Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - June Challenge!!



  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Morning folks! Quick post before work. Bff arrives tonight so I may be on a short hiatus from the thread, but I'll be with you guys in spirit and still logging 5 days a week. I'm not going anywhere! :bigsmile: Can't get rid of me that easily!

    Tara - I know how frustrating it can be to be sooo close to your goal, after coming so far and really thriving every step of the way. It's like making it to the finish line but never getting a chance to break the tape. Especially when you know its possible and you know how to get it done and your body just isn't responding. I get impatient too! I feel that way about my composition and my shape instead of my weight, but it's a very similar sense of frustration I'm sure. What I can say is that you need to re-orient your focus and really celebrate in the 99lbs you HAVE lost. I know it's hard but you deserve to feel good about everything you've done and one measly pound is so arbitrary and insignificant in the grand scheme that it shouldn't dictate how successful you feel. 100lbs lost is a fabulous goal to strive for, but the number is just as arbitrary as 99lbs lost -- either way you've kick some major *kitten* on this thing and you deserve to feel good about it. That's just my $0.02, of course :blushing:

    Aly - Good luck on the social front. I have a lot of the same issues - Spend all my time with Tyler and really don't see anyone else, to be honest. I hope things get better for you and you stop feeling this lonely. It can definitely be tough!

    Anita - It's very possible that my HR was affected by my nerves, but I'm not so sure. Far from my first 10K and definitely not new to the racing scene. Could just be the stress of the new job and all the changes in my life. Who knows :ohwell: Great job on the vino too - Moderation is the key to success here!

    Bethany - So happy to have you back here commenting regularly! Seems like your life is even crazier than mine with moving, graduation, kids and everything else, but you are attacking life's challenges with the same awesome perseverance that you've always had. I'm so impressed with your continued commitment and your amazing attitude toward this journey :bigsmile: Great job keeping your food in order with all the stress and hectic-ness. You are a fabulous role model and an inspiration for anyone on here who thinks they don't have the time or energy to dedicate to themselves!

    Imarunner - Learn to forgive yourself, forget about your bad days, and move on! We all deserve a fresh start now and again - That's why we're doing this in the first place :flowerforyou:

    Eeek Late for work again. Have a fabulous day everyone! :heart:
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Tara- You will hit the 100lbs lost mark in no time! I know how frustrating it can be when you are hovering right around that goal that you have been working so hard to attain. I’m sure your changes are going to end up being for the better in the end so just hang in there girl and you’ll get it!

    CMG- how are you liking your wii fit so far? I have been thinking about getting a Kinect, but to spend that money and be unsure of how I’ll like it makes me nervous. I hope your paper is going well!

    Meag- Thanks for the reminder to breathe. I feel like we are always telling each other to calm down and relax but we can’t seem to take our own advice- hehe. It sounds like your life has been just as busy and crazy, but I hope your new job is going great. And it will be nice that your bff will be in town even though it makes your schedule even crazier!

    Kandace- My very best friend got married two years ago this August and her dad unexpectedly passed away exactly one month after her wedding day. She has been really struggling trying to figure out how to be happy and excited about her life. She was so happy to be celebrating her first Christmas with her hubby but at the same time it was the first Christmas with her dad gone. One thing that seems to be helping her a lot is remembering that her dad wanted nothing more than for her to be happy in her life. Hopefully this thought can help you too. <<HUGS>>

    Milileitner- thanks for the encouragement! Luckily my hubby understands my stress and has been doing what he can around the house before he leaves for the weekend which has been making things much better.

    Bethany- your positive attitude is definitely infectious and helping me to realize how much pressure I am putting on myself that just doesn’t need to be there.

    Maria- I am so glad you are liking your HRM! I LOVE mine and definitely get frustrated if I forget to start it or something during my workout. I agree that WOs are a wonderful way of relieving the stress in my life right now!

    Anita (Name?)- great victory of resisting more wine. Sometimes that’s the hardest part! My hubby was eating some crackers and cheese last night- which I love, and it took just about everything I needed to not eat a bunch myself so I feel your pain :)

    Aly- I think the hardest thing in life is being comfortable with your own company because we are so use to being hard on ourselves. I think you’ll figure everything out and get to where you want to be in no time at all. In the meantime we are totally here for you!

    AFM- Well I am feeling a little less stressed, but I think during my run last night I tweaked my right knee because when I woke up this morning it has been absolutely killing me! Walking up and downstairs is the worse. Hopefully with the ibuprofen I took this morning it will help with any swelling, and I think I will just be taking myself and my dog for a walk today instead of a run since I don’t want to make things worse. If it is still feeling really bad when I get home I might just ice it and take today off even though I have only worked out yesterday so far this week. ARGH! I’m not going to let it get me down! On another note- still going strong with the no scale challenge. In fact, the thought of getting on the scale has escaped from my mind for the most part. Tomorrow will be 7 days no scale and 3 more weeks to go!

    Have a great day!!

  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Jennelle-I know exactly what you mean on the cardio!! I had to force myself to get in some great strength routines this I added yoga once/wk, BL bootcamp, and the shred...we shall see how that works out for me!! Don't kill yourself in the heat! :wink: Also...awesome job on changing the course of your career!! I agree 100% that today's youth are in a bunch of trouble when it comes to health and taking care of themselves! My ex and I are both very into fitness and eating healthy right now, and we are instilling that into our 12yr old son, BEFORE it's too late! Good luck to you on that, and great decision IMO!:drinker:

    Meag-thanks girl!! I AM totally proud of what I have accomplished up to this point! and I do know that I shouldn't always focus on the number...but reaching my weight milestones is the only major reward that gives me satisfaction during this...of course dropping sizes and inches is great too, but I have always been a number person!! LOL:laugh: I don't give myself the normal mani/pedi, spa day, shopping day, eating out day like most people do for every milestone reached...this stuff means nothing to me! Instead I look towards the big picture and my grand finale...and the numbers are my true reward!! When I get to my total loss, I of course have a major reward for myself...but until then I will keep on doing "my thing" I guess!! :blushing:

    Megan-thanks to you too!! I am totally not giving up and I know that I will hit ALL of my weight's just a matter of time! I am continuing on with my normal planned monthly routine...and hopefully my body starts to love it! CONGRATS on the no scale...1 week down! And I hope your knee feels better soon! :flowerforyou:

    AFM-got my 2nd cheat day outta the way yesterday...and started today off with some BL bootcamp, and a great breakfast!! My goals for the week: to lose 3lbs, not miss any workouts, and to keep my avg cals below 1300...MUST break this barrier ladies!!:bigsmile:
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Good Morning Lovelies!! I hope that everyone’s week is turning out to be a great one!!

    Mariababe – thank you!! Since there is a lack of males in my family at the moment there are 2 guys from work that are coming to help me move. I don’t have too much furniture so its mostly boxes and mattresses that have to be moved. I will be so glad to have this done and over with. And good luck with w5 of C25K…I miss running!!

    Aly – thanks! Its just a matter of staying focused and remembering why I am doing what I am doing. I get thrown off so easily and it makes it extra tough when I really don’t have much of a support system. I hope you were able to clear your head after your acupuncture!! And I don’t think that stopping to pick up a few things throughout the week is too bad. I think its worse when you are stopping every night on the way home to buy all the ingredients for one meal that gets to be ridiculous. Which is why I am also trying to get the meal planning down. Once I get moved and settled then the kids and I can plan meals together and do the shopping together on the weekend. I am kinda looking forward to it actually…haha

    Tara – I really hope that you don’t let this plateau get you down!! Going this long without a plateau or even going backwards is amazing!! Keep up that great work and it will all catch up with you in the end!!

    Jennelle – definitely some huge things going on in your life lately!! Hope that you are able to re-focus and get where you need to be. Although it seems like you are already starting to get your head cleared with the change of your thesis. Hope all goes well girly!!

    Meag – thank you for those amazing words of reassurance and encouragement!! That may have been just what I needed. I have always had a lot on my plate so I guess its just a matter of rolling with the punches. I hope that you are finding some balance in your life. I know it will happen but it definitely takes time to settle into all of the things that you have on your life. Once I can get settled then I think I may start looking for a new job. Always something…haha!!

    Megan – life can be hectic and sometimes there just isn’t anything we can do about it. But the best thing to do in those situations is just to realize what you can control and what is out of your control. If you start stressing about things that are out of your control then you are wasting time and energy on something that you really can’t do anything about. It sounds like you have more than enough on your plate just with your job alone but you also have your sister coming in, your dog, and your normal day-to-day responsibilities. Things will slowly start to work themselves out. Just take it one day at a time. You are doing awesome girly!! And sorry to hear about the knee!! I am still on that no-scale challenge with you also!!

    AFM…food still hasn’t been too bad except for the peanut butter cup last night. Was going to indulge in some ice cream since I am still trying to validate it because I am moving and packing so diligently but I decided not to have any since I will be going out with the bf tonight which will mean beer and probably some sort of bar appetizer. I am actually very very excited to be moving and get started on writing the next chapter in my life. I am hoping I am almost packed cause the official move day is Saturday and I have a few guys from work coming to help me since the number of males in my family is lacking or they are just unwilling to help. And I am impatiently awaiting the arrival of my Turbo Jam. I had it shipped to work since I am kinda between houses right now and then I will get it right away…woohoo!!

    Hope you lovelies have a great Thursday!! The weekend is within sight!!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    ***Selfish Post Alert

    Morning Peeps! Well I was feeling really good all week and I even felt that my pants were fitting better, I stepped on the scale to see no change at all. I then proceeded to move the scale to various places in my bathroom and kitchen and it went up .7 then down to where it was, then for a brief moment it went .3 down. I am not going to log anything just yet and see what is says tomorrow. I am torn between weighing every day or every 2 weeks until my race is over. This is truly challenging. Bla! But I am going to focus on the positive, which is that I feel like my pants are fitting better. I am taking measurements on the 17th so we shall see what it says. I am excited and nervous to be away from training and focusing on weight loss and being happy. I think I turned to training to help me deal with all my other stuff where in actuality it just postponed the inevitable. O well. It is a nice day and I have a bike ride/run tonight for training.

    Acupuncture was great last night! I felt so good I totally jumped my fiance when I got home haha! So I am ready to conquer yet another week and try to not get discouraged. even if I don't lose at least I am being consistently healthy. I will be back to comment on peeps later.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    hi all
    only have enough time for a quick update! did week 5 day yesterday and i ran the whole 20mins! woohoo! im getting bored of all the walking! so will have to keep going as i think i can handle it! rest day today to spend with the hubby!!! catch up soon
  • cmg2008
    cmg2008 Posts: 139
    Guamgrly: the wii is a great gift for the entire family! and thier cheaper now and come with more than when i first bought mine =( lol

    maria: i just finished w5d2 today and i'm nervous to start the dreaded 20 min! So if you don't mind me asking, how was the 20min run?? did you find it hard at all?

    anitanz: great job on resisting on the wine! I know how hard it is to resist, its just so yummy!

    lostalykat: I'm glad to hear that you doing better! Also i've never talked to anybody that has had acupuncture done before! Do you like it? does it feel funny? sorry i'm a really curious person so i tend to ask alot of questions!

    tjradd: I have complete faith in you that you will finally break the plateau that you have been stuck on! but also remember to look at how far you have come! and what all you have accomplished!

    jyopchick: You have to let me know what your prof says about the change in your dissertation decision! In the fall I will be graduating with my BA in psychology so its nice to meet another person that went/going to school for the same thing! Also i agree whole heartly with you that parents, as well as other influetial adults need to take part in teaching younger kids to be active and eat healthier because in my opinion some parents are just lazy anymore, it is the parents that end up instilling bad habits in thier kids.I know that not all parents are like that, but i'm seeing it more and more these days. For instantace, all my little cousin eats is chicken and fries and that is all he ever wants! plus he drinks a ton of pop during the day and guess what his mom lets him. And if you try to get him to eat something healthy or drink something besides pop he throws a fit.

    meag: have fun with yoru bff! you deserve it!

    mkingraham: I love the wii fit! When i still lived with my parents i use to do the yoga poses every morning! but ever since I moved out i've been meaning to buy it for myself and I finally broke down and did! I can understand why your hestisant to spend all that money on the kinect and not know if you'll like it or not! but also keep in mind a lot of places have 30-90 day return policies so if it isn't what you like, keep the receipt and return it! I have friends that bought the kinect and they absoutely love it! esp. those dance games! Also I hope your knee feels better!

    I know that this is quite long already, sorry guys! ASM I completed W5D2 today and it felt great! Now on to the dreaded 20 min run on Saturday, but I know that I can do it. I also treated myself to some sushi today, ohh how i have been craving it! Other than that i got my rough draft for my summer class turned in, now how to creating a presentation and writing out the rest of my paper =( so not fun. The weekend is finally here! and I hope you'll plan to enjoy it!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Hey guys. Happy Friday!~!

    I am heading over to my friends how so we can "officially" WI for our competition. I lost 2 pounds. I really really worked my butt off this week so I am glad that it showed. I really messed up yesterday with all the sugar I ate, but on a brighter note, i did have lots of calories left over from other days to cover yesterdays mishap!~!

    I will be back later to show my love to you all... thanks for helping me out when I get sad!~!~! You guys all rock!~!
  • drjennelle
    drjennelle Posts: 138 Member
    good morning my darling MFPers! :flowerforyou:

    yesterday was a BIG day! but first, let me stop being so selfish for a moment! :tongue:

    tara - your determination is ruthless and i ADORE it :smooched: i love everything your write because it keeps me focused on the days i feel like poo :laugh: you have BIG goals and i love that you are never afraid to DREAM BIG!! you are killin it girl, and you will get where you want to be, i have NO doubt, and i can't wait to be here when you do! :bigsmile:

    meag - im so sorry to hear about your injury! i hope it's improved and that you're able to enjoy time with the bbf :smile: i also hope this weekend overall brings your stress level down and you get a chance to stop and remember that YOU ROCK and even on your off days, you're KICKING BUTT (and taking names) - mostly your own butt, but also the butt of the unhealthy gods :laugh: don't forget that, you really are remarkable!

    guamgrly (what's your name again?? sorry!) - i am SO excited for you to get turbo jam!!! you have NO idea! i LOVE it when people order turbo jam or turbo fire because i know they are starting a new AMAZING chapter in their lives! i am SO addicted to turbo, i just can't get enough (hence needing to do more yoga because im too obsessed haha) - you will absolutely LOVE it! and when you get SO excited and want to talk about it constantly and you feel like no one wants to hear you blab on and on about how much FUN your workout is... im your gal :bigsmile:

    AFM - i want to thank everyone for their kind thoughts towards my mid-to-late grad school life crisis :embarassed: i knew that i had to tell my advisor the direction i wanted to go, but i also knew that there was a very real possibility that she couldn't "advise" me with my new thesis idea because it's quite far removed from her field of expertise. we talked yesterday, and it was a VERY productive and great talk all around! while i thought i had until the end of august 2012, my advisor is up for tenure and won't find out until may 2012 if she recieved it, at which point, if she doesn't (which she will), she would basically be "fired" :huh: while everyone knows she's a rockstar and there's SUCH a small chance she would be fired, she told me that we have to plan on her NOT being here, just to be safe. as in... i have to be DONE with my dissertation (written and defended) by june 30th, 2012, when her contract ends... aka ONE YEAR!! ahhhhhhh :noway: so that was a scary thing to realize, however we made a great plan and are ready to tackle it all! while i am not changing my main thesis project (not enough time or advisor expertise) we are scaling back the current project so that it will definitely be done by june 30th, and i am also going to be be doing a meta-analysis (a compilation of tons of research on one topic - like a lit review but statistically speaking) on "rationalizing unhealthy behaviors"! this is PERFECT because it applies to my actual dissertation (children's odd/ troublesome behaviors and how parents sometimes rationalize them under a given context) AND it will allow me to look at how people rationalize OTHER unhealthy behaviors (like eating and exercise habits!)! so in reality, it's not PERFECT, but i am REALLY happy with this new plan and i think it will get me a doctorate in a year (yay :happy: ) but will also get me closer to a career that interests me, helping others understand more about overall health!

    so thank you ALL for your continued support! much love, and WORK IT OUT on this glorious friday!! :heart:
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Jenelle- That is so great to hear! I am happy you were able to find a happy medium with your grad program.

    cmg2008- I love it! Honestly it has helped me so much with my headaches it is amazing! It hurts some days more than others but it is just a light prick and then it mellows out. It is a strange sensation while you are lying there with relaxation music on with needles in yourself but it really works. I would suggest anyone try it if they have any issues.

    AFM- I am feeling a lot better this week, Even if the scale doesn't show it I know that I am making progress towards being healthier. I have a swim date with a gf tonight and we are going to swim then go grab a drink and maybe so food at my country club, it should be fun. I am so glad to have someone do the workout with me. It was looming over my head since swimming can be so boring to me. Tomorrow I have a double brick workout (bike, run, bike, run) and I am looking forward to seeing my friends for that. So happy to have my social circle back for training. Have a great Friday everyone!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Happy Friday lovelies!!

    Cmg – I have been craving sushi too!! A couple co-workers and I went to have it at lunch the other day but the placed was packed and my craving has not gone away. The same co-workers are going out for all-you-can eat sushi for a birthday get-together tonight and I am hoping that I can squeeze in time to make it. I need to feed this craving…haha!!

    Kandace – so glad to hear that you had a loss this week!! Keep doing your thing girly cause you are looking great!!

    Jenelle – my name is Bethany! And I want my Turbo to be here NOW!! I paid for it days ago and the seller hasn’t even confirmed that it has been shipped. Its not like I can even start on it in the next few days cause I will be finishing up packing, moving, and then working my 2nd job on Sunday. But I am so excited to get it started. And glad to hear that you and your advisor were able to work out a game plan so that you can still do what you want to do (kinda) and get it done on time. I am sure if you stay on task then you will definitely have it done in time. Good luck girly!!

    Aly – so glad to hear that you are feeling better mentally! As you said in your blog, working out is mostly mental. So if you are able to get in a good mind frame then you will be unstoppable girly!! Hope you have some great workouts and a great weekend!!

    AFM…as expected, had a bad food day. Went to lunch with some co-workers to a place that we used to frequent but haven’t been in a long while. The food wasn’t completely worth it either. Then came back in indulged in some candy. Got home to pack and didn’t want to stop for dinner cause I knew I would be going out with the bf later and could grab something then. I know it was poor planning and poor choices but I really needed to get everything packed for the big move tomorrow. So many changes in my life at one time but I am very glad to start all of these new chapters.

    Don’t know that I will be on here much this weekend. But I hope all of you lovelies have a great weekend!
  • anitanz
    anitanz Posts: 72
    Morning Ladies!

    CMG and Bethany- Know what you mean about craving sushi, I crave it all the time too. Yum! I love that vinegar stuff that they put in the rice.

    CMG- Hope the 20min run goes well, you will have to keep us updated. This C25K thing sounds so interesting, I haven't heard of it before but sounds like you are all making awesome progress on it so it obviously works!

    Aly- Awesome that you have a swim date with your friend. I had a run date last week and it was so good, such a good way to catch up with friends and you both feel better afterwards. Did having your friend there take some of the boredom out of swimming?

    Megan- Hope your knee has come right. Great that you are keeping positive and sticking to the ice and ibuprofen, miracle cures!

    Tara- You are going to make it to 100lb lost, that is such an amazing achievement and I am so excited for you! Will you post before and after pics?

    AFM- Thanks for the support after I skipped the wine the other night guys. Last night (Friday) it was really cold and raining and I wanted to have a couple of glasses of red after work, while sitting inside by the heater. I actually thought that I should, because it was so cold, but when I thought about it more I realised that if it was hot, I would want to sit on the deck in the sun and drink chardonay, if there was a reason to celebrate I would want to go out and drink champagne etc, etc. Not because I want to get drunk because I would only have a couple of glasses, more just a really bad habit that I've had for years and need to break. I guess I am really good at rationalising unhealthy behaviour right Jenelle?
    Weighed in today, have lost 0.4kg. I prefer if I think in lbs because that is almost 1lb! Thinking that my June goal to get to 63kg was a bit ambitious. I think it will more likely be 64kg. Man it is coming off really slowly but I am happy that it is coming off and will probably just keep doing what I'm doing for the rest of the month.
    Take care lovelies x
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Bethany-thanks girl!!! I'm a lil bummed...but moving on nicely and I still haven't given up! I have been doing my planned workouts and have been eating pretty well(even though I took 2 of my 4 cheat days for the month back to back!:noway: ) so thanks for lookin out...I'll be finishing this month out strong as usual! WTG on not eating the ice cream...and no worries about the PB cup (OR the night out!)...that's nothing, we all need our days!!!! I am happy to hear that you are seeing this move as a positive thing now...things do happen for a reason, so be ready for some great changes! :wink:

    Aly-IMO-I feel that you are on the obsessive path with your scale (just like I was!)...I HIGHLY recommend you putting it away for a bit, and just focus on eating healthy and exercising regularly...if you are doing the right things (and being honest about it) the scale will catch up eventually! Putting the scale away for 3wks, really helped me refocus my mind and reminded me of why I was really doing this (it also got me off the obsessive path with the scale!)....just my opinion no hard feelings, k? I am glad to hear that you have some friends to WO with def helps! Have fun on your bike-run!! :happy:

    Mariam-CONGRATS on your run! :drinker:

    cmg-thanks...I will def get past it soon, and we all need to remember that these things happen on occassion and there are ways to move past them quickly! Keep up the great work with your running and I am sure you will do as great as Mariam did on the 20min run! :smile:

    Kan-CONGRATS on your 2lbs...that rocks!!! p.s. I LOVE your new pic (and shirt!)! :drinker: <<<water

    Jennelle-awwwww....thanks!! I really appreciate your kind words...I am definately "in it, to win it!" as Randy would say!! :laugh: And I will see ya at the finish line!! I am glad to hear that, although not perfect, you are happy with your new plan of action for your dissertation...and I WILL BE THERE when you get your Doctorate!! :heart:

    Anita-thanks!! I do have a link with some before and afters (@95lbs lost) in my signature...check em out if you'd like :happy: And good job on your loss...I def like to think of lbs vs kgs cuz, you are right, the numbers look bigger!! :wink: slow and steady wins the race girl! :drinker:

    AFM-well 1/3 of the way done with the month...I have stuck by all of my WO's so far...but I also have used 3/4 "cheat" days already, so I would say I am doing OK so far!! 20 days to go and I WILL finish out strong...PROMISE!! :bigsmile: oh...and as I told Anita...if any one wants to take a look at my before and afters...they are on the link by my ticker!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Tara- You might be right. It is hard especially since I am training for a race and I know my weight isn't going to change for a while. I hate having the scale rule my life.


    It actually feels good, hehe.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    ALRIGHT ALY!!! You are gonna do great! Anytime you are struggling with it....I'm here for you!! Just remember...Allie and I have done it, and Megan and Mariam are doing it can too!! Go get it girly!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    ~Tara... you make me laugh every time you :drinker: with water. lol. I actually thought he had 2 coffee cups in his hands. Lol. Im a dork!~! Your doing awesome!~! Thanks for all the encouragement!~!

    ~ALY.... You Go Girl!~!~! dont let no stupid scale tell you what to do!~! You got this!~!

    ~Anita.... quite a few times I have had to readjust my goals becasue I felt I either set them too high or too low. Its great that you are already taking time into consideration for the month. Progress NOT perfection!~!

    ~Guam.... Im sure you heard about my sugar splurges the last few days!~! Dont let a bad meal get you down, you know that! I am hope your weekend goes well and you get some time to relax. I know how rough it can be to make a million changes all at once, but it is pretty satisfying in the end. Just make sure you keep your head on straight. Somestimes I let my head take over and I get all crazy, no bueno! Im very proud of you, just think of how relaxed and greatful you will be in a few weeks after all the hard work it over. :heart:

    AFM... I lost 2 pds. Yeay! I dont feel like I really earned it though. I worked my butt off for 3 days and exercised like a crazy person, then I did NO exercise for 2 days. In the end it equals out to a normal week. BUT I can see this going VERY bad if I let it become habit. So I need to work on consistancy and quality of workouts instead of just the calories. I need to remind myslef that I know better than that. This is not my first month at this, I should be doing better. Well I can only get in 5 days of xercise this week, unless I count volley ball, then i hit my goal for 6 days of WO. :ohwell: Im gonna go spend some time at the gym today and hopfully do my shred. I keep psyching myself out before I get to it, but I want to stick with it cuz I only have 2 more days til Level3!~!~!~!

    Ok my fav ladys.... Im off to start my Saturday. I hope you all have a great weekend!~!

    ohh, I got my 3 month chip last night, it is late (im only 8 days away from 4 months) but it was still nice to get!~!~!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    I guess you all have better things to do on a saturday than sit on congratulations!~!~!

    Well I did make it to the gym. I was there for about an hour and a half. It felt great to be able to just work and not worry about anything else. Then I went food shopping, now the house is filled with great choices for the rest of the week. (except the dozen donuts my husband bought, I can restrain!~!~!

    Have a great night ladys!~!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Kan-hehe thanks girl...we can def look at em like coffee mugs...close enough!! :laugh: I give you a ton of credit for sticking to 6 days of working out/week(and yes, you should count the long as you do it for at least 30min), and for sticking to the shred...that's hard ****!!! I only committed to doing it 4 days this month, so today was my 2nd day, and it kills me! I am really trying to come up with a great mixture of cardio and strength that gives me the most burn and the most results all at once...easier said then done I guess?!?! Guess I will keep plugging away at it though! p.s. stay away from the donuts!!:tongue:

    AFM-feel like I am doing pretty well with being back to my "gool old self" again!! I did well yesterday with my eating, and I have still not missed even one of my preplanned workouts fro the month! WOOT!!:drinker: Had the bf meet my kiddo this Thursday for the first time...and it went so well that he came back yesterday!!! This will make life so much easier as far as being able to spend time with both of them...buth it will give me so much less time for myself too!!:noway: Gotta learn to balance again I guess!! I did it for 12years, so I guess I can do it again! :blushing: 19days to go ladies!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    lostalykat (?megan): sorry im shocking with names! it can be so motivating when u have someone working out with you. I love swimmming, i used to swim for my school team many many moons ago! find it very relaxing now that i dont have to think about stamina and speed and style!! well done on the scales. so far ive been good. ive been tempted to sneak but havent!

    cmg and bethany: i love sushi!! i think there are worse things you could crave!!

    cmg: the run was actually amazing! i felt a bit tied down by having to walk so have decided to run and if im knackered then i will recover with a walk. this is a lot different than 5 weeks ago when i was petrified to run for 60 seconds! lol! funny how your body adapts! i have zumba to credit for most of my stamina though. you will be fine! enjoy it. do you use a podcast? i use this

    Aly: i agree wth tara, im finding it a lot easier to focus on my exercise and food as the scale is not ruling my life! i was starting to ge obsessive with the daily weighing and the water fluctuations were driving me nuts! esp around TOM when i can gain upto 3lbs!!

    Kan: well done on your 2lbs lost! like the new pic! well done for continuing with the shred, i have been doing it but here and there when i cant run or zumba. will have to make it more regular. you will find week 3 easy peasy! i think personally level 2 gave me more of a workout then level 3. im going to try and do it in 30 days on the trot one of these days!

    tara: glad u are feeling back to your normal self! and sounds like it went well with the bf! have u been seeing him for long? will def be easier if they both gel well together. I know about not having much time to yourself! A is now 2yrs 5m and a little diva! getting 'me' time to workout is a challange and everything has to be planned in military precision so i can go out for a run/ exercise and make it back in time for dinner and time with the hubby! as it is he moans that im getting too thin! lol. but he's laid off my running for now so its a blessing!

    AFM: its been a mixed week. awful office move and stress= rubbish food week. Tara just reminded me that there's 19 days left in june! yikes!

    ive been good with the scale, i find it quite liberating not having to go by the scale! i am managing 2 runs a week and zumba, and shredding one-two days a week. simply cant fit in anymore exercise unless i start waking early in the mornings! which im loathe to do. already get woken up at 6am everyday by my little monster so sleep is a necessity!!! lol. I am also thinking of doing more toning stuff so may stick with the shred and give it another go.

    I am defintely going to have to get my food back on track and start eating more fruit and veg. I am starting to get bloated again which hasnt happened in a very very long time- so my body is not liking all the rubbish im consuming.

    hope everyone is having a good weekend
  • cmg2008
    cmg2008 Posts: 139
    i can't believe that sooo many people like sushi here!!! i get strange looks where i live when i meantion i like sushi lol.

    maria: i use the NHS choices podcasts, thier based out of england but heyy it was first on itunes soo i can't be too picky lol. I did the 20 min run last night, I was proud that i finished it but i feel like i need to up my pace now

    lostalykat: excellent choice on deciding to hide the scale! I might join you on that one because i step on the scale at least every day and get disappointed when i see no changes

    anitanz: the 20 min run went well, I'm just glad that i finished it! If your interested in learning more about C25K heres a link too it , but basically its a 9 week program that helps you run for 30 minutes at a time.

    guamgrly: I hope you found your sushi fix!!!!

    tara: its amazing that you've lost 100lbs soo far that your maintaining your new healthy lifestyle! And i'm happy for ya that your new bf and kid get along!!!

    AFM ... still holding strong in resisiting the fast food, hosently it doesn't even seem like such a chore anymroe, i don't really get cravings for it. I'm still trying to break 150lbs and get down into the 140s but still no success yet =( I finished w5d3 last night and i felt great! C25K really does work, I never thought that I would be running for long periods of time and here I am running for 20 mintues staight, no breaks or nothing, it feels like an accomplishment!!!! Hope all you ladies have a great rest of your weekend!