    2. Finish shred and start NMTZ
    3. Eat 100% clean 5 days a week

    It's an important month for me to get myself looking hotter since I am off abroad on 29th and need to buy some kind of beachwear this month :S
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    I completed my May goals, as I showed you Mayers in the last thread. This month I posted my goal in my signature so I dont forget it all. I want more than a scale goal and I always end up forgetting something small, so this time, Im wont!~!~!

    I am excited for June. Its my Birthday Month!~!~!:drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: Yeay!~!~!~!~! Its also my last month to make any changes before my cruise. I am also competing against 2 of my friends here. We have a 75 Euro gift card running on this!~! lol.

    Lets see what we can all do this month guys!~! Welcome all you new peeps, have fun and jump in!~!~!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member

    Angela4Health -run 50 miles in June and eat clean for 29 of the next 30 days
    CCSunlight- Drink at least 8c of water a day, lose 8 pounds, and make sure to stay on track as I move and settle in
    Ashleypeterson37:: Finish the last 10 days of 30DS, finally hit ONEDERLAND (8lbs away), run at least 50 miles and start Ripped in 30!
    ashleyk_xox- Lose 10 pounds to make it to my 100 pounds total lost, bring ALL my meals to work, complete entire 30 DS video, NO sweat tea, go to the gym at least 4 times every week, and tone my legs enough to wear shorts!
    Anitanz - loose 2kg to get down to 63kg / 139lb. Drink less alcohol and look and feel great at my 30th!
    ~KanCrav~..... Reach 135. ~ Drink at least 80oz of water a day. ~ Work out 6 days a week, even if its just Shred. ~ Finish Shred! ~Run at least 4 miles a week.
    milieitner-Get into the 8-stone-something category, Finish shred and start NMTZ, and Eat 100% clean 5 days a week
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    welcome to all the newbies so far!! :happy:

    Allie-soooooooooooooooooooo nervous!!! LOL :noway: :laugh:

    Mariam-thanks for the luck!! and glad to hear that you are doing the non-scale challenge! don't forget to see if Bethany, Aly, or Megan wanna join you!! :drinker:

    Kandace-CONGRATS on completing your May goals!! You are doing so great! and I love your goals for are gonna kill it! :heart:

    AFM-here we go!! :bigsmile:
  • emmaldownie
    emmaldownie Posts: 232 Member

    I'm Emma. I'm 24 and my goal for this month is to cycle 100k and keep on top of my water by drinking at least 8 glasses a day.

    I'd love to be part of your group :happy:
  • DTetz
    DTetz Posts: 109 Member
    I want to start but where do we post? In this thread or what?
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Woa - Love the influx of newbs! Hey ladies and welcome to the challenge! Just do your best to keep up with the posts, update us with any progress, questions or concerns, and use this group as a resource for meeting your goals. You're going to love it!

    Allie/Tara - GOOD LUCK TODAY LADIES! :drinker: I know you're both going to be AMAZING!

    Kan - Congrats on meeting your May goals :happy: Looks like you are really making an awesome effort with this lifestyle change and I am really proud of you! you are going kill this month and Im certain that wager is yours!

    anita- We've got at least one or two ladies that are in their twenties in spirit :bigsmile: We aren't of the habit of booting people out on their 30th bdays so if you like it here, you're always welcome to stay! fabulous goals and love the picture! you're gorgeous, lady! :happy:

    millie - great goals but be careful about trying to eat clean 100% of the time - some days we just can't manage that! make sure it's a reasonable goal for you and allow some wiggle room. there are always going to be circumstances we cannot control :wink:

    DTetz - just follow the instructions in the first post - decide on some goals, copy and paste the list, and add yours to the end :bigsmile: Then get to work on them!

    Updated list:

    Angela4Health -run 50 miles in June and eat clean for 29 of the next 30 days
    CCSunlight- Drink at least 8c of water a day, lose 8 pounds, and make sure to stay on track as I move and settle in
    Ashleypeterson37:: Finish the last 10 days of 30DS, finally hit ONEDERLAND (8lbs away), run at least 50 miles and start Ripped in 30!
    ashleyk_xox- Lose 10 pounds to make it to my 100 pounds total lost, bring ALL my meals to work, complete entire 30 DS video, NO sweat tea, go to the gym at least 4 times every week, and tone my legs enough to wear shorts!
    Anitanz - loose 2kg to get down to 63kg / 139lb. Drink less alcohol and look and feel great at my 30th!
    ~KanCrav~..... Reach 135. ~ Drink at least 80oz of water a day. ~ Work out 6 days a week, even if its just Shred. ~ Finish Shred! ~Run at least 4 miles a week.
    milieitner-Get into the 8-stone-something category, Finish shred and start NMTZ, and Eat 100% clean 5 days a week
    emmaldownie- cycle 100k and keep on top of my water by drinking at least 8 glasses a day.
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Ok here we go:

    mkingraham (Megan)- get down to 208, strength train at least 2 times a week, run 3 times a week

    Well this morning I weighed in at 211.5. I have been bouncing around the 210-211 area these past couple of weeks and I think its due to all of the visitors I've had the past couple of weeks, and its TOM so that doesn't help. But either way I feel pretty good about that. As far as strength training goes, I did it maybe 1 time a week, giant fail again, but I did run 3 times a week so yeah!!

    I am really pushing myself to refocus and reenergize so I'm going to do the no scale challenge. I am super nervous about it, but whatever happens, happens. I have a competition that is ending on Friday so I will weigh-in again on Friday and then that's it until July 1. I am also considering switching my weigh-in days to Wednesday because weighing in on a Monday is a little depressing.

    DTetz- Just copy and paste the newest list of the June goals into a new post in this thread and your off!!

    Angela4Health -run 50 miles in June and eat clean for 29 of the next 30 days
    CCSunlight- Drink at least 8c of water a day, lose 8 pounds, and make sure to stay on track as I move and settle in
    Ashleypeterson37:: Finish the last 10 days of 30DS, finally hit ONEDERLAND (8lbs away), run at least 50 miles and start Ripped in 30!
    ashleyk_xox- Lose 10 pounds to make it to my 100 pounds total lost, bring ALL my meals to work, complete entire 30 DS video, NO sweat tea, go to the gym at least 4 times every week, and tone my legs enough to wear shorts!
    Anitanz - loose 2kg to get down to 63kg / 139lb. Drink less alcohol and look and feel great at my 30th!
    ~KanCrav~..... Reach 135. ~ Drink at least 80oz of water a day. ~ Work out 6 days a week, even if its just Shred. ~ Finish Shred! ~Run at least 4 miles a week.
    milieitner-Get into the 8-stone-something category, Finish shred and start NMTZ, and Eat 100% clean 5 days a week
    emmaldownie (Emma)- cycle 100k, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
    mkingraham (Megan)- Strength train at least 2 times a week, DON'T Weigh-in until July 1, run at least 2 miles 3 times a week, believe in myself, lose 8 lbs (ambitious I know)