Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - June Challenge!!



  • cmg2008
    cmg2008 Posts: 139
    KanCrav: thanks for your support, it really means alot =) And I hope your week continues to get better!!!

    hanna: my friend also had knee problems while running during c25k, she got a new pair running shoes from reebok and she said that helped her out a ton and that her knees don't hurt her as bad when she runs now. I hope you start feeling better!!!

    maria: I use the NHS podcasts because their the only ones that i could get to work on my ipod lol, the music is a little different but i like it and actually i'm from the US, I live in southern ohio.

    mking: i hope your knee starts feeling better soon, sooo that you can kick @$$ in your upcoming 5K, just keep babying it up and i'm sure it will start to feel fine!

    ASM...I really don't have to much to say, I finally broke 150lbs, I'm down 1 pound to 149 but hey it is a start. Also I started week 6 today of c25k, it was a little bit tougher than i thought it would be, but i finished the runs out. I do have a qustion for everybody though, Is it hard for you to get your allotted amount of calories in when you had a busy day??? For instance, I woke up this morning, went for my run, ate a quick snack then I had errands to run before I worked all day. In between errands and working I got a sub from subway and that was basically all I had to eat for the day. When I got home from work I had to make myself eat something even though I really wasn't that hungry and i'm still under 1200 calories =( Do i need to make myself eat more? or is it okay to be under here and there?
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    imarunner-I feel ya girly!! I am currently stuck too!! I have until August 10th...which is when I wanted to reach my goal and when I am going on vaca to meet my bf's parents for the first time!! I am gonna be starting the 30 Day Shred on June 29th to see if that helps me push past this!! Keep on trying...don't give up! :flowerforyou:

    Megan-fingers crossed for your knee and your run...hope all goes well :happy: and be ready to start kickin in the "perfect" eating habits for the remainder...that is how I had to do it when I went NO scale myself, you can do it!:wink:

    Hanna-you are not alone!!! And be sure to listen to your'll letcha know what you should (and should not) be doing right now!

    Bethany-it was kinda nerve wreckin at first...all the way around...but once everyone got comfy it went great!! Just don't psyche yourself out and no one else will either!!How do you like the YBB btw? :bigsmile:

    Anita-have fun on your trip...and I recommend board games to keepya entertained!! LOL:laugh:

    cmg-I do not seem to have the problem of UNDEReating...but I do recommend that you try to get over 1200 if at all possible, although a day here and there a little under won't killya! :glasses:

    AFM-still eating good, and I got in an extra stretch routine today (since I felt a little sore from the shred on Sat) and the scale is still NOT moving....grrrrr!!:grumble:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Morning folks! Sorry I've been totally absent. Absolutely no time to post and respond to all you wonderful ladies... I feel like such a neglectful mother right now :laugh: But i know you're all fully capable of kickin' *kitten* without me, so I wasn't too worried! Haven't been able to catch up on all the posts but I will when I get a chance.

    Just wanted to drop by and encourage you all to keep at it. Constant remind yourself of your goals and why you want to attain them. Don't settle for less than everything you can give in a workout, but in life make sure that you are making things work and making concessions for those things that are important to you and make you happy. Most of all, enjoy the journey and make sure you are happy with your choices :happy:

    Welcome to the few new faces :flowerforyou: It may be a little late into the month, but you'll find your niche here in no time and you'll love it!

    To all my long-standing Kick-*kitten* twenty-somethings - You are all FABULOUS and you inspire me every day to keep it up, work hard, and love myself :heart: Will update you with life stuff and health/fitness junk tomorrow (hopefully)...
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Good Morning Lovelies! Long day at work ahead of me today so I wanted to drop in and say hello while I had 2 seconds! Did spin followed by my mini-bootcamp this morning and it felt great! The hubby has realized that he really needs to start working out again and so I might start doing Shred with him in the afternoons or the 6 week 6 pack abs by JM. It just depends on what I do earlier in the day. Since I didn't do any weights today I might be up for the shred. Right now my cals are set to lose 2 lbs a week and I think my new goal is to burn 1,000 cals a day and only eat back half that way I am on track to lose 3 lbs a week. I am not sure if that is really going to work and I might be really hungry with this plan so we will see!!

    Hope you ladies have a fantastic day!

  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    Thanks to everyone for the encouragement!

    I realize I forgot to formally introduce myself! My name is Mandy. I'm from a small town in northern Indiana (we don't have a grocery store or a stop light). I'm about 5'5" and 171lbs. I used to think I was fat at 135lbs...then I jumped to 150...then 165...then 185 (highest). That's when I decided enough was enough. I have a husband that could care less if I was 130 or 300lbs...which is nice, but not much motivation.

    So, just last night, my friends Kerry and Rebecca and I chose to avoid pizza...a staple food where I live...until after July 10th (the day of my boudoir pics that I'm having done for my husband's anniversary gift). Lean Cuisine and SmartOnes pizzas are allowed, but no Pizza hut, Pap Johns, Pizza Forum, ect. In other words, none of the good stuff. We are also boycotting McDonald's...except I refuse to give up McD's Coke...I would go comatose without it. I calculated that I should lose about 10lbs just from losing the pizza and McD's...and another 10 from eating the massive amounts of fruit that I just bought last night. :-P

    Anyone else interested in giving up the pizza and McD's? Does anyone have other vices they are willing to give up for a month? Please share...I'll need the encouragement!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Good Morning Lovelies and Happy Tuesday!!:love:

    Mariababe – sorry…don’t know your name! :tongue: I didn’t get a chance to try yoga booty ballet last night cause I was so exhausted but Tara raves about it and I have decided to make it part of the rotation. And glad to see that you have your WOs planned for the rest of the week. Keep up the great work girly!

    Aly – sounds like you are finally coming to terms with all of the chaos in your life!:bigsmile: I am very glad to hear that. You are starting to realize what you are able to control and relinquish control of the things that you cannot change. I am so proud of you and hope that it all works out for you!!

    Anita – sounds like you were able to put yourself back on the healthy wagon.:drinker: And I hope that you are able to enjoy the time with your bf this weekend. Sounds like it should be a great weekend!! Try to make healthy choices but don’t kill yourself over it. And make sure to enjoy the time with the BF most importantly!!

    Cmg – congrats on breaking 150!! :bigsmile: That is definitely a start of great things to come!! And I’m not the pro on the whole calorie-intake-thing but from what I have heard from Meag, Gonks, and Cait…it is necessary to net 1200 calories per day. So when you know you are going to have a busy day, try to pack snacks that can keep you fueled throughout the day, especially since you will be burning calories with all of the running around you will be doing.

    Tara – have thought about us all going to an Angels game…that way it won’t be nearly as awkward and we can kinda be distracted by the game if necessary. And unfortunately didn’t get a chance to try YBB cause I was so exhausted but it will be in normal rotation for sure!! Have you tried switching up your calories on different days? I have heard that it works for some people to get them out of their plateaus. Either way, I am sure that its just a matter of time before you see that # plummet down again!!

    Meag – glad you had a free moment to drop in and still give us your encouragement and remind us why we are on this life-changing experience. Hope you have a great day at work!!:flowerforyou:

    Megan – should be great to get the husband on the same routine as you are already on. My bf was doing a biggest loser style weight loss thing at work for money and it made me feel good when we would go out because he would be less likely to order appetizers and food. But that went out the window months ago and I am pack on this road alone. But I know I can do it if I plan my day out right. And keep us updated on how your new plan works!!

    Mandy – I will accept your challenge!! :noway: I am not a big fan of McDonald’s because I really don’t enjoy it and know that I would probably get more nutrients from the cardboard that it comes in. However, pizza is my all-time favorite food. I did really good about giving it up when my head was in the game but I have slipped off that slippery slope. So, I vow to give up pizza and ALL fast food unless it is a salad or Subway. Which means I really need to put my meal planning skills to work pronto!!

    AFM…I think moving this weekend and working on Sunday finally caught up with me because I was beat yesterday.:yawn: I couldn’t wait to just get home and go to bed. I even took a nap as soon as I got home while my daughter played upstairs with my roomie’s kids. However, I feel much more rested and energized today so my daughter and I will be stopping at the store to pick up some groceries for dinner this week. And then I am hoping to get home, make dinner, and then pop in yoga booty ballet or my Turbo Jam that I finally got in the mail yesterday!!! We shall see what the day holds!!

    Happy Tuesday Lovelies!! I hope that you make it a great day!!

    QOTD (since we haven’t had one in a while) – what are you going today to keep yourself on track?
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    imarunner: I really don' t have a problem with giving up pizza or McDs, but I will with you! :laugh: I need to try to give up Mexican food. I know I will have it once this month, but other than that I will try to be strong.....

    As for me, I have not done the greatest so far... but working on it. Working out, I have started strong... and plan to get stronger. Ran almost 2 miles yesterday *have never run before* and did Zumba plus it was 104 here... Today: Zumba, total body work out, and Zumba again= about 2.5 hours total of actual workout time.

    Hope everyone has a great day, time to get back to work.
  • hanna1210
    hanna1210 Posts: 286 Member
    (I suck and haven't picked up on everyone's names yet - sorry!)

    cmg: I'm sure that has happened to all of us. Just don't make too much of a habit of it. Also, try to bring food with you when you're doing errands. I'm a big fan of Larabars on days like that. Small, but filling and not full of a bunch things you can't pronounce.

    tjradd73: Oh, that scale! :mad: Have you tried measurements (hips, waist, arms, etc.)? That scale might not move, but you could be losing inches and not even know it.

    Mandy (thanks for putting that in your post): I'm a hoosier, too! :drinker: And I understand the vices. I discovered the other day that I'm really bad at eating the free chips they give you at Mexican places. You give up your pizza, I'll give up my chips and dip.

    :heart: You all are amazing! I'll try to remember everything everyone offered, which I am so appreciative of, by the way! My knees just need to be worked back into shape. While running, I wasn't really working on the muscles around them on off days, so I'm sure that's not helping. Like anitanz said, they're just wobbly and not keeping a real form. I also had surgery on one a few yhears back and never rehab-ed it quite as well as I should. Obviously wasn't thinking ahead there!

    Keep up the hard work you all!

    -Meghan (You can keep calling me Hanna, it's a nickname)
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Hey Ladys.... Happy Teusday, almost bed time for me and man am I BEAT!!!!

    ~Hanna... stick with the thread and keep checking in, you will pick up our names and stuff!~! Jeez, I am still learning peoples real names and I have been here for a good amount of time now. LoL. Keep up the good work. Are you doing any strength training for your knees yet??

    ~Krista... way to go on the workout!~! your awesome!

    ~Guam... You HAVE to tell me how that TUrbo Jam works for you. I am super excited about the results I got from Shred and when I am done with it I want to try something else. Good luck and keep me posted!~!

    ~Mandy... I LOVE pizza. I really want to say that I would give it up with you, but I can only do 3 weeks. LOL. I am going to Italy the second week in July and I am going to take a bite of pizza at every place I walk by. I am not going to eat the whole slice, just one but serioulsy, every place I will eat pizza!~! Im sorry, this isnt helping your challenge. But I love pizza. Im in for the challege but my biggest problem right now is sweets. Cake and donuts, I dont even know why!~! I will give up cake, donuts, pastry type stuff until the end of the month!~!~!~!

    ~Megan... please be careful with your new goal!~!~! how are you going to burn 1000 calories a day???? everyday>? Maybe you can let yourself eat back more than half of the cals but make sure that its only in lean proteins. No extra carbs of simple sugars, just protein for your WO calories???? Im hungry just thinking about you working so hard!~!~! Be careful!

    AFM.... I am soooooooo tired. I did 60 min spin class last night then a 45 min spin class this afternoon. Then after dinner and my meeting I did Level 3 of 30day shred and some Jilliam Yoga Meltdown. I hope I have enough energy to workout tomorrow still. I always do this to myself. I workout crazy hard for two or three days then I just die for a whole day, sometimes two and do no workouts. I have group tomorrow morning which usually mentally drains me, but I am going to try my best to get in 30day shred at some point!~!~! And a good long walk AT LEAST. I am going out thurday with the girls for my birthday dinner. Then this weekend my hubby is doing something for me. Luckily I dont have to worry about alcohol calories, but I love cake!~!~! Damn, maybe I made the wrong commitment to Mandy. Oooops. Well, we shall see.

    I stayed up late to wait for the hubby to come home but I dont think thats going to happen tonight. He was running a Target Range today and said that if it rained he was going to have to sleep there and let the guys finish tomorrow. It rained, but I still hoped he would be coming home. Im gonna give him another half hour then I am going to bed~!~!~!

    Ahhh... good night ladys.
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Hey Everyone,
    I am super tired today so I am going to keep this short. I woke up at 5:30 for a 40 minute swim this morning and I have been exhausted ever since. Tonight we are supposed to look at my wedding venue and meet some caterers. My best friend is supposed to come but he said his throat started hurting, I am hoping I can still see him.

    The good- I managed to only have 2 beers at the happy hour last night.

    The Bad- I managed to eat a fair amount of bar food, it was really good tho LOL.

    I am over going back and forth feeling bad or gulty because I had a litte more food here or there. Stepping away from the scale is proving to help my state of mind. I am hoping I can at least just maintain through these busy times, between training for the race and trying to keep a social life I am so busy all the time! But I am not giving up just giving myself a little more wiggle room. I also upped my calories to losing .5 a week to see if that helps me stay around the same calorie goal. I figure I would be happy to even lose .5 a week at this point so why not change it in my settings.

    Good luck to everyone! I am reading all of your posts even if I don't comment on all of them! I know everyone is kicking *kitten* in their own way!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Meag-thanks for dropping by lady!! We are all doing fairly well (I think), and we will seeya when you get more time!! Hope the new job is going well?! :flowerforyou:

    Megan- I think your plan sounds great!! It sounds very similar to how I started this whole thing! Of course, if you are hungry then be sure to use a little more of those cals! :wink:

    Mandy-I think that it is great that you are giving up Mcds and Pizza!! It will definately be a challenge at first but it will get easier as you go on...I myself have not had ANY fast food in about 4 months I think...although I do order pizza about once every 4-6 weeks for my cheat day, and I get subway on occassion as well! I will join you on this challenge, and give up ice cream from Sonic and Baskin Robins! thanks for putting the challenge out there! let's do it!! :happy:

    Bethany-I think your plan sounds great!! after the game you could all go to dinner and start the chit chat too!! The game will totally take the akwardness out of the situation! I think you will like YBB so that's cool :) And I did try increasing my cals a bit this month...and siwtched my workouts so we shall see what that does for me...thanks for the well wishes :happy:

    QOTD- I got in an extra stretch session to be able to say that I did something on my rest day, and to help with the "tightness" from the shred a couple of days ago!

    ComfortFood-mexican seems to be an issue for me too...that is usually what I pick as my cheat meal every other week!! :laugh: love it! Be careful to not overdo it on your (and your body) may get burnt out kinda quickly if you try to maintain that...otherwise way to stay motivated!

    Hanna-(think I will stick with that since we have a Megan and Meag already!) Those damn chips at the Mex restaurant suck!! LOL I have done my measurements (last month I did a challenge with Allie on here to give up the scale for the month) when I did weigh on the 1st I had lost 4.4lbs and almost 5" from my hips, waist, and thighs :drinker:

    Kan-just keep on keeping are doing great!:flowerforyou:

    Aly-good job on your happy hour...and have fun with the wedding plans!

    AFM-managed a 10min stretch to help with the tightness before weigh-in tomorrow! and great eating again so we shall see if that scale is ready to move or not tomorrow!
  • Ashleypeterson37
    Ashleypeterson37 Posts: 347 Member
    Hi ladies!

    Haven't checked in yet (shame on me!) but felt I should update you guys on my progress so far with my June goals!

    -I have lost 2.8 pounds in the last 14 days!
    -Finished 30 Day Shred!!!
    -I'm on week 2 of Ripped in 30 now!
    -And am 26 miles into my 50 mile goal!

    Yay for kicking Junes butt!!!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Has anyone on here tried P90X? My Fiance and I might give it a go after tri training to see how it helps both of us.
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    WOW! You all are fabulous for joining in with me! This is a hard challenge for me...I LOVE PIZZA! And McD's on Sunday mornings is close to the only meal I get to have with my husband all week (we get it on the way to church). It's nice to see others giving up their own vices...not just pizza and McD's. I feel like we are going to kick June in the @$$ little by little! Thanks again for the support!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Ashley-great job on your goals so far for the month...keep goin at that rate and you will hit all of em for the month!! WTGQ

    Aly-I have a lot of MFPals on here, doing P90X...the most that I know about it work out 90min/6-7 days/wk, a lot of it is very difficult, and if you do it like you are suppossed have AMAZING results (at least the guys do...I haven't seen any girls complete it yet)! Also I think it is about $150...but apparently you can find it on E-bay for cheaper :)

    Mandy-you got it girl...let's do this!!
  • Ashleypeterson37
    Ashleypeterson37 Posts: 347 Member
    Also I think it is about $150...but apparently you can find it on E-bay for cheaper :)

    I have been looking into P90X but refuse to pay the price for it. I found the whole set on craiglist for $60 which is a steal!
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Mandy- I haven’t had fast food in I don’t know how long and I can tell you right now that it has made a big difference. You just don’t realize how many calories are in each item. I still have some Papa Johns pizza every once in a while, but its all about control, but if I am really craving pizza I like to make pita pizzas or flat out pizzas. They are super delicious and you can control how much of each thing goes on and so you know exactly how many cals are in it! I strongly suggest it if you are in need of a pizza fix!

    Bethany- Thanks for the encouragement :) I am really hoping that my plan works and I am able to make everything work out and see some serious results! I can’t wait to hear about how Turbo Jam went for you since you have been dying to get it! I love doing new workouts because it keeps things from getting to boring and thus keeps me from not wanting to work out any more!

    Comfort- Holy Moly that’s a lot of workout hours! Although I typically end up working out for an hour a day I can’t imagine 2.5! Do you do it in one whole stretch?? I think my body would be dying so kudos to you for being able to do it! And amazing job on the run! When I first started running the thought of even doing a mile was totally scary and seemed impossible so you should be really proud of yourself!

    Hanna1210- I don’t know your real name I don’t think :( Sorry for sucking at that! Any ways- I have been there with my knees. I have had 3 knee surgeries, one on my right 2 on my left. I totally understand how frustrating it can be when you know you can do something but your knees just don’t want to work with you! I think you should maybe try and find some of those old rehab moves and start doing them at home while you’re watching tv or something. Getting resistance bands and doing all sorts of exercises is only going to help you knee and your quad get stronger thus helping with the pain. And of course I have found my knees have hurt a lot less as I have lost weight- wait a great side effect right!

    Kandace- Thanks for your concern lady! I know it seems like a lot and I am not going to go to the extreme to make it happen and if I am hungry or feel weak at all I will eat what I need to. But I easily burn over 500 cals a day with just my regular exercise so getting extra won’t be that hard. And I still weigh a pretty significant amount so I have a lot to lose. But don’t worry if I am not feeling well in any way I will be sure to respond to what my body is telling me.

    Aly- Sounds like you have the right mind set of a) seeing the good and the bad and b) setting your goals in a place that you know you can achieve.

    Tara- Thanks for the support!! I am excited to see how my body responds and I really hope it does, but like you said if I am feeling hungry and if my body is feeling weak then I am definitely going to eat some of those cals back :) I just feel like I have slowly trickled away from the motivation I had at the beginning and I am really hoping to see that motivation return and I think if I can push myself and see a big loss at the end of this no scale challenge it will be a nice double whammy of motivation to keep going! You stretching session sounds really nice! I need to start putting some time into helping my muscles relax and lengthen back out especially since I am running more and more!

    Ashely- Great job so far in June! Keep up the amazing work and check in when you can!!

    AFM- Decided to go for a nice run outside this morning. I was really nervous about what I was actually going to be able to do as I have been spending most of time inside on the treadmill lately. I ran 2.7 miles in 33:10 which I feel is really good. I wish I had done a full 3.1 but I didn’t know how far I had gone and I wasn’t 100% sure on my pace because I didn’t have mile markers along the way to tell me. I hit a major hill right at the end that about did me in, but I pushed through. I think had I not hit that hill I would have been able to keep going for the extra .4 miles to hit a 5k mark. I know however that it would have been slower than my 36:01 that I had seen on the treadmill, but I know I took it nice and easy outside because I just wanted to finish it! And I did!! My sister is arriving into town today so I am hoping that I can still make really good food choices- wait I’m not hoping, I will make really good food choices while she is here! Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    Okay, so I still dont know ANYONES name lol... so sorry.

    mkingraham: I don't do 2.5 everyday... just did yesterday. I had a morning Zumb class, afternoon total body class, and evening Zumba class... I was so suprised that my body wasnt exhausted yesterday. I seemed to have unknown energy. Who knows where is came from... I am bummed about the running thing. Esp when I see posts that say "such and such burned blah amount of calories running 10 miles" Yeah so much for my 1.56 lol... I am going to try again though!

    Ashely: I know some girls that have finished P90X, it can be done. I will say you have to 1. be some kind of physically fit already 2. really be able to push yourself way harder than you think or 3. BOTH! From what I have heard, the diet regimne is one of the hardest parts of it... but it does get results! And be careful with the craigslist version... I did that for TurboFire and got a photo copy of the books and home burned disks that all run together!

    tjradd73: I don't plan to try to sustain this by any means... During June I have a little more free time if you will.... So I am trying to get some results so that I wont give up. Also so that when I don't have as much free time I can push myself to at least do a little something.... I only do what I can when I can. Kind of like a kick start in the right direction :D
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Okay, so I still dont know ANYONES name lol... so sorry.

    mkingraham: I don't do 2.5 everyday... just did yesterday. I had a morning Zumb class, afternoon total body class, and evening Zumba class... I was so suprised that my body wasnt exhausted yesterday. I seemed to have unknown energy. Who knows where is came from... I am bummed about the running thing. Esp when I see posts that say "such and such burned blah amount of calories running 10 miles" Yeah so much for my 1.56 lol... I am going to try again though!

    Ashely: I know some girls that have finished P90X, it can be done. I will say you have to 1. be some kind of physically fit already 2. really be able to push yourself way harder than you think or 3. BOTH! From what I have heard, the diet regimne is one of the hardest parts of it... but it does get results! And be careful with the craigslist version... I did that for TurboFire and got a photo copy of the books and home burned disks that all run together!

    tjradd73: I don't plan to try to sustain this by any means... During June I have a little more free time if you will.... So I am trying to get some results so that I wont give up. Also so that when I don't have as much free time I can push myself to at least do a little something.... I only do what I can when I can. Kind of like a kick start in the right direction :D

    well even if your 2.5 hours was just for one day- go you! that is quite the burst of energy! And I totally feel ya about the 10 miles thing. Although I don't know that I want to ever run 10 miles so sometimes that makes me feel better :)
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Happy Hump day Lovelies!!

    ComfortFood – great job on hitting your workouts strong!! Although I would say, don’t overdo it because you will become turned off by working out altogether very shortly if you hit it too hard in the beginning!!

    Hanna – sounds like you will be able to slowly work back into running the way that you want to…just work on getting that knee up to par so that you don’t injure yourself.

    Kandace – have yet to try Turbo Jam. Still working on getting situated at home. I still need to unpack a few boxes and tonight I will be picking up my son so tonight is out also. Unless I feel courageous and decide to do it once the kids go to bed…we shall see! And I would recommend scheduling a workout routine for yourself so that you are being consistent with your workouts rather than hitting it hard for a couple of days and then getting burnt out. And its not like you will need to follow your workout routine to the tee but having a plan might help you out.

    Aly – sooooo happy to hear that your mind is finally getting to where you need to be. You are finally coming to terms with all of the chaos in your life and I think it will make it so much easier on you. And my stepdad has P90X but never uses it. I have contemplated popping it in and taking it for a whirl but I am intimidated by it. Although I am hoping to take it from him since he probably won’t even know its gone. He is one of those people that orders all of the workout infomercial stuff and uses it for a week or 2 and then is done with it.

    Tara – can’t wait to hear your results from your WI today!! I hope that your plateau was short-lived!! And when I see the bf again, I am going to ask him if he’s ready to meet the kids. We shall see how it goes. I will keep you updated.

    Megan – great job with your run!! And I like your mindset!! You will do great while your sister is visiting!!

    AFM…have yet to enjoy Turbo Jam. I will be meeting my son and his dad about 20 miles away so that I can pick up my son tonight and don’t think I will have time to squeeze it in. However, if I get home and am feeling ambitious then either Turbo Jam or Yoga Booty Ballet will make it into the DVD player so that I can get back on track. I miss having energy!! Still have some unpacking to do but I’m getting home later than normal because I am having to commute longer to get to work. Now that I am getting settled at home, my next goal is to start looking for another job now that I’m graduated and living in a different area. We shall see how that goes also.

    Well lovelies, hope you are able to make it a great day!!