Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - June Challenge!!



  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Adding hanna1210- WELCOME to the group! Never too late to join :bigsmile:
    Angela4Health -run 60 miles in June and eat clean for 29 of the next 30 days
    CCSunlight- Drink at least 8c of water a day, lose 8 pounds, and make sure to stay on track as I move and settle in
    Ashleypeterson37:: Finish the last 10 days of 30DS, finally hit ONEDERLAND (8lbs away), run at least 50 miles and start Ripped in 30!
    ashleyk_xox- Lose 10 pounds to make it to my 100 pounds total lost, bring ALL my meals to work, complete entire 30 DS video, NO sweat tea, go to the gym at least 4 times every week, and tone my legs enough to wear shorts!
    Anitanz - loose 2kg to get down to 63kg / 139lb. Drink less alcohol and look and feel great at my 30th!
    ~KanCrav~..... Reach 135. ~ Drink at least 80oz of water a day. ~ Work out 6 days a week, even if its just Shred. ~ Finish Shred! ~Run at least 4 miles a week.
    milieitner-Get into the 8-stone-something category, Finish shred and start NMTZ, and Eat 100% clean 5 days a week
    emmaldownie (Emma)- cycle 100k, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
    mkingraham (Megan)- Strength train at least 2 times a week, DON'T Weigh-in until July 1, run at least 2 miles 3 times a week, believe in myself, lose 8 lbs (ambitious I know)
    erinnmcpherson- Goals: Drink 6-8 cups of water a day, lose at least three pounds, run/walk a 5k scheduled for June 18, run 3x a week, cook/eat more fruits and veggies again (and less processed foods) and start 30DS again.
    Crystalfaith: workout at least 4x a week, solidify my spot in the 140s (shooting for 145), containing my eating on the weekends, drink lots of water!
    Finncmh (Cait)- Continue with crossfit schedule of 3 days a week (MWF) get back in to a better running schedule (TR, Sat or Sun), compete in Father's Day 5k (hoping for a solid PR!) work on letting myself just get outside and relax a little bit on my day off, complete my Whole 30 challenge (check out my blog to see what it is), continue to blog everyday about my experience with the Whole30 challenge.
    shannonaufman: hit 168 pounds. Drink 32oz of H2O before any other beverage. Stick with 30DS and OHR. One cheat meal a week, log everything else.
    jyopchick: stay on Turbo Fire schedule as much as possible (even through a 10-day beach vacation), make FUN not FOOD the FOCUS of the summer!! :)
    smapl001-work out 3x a week and lose 8lbs :)
    lostalykat- No weighing in until a month from my last WI day, June 26th. Focus on fueling for my workouts and staying in a good calorie range. Relax and stretch more, worry less. Check in on how I am feeling emotionally and mentally once a week.
    Allie7383- stay in the 140's.. WI once a week.. continue with the 30 Day Shred, focus on changing my eating, continue feeling better about myself, no matter the number on the scale!!
    Mariababe81 (Mariam): I want to keep up with c25k and get to week 8 by the end of june, to continue zumba once a week and shred on days i cant run, get back to my clean eating!!! I am going to try to not weigh in every day and stick to once a month or fortnightly as i dont want the scale to rule my life! get the hang of maintainance!
    kafoteh (Kristin): *Lose 2-5 lbs *Workout at least 4x a week and at least 45 mins each session *Go to the golf driving range at least 3 times this month
    guamgrly (Bethany) - no scale!! Focus on the lifestyle, the routine, and meal planning. Work out 3x per week. Drink 8 glasses of water per day. Eat more fruits and veggies
    shelsab (alexis)- lose 5 lbs. Strength 3 x week. More veggies. Read more. Find some new healthy meals to make.
    tjradd73(Tara)- lose -6.0llbs, follow my new workout plan every day, try 2 new recipes, <1400 cal avg/week, and <4 days over cals total.
    meagalayne- get settled into a fitness schedule that works with my new job and stay accountable, continue logging only 5 days/week, make 2 spin classes, make fitness social at least once a week (cycling, running, walking, something - not including baseball games on Wed night), drink more water (!!!) and aim to get at least 6 hours of sleep at least 5 nights a week.
    imarunner8908- hit 155 by July 1st, start running again , drink at least 80 ounces of water a day, and give up eating fast food more than once a week, no TV
    Leela30: I'd love to lose at least 2-3 real pounds, but realistically my goal and what will happen is more maintenance.
    cmg2008: I would love to get down into the mid 140s, continue trekking on with C25K and I want to not eat any fast foods for the month of june =)
    Eleanoreb- Continue with maintenance and focus on eating healthier. I've been more caught up in maintaining, than in eating healthy. I need to cut back on all the treats ive been allowing myself lately
    Ley2ndtry: Complete weeks 1-4 on C25K
    Complete the 30 day shred and continue with Zumba - Fit into a size 14 finally and keep up healthy eating!!
    hanna1210 (Meghan)- Consistently work out with C25K, get in the 210s, work out at least 5 days a week.

  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Sorry I have been SOOOO MIA from the boards and posting. Just been really nutty in my life with work and wedding planning, but all VERY good stuff. I am still right on target with my Whole30 challenge, my eating, and working out. Just not able to spend enough time giving to you ladies right now! Sorry.

    Hopefully I will be back soon chattering away! Great job everyone!!!

  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    hey ladies!! hope you all had a good weekend and starting the week off on a strong foot! the weather is perfect by me, so it was super nice running this morning.. i finished around 11, so still not super warm yet.. so going off of my good vibes from the weekend, i was determined to get thru 4 miles today straight, no walking... and i did it!! i had a little walk before starting, but forgot to glance at my HRM when i actually started running, so the actual time i think is around 42 min.. and i even went a little further b/c i wanted to run til the end of the song i was listening to haha.. i’m aiming to get to at least 4.5 miles by the end of the week.. gotta get in gear if i wanna have a chance at this half-marathon in Oct!
    i feel so popular this week as i’m off, and have about 4 dinner invites from friends lol.. it’s great, but at the same time i wanted to get into better eating this week, and i feel like that’s going out the window.. thai food tonight.. i think i’m gonna try to take half home, and avoid the fried appetizers..

    so great to see several new members, welcome!! never too late to join this amazing group! if you’re looking for support you’ve come to the right place :)

    Kandace- so happy to see you’re feeling good again..congrats on the driver’s test!! major progress with the Shred.. i do it with 3 pound weights and barely make it through that.. level 2 is a killer on my shoulders.. next time will only be day 3 though so hopefully by day 10 it’ll be easier. that’s great that you got to do Turbokick! i’m sure the moves will come in time lol. that sux about the veggie situation, but believe me you don’t want your food to make you sick. granted this is a different situation, but i had to give up shrimp over 10 years ago b/c i would get food poisoning the next day. 8 hours of bathroom confinement not being able to even keep water down for more than 10 minutes is NOT fun! and forget salmonella and e.coli... very bad stuff.

    Bethany- Congrats on graduating!! hopefully life will slow down a bit for you now and you can put a schedule together.. and yay for Turbo!! you will def love it!

    Leela- thanks girl :) i say overcome your fear and just pop one of yourself up here! and btw i have the worst tan line ever! so i was sitting outside, and have this little strip of white across where my bellybutton is b/c when i sat my stomach folded in on itself a little lol.. gonna have to lay flat next time! i was mad but couldn’t help but laugh. luckily it’s a little even now. good luck on the intern front!

    Maria- so sorry to hear about all the negativity being thrown at you. i still have a decent way to go, and have people at work telling me i look good now, and shouldn’t lose more.. and this is from people seeing me in scrubs that i’m swimming in b/c most of the ones i have are from last year and i didn’t want to drop $200 on new ones lol.. once a month i have to go there during the day (i work nights) for a meeting and i love putting on regular clothes to show off the progress.. part of me wishes i could show them a pic of me practically naked, and point out my problem areas or something lol.. just ignore it, and chalk it up to jealousy.. yesterday i went to a bridal shower and saw this girl i used to be friends with, but which fizzled out after she got involved with this jerky guy.. anyways.. i hadn’t seen her in, i can’t even tell you how long, and she didn’t say a word about how i looked, while i had other people who had seen me a couple months ago telling me how great i looked.. i swear there’s never satisfaction lol.. comments hurt sometimes, while no comments hurt just as much. don’t ever let anyone diminish how much progress you’ve made, and are making.. keep it up!

    Meag- those chicken fingers sound amazing! i need to stock up my spices lol. glad you're back to running those long runs again.. good luck on the race! i'm thinking about finding a 10k for maybe july or august.. we'll see!

    Tara- glad things are still on track for you.. have you gone back to checking the scale daily? i’m trying not to, however after the June 1st WI of 149, i checked the next day and was 147.. i was like, what?! so a few days later i checked again and was 147.5, and this morning was 148.. thinking that first one was a happy fluke or something, and just more excited about having 3 WI’s now under 150!!

    enjoy the day all!!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member

    I just wanted people to see the dress that I was talking about, I did put this in a post a few pages ago. But now I am feeling better and more confident that it did look pretty good. Ill come back when I have some time.
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Tara- I am 100% dedicated to not stepping on the scale and I am avoiding it like the plague! I just think that I have to make myself get there mentally and like you said stop giving myself excuses. I have totally figured that out on the exercise front, but I know for me that my eating is the main thing which would hold me back from loosing weight. GOTTA FOCUS!

    Kandace- Congrats on passing the drivers test! YEAH! And trying out new workouts is always fun! I love getting my butt kicked in a new way. Keep up the Shred workouts and I am sure you will master all of the moves in no time.

    Bethany- You’re a graduate!!!!! That is so exciting and you should be really proud of yourself for everything that you have accomplished so far. I am sure that you will get back on the right food in no time. That’s the same issue I am struggling with right now so we can definitely help each other out on that front!

    Leela- I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you for the internship. I remember how stressful it was trying to figure out what to do during the summer. I am sure you will feel back on track now that you aren’t having the pressure that comes with the end of a semester!

    Maria- Co-Workers can be so frustrating when it comes to comments regarding weight. Sometimes they forget that each person is completely different and they need to learn when to keep their mouth shuts! You know what’s best for you!

    Allie- Holy Moly 4 miles!! YEAH FOR YOU!!! That is amazing and you should be soooo proud of yourself. I am super jealous! You will be ready for your half marathon in no time! I just know it 

    AFM- I am in training in the city this week for work which puts a hamper in working out, but I’m figuring it out. I was going to wake up really early but I just couldn’t do it this morning. But that’s ok, just means an afternoon run for me! Although I won’t be home until 6:30 but that’s alright. I am still really committed to not stepping on the scale but it is staring me in the face haha. I am working on figuring out what I need to do to get my head right about eating right. I know it’s a mental game and I let my thoughts get in the way so I am being aware of that and making myself really work on it. Any ways, back to training class! Talk to you ladies later!
  • anitanz
    anitanz Posts: 72
    Hi Ladies,
    Just a quick check in from work on Tuesday morning, man it is such a drag coming back to work after a long weekend!

    Maria- I know what you mean about colleagues commenting on your weight, I think it's so strange and don't know where they get off saying things like that! For me it has always come from overweight older ladies, and I am usually so shocked when they say something that I can't think of a reply. I think that you can put it down to jealousy, and tactlessness, some people should count to 10 before they speak! You are doing this in a healthy and positive way so try not to take their comments to heart.

    Aly- I can't see your pic because I'm at work, but I think it's the pink one right? SUPER cute! I think it looked more than pretty good! Also loved the shoes and foot tattoo.

    Allie- Awesome work with your running training, have you run a half marathon before? You are totally on track for doing it in October if you are already doing 4 mile runs at 6.25min per km pace (sorry, I can only do this in metrics, miles are so confusing for me!)

    AFM- I didn't end up going for a run yesterday, was still feeling a bit tired from kettle bell training on Sunday and also the long weekend made me a bit lazy! Kept my food in check though so I'm not worried. Tonight I'm meeting with my trainer, so I'm guarenteed a good workout there, then my BF is away Weds and Thurs so that gives me a good opportunity to eat a couple of lighter dinners without any complaints. Look forward to catching up on all your progress!
    Back to work now.

    x Anita
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Anita- Thanks so much! The shoes really make the outfit. I wanted green since my wedding colors are pink and green but I already owned the yellow ones. I have been dying to try a kettle ball workout at a gym. Unfortunately it hasn’t gotten that popular near me so I have not had the chance.

    Allie- I know what you mean about trying to manage eating out a lot. Just try to make smart choices while still enjoying yourself and not feeling deprived. I ended up eating out 5 nights for dinner last week, and so far I haven’t gained anything. Good luck chicka!

    Meag- Great job on the run! My coaches have me working really slow on my runs right now to help build endurance. It is killing me because to keep my heart rate where they want me to be I am running about a 13 minute mile haha. But hey I can last a long time and I still feel good. I hope this week going good for you :)

    AFM- Today I am trying to get back in the game. I was having a very rough and emotional week which also made the weekend rough. I have a tendency to take out my feelings on my fiance an I just can’t do that. I also felt like I was on edge and almost starting a fight with him constantly, which led to me feeling horrible about it and apologizing most of the evening. It just seemed like one bad feeling after another. This week I am going to fight hard and try to have some plans scheduled with more than just the boy because that is what I need. I can’t turn to him for every thing honestly and sometimes I do. Especially when I am feeling insecure and just bad in general. I am sorry to go on and on but I need to vent somewhere. So far today is going better than last night and I am going to make a nice meal for my bf and try to just be in a good mood in general. On the plus side it is a recovery week so my workouts are a little more relaxed. I am also having acupuncture in the middle of the week so that should help with my feelings. Today I am going to try to focus on something happy, like planning décor for my wedding hehe.
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Anita- Thanks so much! The shoes really make the outfit. I wanted green since my wedding colors are pink and green but I already owned the yellow ones. I have been dying to try a kettle ball workout at a gym. Unfortunately it hasn’t gotten that popular near me so I have not had the chance.

    Allie- I know what you mean about trying to manage eating out a lot. Just try to make smart choices while still enjoying yourself and not feeling deprived. I ended up eating out 5 nights for dinner last week, and so far I haven’t gained anything. Good luck chicka!

    Meag- Great job on the run! My coaches have me working really slow on my runs right now to help build endurance. It is killing me because to keep my heart rate where they want me to be I am running about a 13 minute mile haha. But hey I can last a long time and I still feel good. I hope this week going good for you :)

    AFM- Today I am trying to get back in the game. I was having a very rough and emotional week which also made the weekend rough. I have a tendency to take out my feelings on my fiance an I just can’t do that. I also felt like I was on edge and almost starting a fight with him constantly, which led to me feeling horrible about it and apologizing most of the evening. It just seemed like one bad feeling after another. This week I am going to fight hard and try to have some plans scheduled with more than just the boy because that is what I need. I can’t turn to him for every thing honestly and sometimes I do. Especially when I am feeling insecure and just bad in general. I am sorry to go on and on but I need to vent somewhere. So far today is going better than last night and I am going to make a nice meal for my bf and try to just be in a good mood in general. On the plus side it is a recovery week so my workouts are a little more relaxed. I am also having acupuncture in the middle of the week so that should help with my feelings. Today I am going to try to focus on something happy, like planning décor for my wedding hehe.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Welcome to the new Newbs!! :glasses:

    Meag-yup, chicken sounds super "spicy" are they? :devil:

    Kandace-I LOVE turbo jam...I bet turbo kick is s great workout! How did the shred go? how are you feeling now? CONGRATS on your driving test...:drinker: (just pretend your cheersing with water!)

    Bethany-thanks girl!!! Sounds like things are starting to finally "thin" out over by you, and that you will be back to "normal" soon!! that is good for sure! I hope you like turbo jam...I LOVE it! :heart:

    Leela-I was totally concerned about trying to get the WO's in with the bf here..but he is here at least for 4 days in a row every other week, so I HAD to do something or I would be taking 4 rest day every other week!! PLUS...if I ever want to be able to live with him full time...I guess I'd wanna be sure that I could do it then! I didn't go to the gym for hours or anything but I did get in my normal 30-40min workouts and I felt pretty great about that for sure! Here's to hoping that your weight training helps this month!! :drinker:

    Mariam-I feelya far I have had coworkers ask me if I was bulemic or anorexic, tell me a looked like a skeleton, tell me I am too thin, and tell me I won't have any *kitten* left if I keep losing!! The way that I look at it...the people who are saying it, are people who have seen us much heavier then we are now, and their brains (and mouths) just haven't caught up with the fact that we are HEALTHY and happy!! I bet you never get comments about being to thin from new people that you have met or from people that you haven't known for that long??? I know I don't! Don't let it get you DO look great and healthy! :flowerforyou:

    Cait-no worries girlie...seeya when you get back!

    Allie-I feel your pain with the scrubs!! :laugh: I LOVE that people can't tell how much I have lost because my scrubs are all medium bottoms and large tops and the few pairs of small bottoms and medium tops that I bought are hanging off of me now too!! When I am finished losing I think I will splurge and buy whole new sets (in extra small, i guess?!):tongue: and then show off all of my hard work! You will do great with the eating....just remember...try to fill up on salad first, don't order fried food, and try to order half portions so you can't overeat or have leftovers! You CAN go out to eat and still end up within your cal range and making healthy choices! As for the scale...I have been weighing in every other or everyday...I really think that I had my best results doing this...but my "mind" is still in it again from our scale challenge so that rocks! :happy:

    Aly-I LOVE your new profile pic! Have fun with the wedding plans!

    Megan-you got this girl!!! I am certain that you not weighing in will be the thing that gets your eating back in check!!! You are gonna do great this month....and I know that you will be back "in it to win it" in no tme! :heart:

    Anita-sounds like you are right on track for the month so far!! way to keep your eating in check :smile:

    AFM-today is a rest day, but my cals are right on track for the goals that I set for myself this month! I am still sore from yesterdays workout and I am glad that my 2nd rest day of the week is tomorrow for sure! First weekly WI is on Wednesday again! :tongue:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    sorry double :)
  • shannonaufman
    Cait – I know exactly what you're going through with the wedding stuff. You'll be so happy you put in all this time and effort when the big day comes and everything goes super smoothly. We'll be here when things settle!!

    Allie – Those are some great running goals. I really want to run a half marathon eventually, but I have a long way to go before I'll be ready for that. It sounds like you're on the right track! You can definitely make good choices eating out. I refuse to miss out on opportunities to socialize just because I'm dieting. I won't become a hermit or recluse on account of eating healthier.

    Aly – This is highly belated, but I LOVE that dress. Better a little loose than too tight!! You look great and happy. You are going to make a phenomenally beautiful bride. I can be the same way with my husband when I'm feeling emotional. I apologize to him non-stop sometimes... Like when I get uncontrollably emotional, I just say “I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry” between sobs. I'm a mess sometimes! I think guys know that it comes with the territory. He wants to marry you, so it must not bother him too much ;). I think spending a little time with your other friends will definitely help. It feels good to vent to someone new every now and again!

    Megan – I really admire your scale-free dedication. I know I should go scale-free.... but I just can't convince myself to do it. It sounds like it'll really pay off for you. Good luck on your evening workout!

    Anita – Do you like kettlebell training? I've been looking into various local exercise class options, and kettlebell training keeps coming up. What are your thoughts on it? And I know exactly what you mean about eating lighter dinners with the bf is away. I feel really bad imposing my dieting on anyone, especially my husband. He never ever complains when I cook a lighter meal, because he doesn't mind eating healthy... but I feel bad.

    AFM – I haven't been super active on this forum in a while. I don't know why. I have every intention to write and then I just never do. I've been chugging right along with One Hour Runner and 30DS. I keep splurging on Saturday dinner. My husband has his guy friends over (whom I adore and love to have for dinner), and it's a great excuse for me to cook huge meals that I don't let myself eat during the week. We have beers, play cards, eat chips and dip and dinner and dessert and it's just great. I've decided that I'm not willing to give that up. So if my splurge on Saturday night means that I don't lose weight as fast, then I'm ok with that. I figure, the longer this weight loss journey takes, the more sustainable it will be. I refuse to feel like I'm depriving myself. So if Saturday nights are the one time each week that I eat unhealthy... well, so be it. Anyway, that's where I'm at. Running and shredding and enjoying this journey. No stress, no deprivation, just taking care of me and keeping myself happy and healthier.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    There is SO much I want to respond to here tonight... But I really have to get to bed. I have no idea where all my time went tonight. Between dinner, laundry, an hour long walk with my mom, groceries, meal/race prep for tomorrow and everything else my whole night has just gotten away from me. I should be in bed by now but I still have work to do.

    In short:

    Welcome newbs! :flowerforyou: You're going to love it here! And your goals are all fabulous. Hope you guys just get motivated and run with it. Your results this month will help to inspire others, so work hard and do yourself proud!

    Aly - Thanks girl! Slow and steady definitely wins the race. I tend to just hit the pavement and run without pacing. I run at whatever pace feels good and it's usually way too fast to sustain for more than 5 miles. I know I need to pace better but it's so hard. I love the feeling of my heart beating 180 bpm and just not stopping. Good on you for being so disciplined. I definitely wish I could do the same! The pics are fabulous btw and you look stunning :bigsmile: Love seeing this little window into your life!

    T - Not spicy at all really, just a little bite! Adjust to your own liking, of course. We use really good curry powder (an artisan blend I got here in Canada) but it's totally up to you. The spices are mellow but really add nicely to the flavour of the dish. If you don't like spicy food at all, cut it down a bit. Otherwise I say go big or go home :wink:

    Shan - Your workouts are fabulous and if having one "cheat" meal a week is what keeps you balanced and happy, then that's what works for you. It's all about making a lifestyle change that sticks. Do whatever you can do and just know you're working towards a healthier life for you and your family. Sounds like you've got a great attitude. Love to see that and really hope it resonates with others on the thread :bigsmile:

    OK That's all I can see right now. I'm sorry if I missed you!! I'll try to post again in the AM while I'm having breakfast. Race is tomorrow night at 7pm and I'll try to update when I get home. Fingers crossed that I'll have some good news to report -- I'm just aiming to be happy with my run, feel good about it, and feel like I gave it 100%
  • cmg2008
    cmg2008 Posts: 139
    Not really much to report with my goals only that i refuse the temptation to just got to mickie d's after work today, go me! Also i took i'm 2 year cousin to the park today and it was alot of walking up the stairs and going down the slide over and over and over again. But what can i say i just love that little guy && it gave me mini workout to boost! yay!

    meagalayne: good luck on your race tomorrow! i'm sure that you'll do great!

    anitanz: if you don't mind me asking and this might sound like a noob question but what is kettleball?

    hanna1210: Heyy meghan, c25k is absoutely wonderful! What week are you currently on and what do you think so far? i'm currently on week 4 right now and i love it! Ive never been much of a runner but with c25k i hope to change that! best of luck!
  • shannonaufman
    Meag -- I'm trying. I had a little 'come to jesus' meeting with myself on Sunday and just realized that I need to relax and be happy with these changes, not feel like I'm punishing or depriving myself. I felt amazing all day today and I think that attitude is here to stay!! It has been due in great part to your success and your 'coaching' (for lack of a better word). You really push me to determine and do what's best for me and no one else, and I really appreciate your wisdom and advice. I feel like I'm making the first steps to loving Shan, no matter what number shows up the scale, the measuring tape or the inside of my waistband. It's an amazing feeling and I owe a big part of it to you. You're going to own that race tomorrow. Finish the run feeling like you have spent everything, like you have nothing left to give, because you left it all on the course. And above all else, remember: it's just another run. No pressure and no stress -- just run your hardest and have fun!

    cmg -- I just finished C25K a few weeks ago and (as cliche as it sounds) it changed my life. I have never ever been a runner and now I look forward to my runs! I have fun and love running. Stick with it -- it is an absolutely amazing program!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Shannon-I think that it is great to enjoy a day of indulgence....just be sure to listen to your body, and stop eating when you are not hungry! I know that there has been weeks when I have OVERinduldged on my cheat meal and it's caused me to gain, even though the rest of my week was perfect...that will not only make your progress go a little slower, but in fact halt it altogethor! Otherwise, enjoy and have fun...that's what life is all about!:drinker:

    Meag-sounds good! I like spicey...I was just wondering for my kiddo!! Good luck on your race tomorrow, and I am sure that you won't give 100% but instead 110% like you always do! Keep us posted! you may remember, my bf and I are going to NY in August, and we are planning on spending a fair share of the time in Montreal, Prince Edward Island, and Toronto...not sure how close this is to you (or how familiar you are with this area) but any "must-sees" or "dos" that are near there that you recommend we try?! :flowerforyou:

    cmg-congrats on saying NO to Mcd's!! Fast food was a hard habit for me to break...but in the 8 months that I have been on here, I think I have managed to only have fast food a total of 4 times (if that)!! WTG! :happy:

    AFM-so I had a meal planned and packed for tonight, and I walk in the door and there is a table full of cake, cupcakes, candied apples, meat and cheese platters, fried chicken, fried rice, etc... WTH!!! I hate when these types of challenges are thrown at me!! I decided to have 2 crackers with cheese and they were not that I am confident to say that I think I am safe! WOOT WOOT!! :love:
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Hey Guys!~!~! Good Morning!~!

    ~Leela.... I know you are looking for a place close to home for work, but I just wanted to throw this out there. The govt. have TONS of jobs out there that civilians dont always think about looking into. You can look on the DOD website for jobs, there are military posts everywhere so it shouldnt be hard to find a place near where you want to be. But the most exciting part is that IF you wanted to you can go anywhere!~!~! For example, I am in GERMANY!~!~! If you want some more info messege me and Ill see what i can do.

    ~Mariam.... thats horrible that people would try to put you down. You know how you feel, and like you said, you know you are healthy and thats all that matters. Sometimes the dramatic difference makes people see you as thinner than you really are. I have this pic of when I was 16 and I am 130 pounds, thats only about 10 pounds less than I am now, and looking at the pic my sister in law also said I looked sick. This was also when I was 170. SO, I think if people get to know you when your bigger, they just have a hard tome getting used to the NEW you. Stick in there, they will get used to it. And if they dont, to hell with them!~! They dont have to see you naked!~! lol

    ~Guam... I missed you!~! Have you not been around or was I just thinking about you randomly?? IDK, that sounded weird, sorry. :tongue: Congratulations on Graduating!~!~!~! woot woot!~!~! :drinker: Im glad things are getting close to being less hectic for you. You def deserve a break!~! Dont forget to be nice to yourself throughout all the craziness of moving!

    ~Hanna... Welcome!~!~! Is your first name Hanna?

    ~Cait... jeez, its nice that you think planning a wedding is more important than us!~!~! what do you think, like thats the biggest day of your life??????????? :bigsmile: Im glad you still pop in and keep us updated!~! Life gets in the way sometimes but your still rockin it with your exercising and everything! Your doing great!~!~! :heart:

    ~Allie... awesome run~!~ after trying as hard as I did to run, I give you props for going that far!~! I didnt know how hard it is til now~!~! You ROCK!~! with the Shred, using the 5lb weights totally kills me, but I am getting pretty frustrated with my arms and the fact that the fat doesnt want to leave them, so I figured I would give them the best chance they have and build up some muscle. Good luck with your shred!~!

    ~Anita... Thanks for checking it!~!~! Do you have any ideas for light dinners?? I try to eat lighter but my husband complains, so I just got in the habit of making myself chicken or fish and not eating the carb I serve. Makes my life easier and the boys still get their fill!~!

    ~Aly.... I def understand what your going through. I take everything out on my husband. He has nothing (well, you know waht I mean) to do with my depression but I make things up to be mad about. I talk to him on my good days and try to describe how I feel and that it is not his fault, but I still feel guilty. You are on the right track by planning to do things without him, or getting other people to listen to you rant aabout your day, good choice. When I first got married I called my mom crying everyday because I felt like my husband hated me and did everything to drive me insane. She said, "Kandace, he is only a man, not a mind reader, if you want something ASK him and he will be happy to get it for you. If you need a situation fixed ASK him, he will fix it for you. Just dont think he is your daddy, he cant be everything, sometimes you need a girlfriend to talk too, other people in your life want to help you out to, dont let him have all the fun." ................. of course those werent EXACT words, but its pretty close. I think she said the same thing to me everyday for a year. Everytime I feel gulty and try to explain things to my husband, again!, I rememeber that Mom said he cant be EVERYTONE to me. I can go to other people for help. And guess what, she was right. :wink: :heart:

    ~Tara.... Shred was AWESOME. I love it. I have to thank Jillian for my almost abs. Im feeling good today. I am journaling regularly for the past few days and I tell myself before i get out of bed that its going to be a good day. Day2 of no dark cloud, lets hope I can keep that going! Im excited to see your WI!~!~! Only one pound to 100 right??!!!??! yeay!~!~!~!~!

    OMG, I need to stop writing. I feel like I am runing this thing!

    AFM.... I am feeling pretty good today (obviously I wrote a freakin book~!) I am pretty sore from yesterday but I am glad I pushed myself as much as I did. I am going to do my shred as soon as the hubby goes back to work after his PT. I also got a pilates video from the library so I am going to try that out after shred. I have to stay in the house all day cuz the housing people are coming to get some furniture we borrowed. I am proud of myself that I have a plan to get my exercise in. I can def see myself just wallowing in self pity cuz I cant go outside until the ppl come. But I am not doing that~!~! I almost have the stomach I want, now I need to keep at it and get the legs and arms to match!~!

    Peace out!~!~! :bigsmile:
  • MeaggyTheGreaty
    MeaggyTheGreaty Posts: 18 Member
    I'm late as well but hoping I can join?

    My name's Meagan, I'm 22 and getting married next July. My upcoming nuptials is what it took for me to finally get motivated to get RIPPED instead of looking somewhat skinny but feeling mostly squishy like I currently do.

    June goal: To drink at least 8 glasses water/day (FOR REAL!) and to not quit P90X!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Adding Meagan- WELCOME to the group! :bigsmile:

    Angela4Health -run 60 miles in June and eat clean for 29 of the next 30 days
    CCSunlight- Drink at least 8c of water a day, lose 8 pounds, and make sure to stay on track as I move and settle in
    Ashleypeterson37:: Finish the last 10 days of 30DS, finally hit ONEDERLAND (8lbs away), run at least 50 miles and start Ripped in 30!
    ashleyk_xox- Lose 10 pounds to make it to my 100 pounds total lost, bring ALL my meals to work, complete entire 30 DS video, NO sweat tea, go to the gym at least 4 times every week, and tone my legs enough to wear shorts!
    Anitanz - loose 2kg to get down to 63kg / 139lb. Drink less alcohol and look and feel great at my 30th!
    ~KanCrav~..... Reach 135. ~ Drink at least 80oz of water a day. ~ Work out 6 days a week, even if its just Shred. ~ Finish Shred! ~Run at least 4 miles a week.
    milieitner-Get into the 8-stone-something category, Finish shred and start NMTZ, and Eat 100% clean 5 days a week
    emmaldownie (Emma)- cycle 100k, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
    mkingraham (Megan)- Strength train at least 2 times a week, DON'T Weigh-in until July 1, run at least 2 miles 3 times a week, believe in myself, lose 8 lbs (ambitious I know)
    erinnmcpherson- Goals: Drink 6-8 cups of water a day, lose at least three pounds, run/walk a 5k scheduled for June 18, run 3x a week, cook/eat more fruits and veggies again (and less processed foods) and start 30DS again.
    Crystalfaith: workout at least 4x a week, solidify my spot in the 140s (shooting for 145), containing my eating on the weekends, drink lots of water!
    Finncmh (Cait)- Continue with crossfit schedule of 3 days a week (MWF) get back in to a better running schedule (TR, Sat or Sun), compete in Father's Day 5k (hoping for a solid PR!) work on letting myself just get outside and relax a little bit on my day off, complete my Whole 30 challenge (check out my blog to see what it is), continue to blog everyday about my experience with the Whole30 challenge.
    shannonaufman: hit 168 pounds. Drink 32oz of H2O before any other beverage. Stick with 30DS and OHR. One cheat meal a week, log everything else.
    jyopchick: stay on Turbo Fire schedule as much as possible (even through a 10-day beach vacation), make FUN not FOOD the FOCUS of the summer!! :)
    smapl001-work out 3x a week and lose 8lbs :)
    lostalykat- No weighing in until a month from my last WI day, June 26th. Focus on fueling for my workouts and staying in a good calorie range. Relax and stretch more, worry less. Check in on how I am feeling emotionally and mentally once a week.
    Allie7383- stay in the 140's.. WI once a week.. continue with the 30 Day Shred, focus on changing my eating, continue feeling better about myself, no matter the number on the scale!!
    Mariababe81 (Mariam): I want to keep up with c25k and get to week 8 by the end of june, to continue zumba once a week and shred on days i cant run, get back to my clean eating!!! I am going to try to not weigh in every day and stick to once a month or fortnightly as i dont want the scale to rule my life! get the hang of maintainance!
    kafoteh (Kristin): *Lose 2-5 lbs *Workout at least 4x a week and at least 45 mins each session *Go to the golf driving range at least 3 times this month
    guamgrly (Bethany) - no scale!! Focus on the lifestyle, the routine, and meal planning. Work out 3x per week. Drink 8 glasses of water per day. Eat more fruits and veggies
    shelsab (alexis)- lose 5 lbs. Strength 3 x week. More veggies. Read more. Find some new healthy meals to make.
    tjradd73(Tara)- lose -6.0llbs, follow my new workout plan every day, try 2 new recipes, <1400 cal avg/week, and <4 days over cals total.
    meagalayne- get settled into a fitness schedule that works with my new job and stay accountable, continue logging only 5 days/week, make 2 spin classes, make fitness social at least once a week (cycling, running, walking, something - not including baseball games on Wed night), drink more water (!!!) and aim to get at least 6 hours of sleep at least 5 nights a week.
    imarunner8908- hit 155 by July 1st, start running again , drink at least 80 ounces of water a day, and give up eating fast food more than once a week, no TV
    Leela30: I'd love to lose at least 2-3 real pounds, but realistically my goal and what will happen is more maintenance.
    cmg2008: I would love to get down into the mid 140s, continue trekking on with C25K and I want to not eat any fast foods for the month of june =)
    Eleanoreb- Continue with maintenance and focus on eating healthier. I've been more caught up in maintaining, than in eating healthy. I need to cut back on all the treats ive been allowing myself lately
    Ley2ndtry: Complete weeks 1-4 on C25K
    Complete the 30 day shred and continue with Zumba - Fit into a size 14 finally and keep up healthy eating!!
    hanna1210 (Meghan)- Consistently work out with C25K, get in the 210s, work out at least 5 days a week.
    MeaggyTheGreaty-To drink at least 8 glasses water/day (FOR REAL!) and to not quit P90X!

  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Kandace-you got it girly!! 1lb till 100!!! Woot! I am shooting for my 1.5lbs so I can hit my goal by my vaca's to hoping for the best! :drinker: <<<with water :wink: Good luck with Pilates...that is another hard workout that you've picked out for yourself!
  • anitanz
    anitanz Posts: 72
    Hi Ladies,

    Wow this thread is amazing, it is so great that you girls are so supportive of each other and welcoming :heart:

    Aly- Agree, the yellow shoes totally make the outfit pop and make the whole look really fun :-) Are you going to wear the shoes for your wedding? Also love green and pink for wedding colours, am currently obsessed with, have you seen it? Embarassing admitting that here seeing as I'm not even engaged, just look for the pretty flowers, dresses and cakes of course! Haha

    Shannon- I think it's great that you are taking time off to enjoy a few beers and a meal with your mates, guess that the key is to indulge and not over-indulge.
    Re kettlebells; I have been doing the class since Feb and I def see results, but in a way I think it's more to do with the style of training than the actual bell. Because it's intense for 20 mins or so, but then you get a 3 minute break (which I love, and if you finish early you get a longer break, so I always try to do that). I also like the way our trainer sorts the sets, so you do say 21 squats, 21 press ups, then 21 cleans, then 15 squats, 15 press ups, 15 cleans, then 9 squats, you get the picture. So in my mind it is better because it gets easier as the workout progresses. You could do the same style of training in the gym with free weights or even body weight.

    Meag- Good luck for the run tomorrow, as you say, slow and steady wins it!

    CMG- Good on you for resisting McD's! Not a strange question about the kettlebell, it is like a cannon ball with a handle and you kind of swing it around to do different exercises.

    CanCav- Sorry, don't know your real name! My light dinners are too gross to recommend. When my BF is away I especially love to have sardines on toast with avocado and tomato, or baked beans with an egg and brown rice, or an omelette (OK, the last one isn't so bad but I just couldn't imagine what he would say if I served one of those dishes up for him!)

    Welcome Meagan!

    AFM- Very sore arms from working out with our trainer tonight, nice spicy chicken and potato dish for dinner, trying to resist the big tin of chocolate brownie that BF's Mum baked sitting on the coffee table next to me.

    Take care ladies!