Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - June Challenge!!



  • hanna1210
    hanna1210 Posts: 286 Member
    Goodness! I am going to need an extra hour in my day to stick with this group :wink: It's wonderful how active you all are!

    cmg - I am starting week 3 tonight. I'm not looking forward to it, but it'll be nice to see just how far I can push myself. I'm an ex-athlete (as in high school, way the hell back there) so it's actually nice to have that great worn-out muscles kind of feeling back. I'm also in a challenge group on here that's really helping me stick with it - well, I guess two now. How's your week coming along?

    shannon - How did you do on C25K? Did you repeat any weeks? And did you do treadmill or outside? Just curious.

    Great job everyone and everything you all are doing!! :bigsmile:
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Good Morning all!!

    Megan – Yes, I am finally a graduate!! Although I am now kicking around the idea of just sticking with it and getting my masters. I am also continuing to avoid the scale like the plague. I was tempted to step on there this morning, even though it isn’t even my normal WI day, but for some reason wanted to see my progress but I thought about it again and realized that I needed to focus on other things right now. Hope you are able to get a work out in either way today!!

    Anita – how do you like your trainer?? I have thought about getting one just to get the ball rolling and get doing what I need to do rather than what I want to do.

    Aly – you always have sooo much going on in your life!! I hope that you are able to find a good balance of everything so that you are able to enjoy your time with your fiancé, rather than take out your bad feelings on him. It will happen over time!!

    Tara – can’t say that things are starting to “thin” out just yet but I will be moving this weekend and I think it won’t be long before the kids and I settle into a new sense of normalcy. I am soooo looking forward to it!! Meal planning, a consistent workout schedule, and a routine…woohoo!!

    Shannon – I think I kinda have the same mentality as you do. My boyfriend is going to be opening his own brewery soon cause he loves beer and brewing his own beer. So we usually go out to the bar once a week to taste new beers. I wouldn’t give up that time with him for anything. As long as I can keep the rest of my food in check, then I will give up that night of bad choices to spend good, quality time with him.

    Kandace – thanks girly!! Missed you too!! I am actually constantly thinking about you too!! I just haven’t had the chance to post in the forum like I want to. But I try and keep up with everyone even if I’m not posting. And thank you for the congrats!! I think once the move is over then things will slowly calm down and I can get back to working on me!! I am very much looking forward to it!! And great job planning ahead when you knew you were going to be stuck in the house all day!! And don’t forget to be nice to yourself as well cause you more than deserve it with everything that you have been accomplishing lately!!

    AFM…small NSV last night…I wanted something sweet so very badly after dinner. I didn’t care if it was ice cream or chocolate that my mom has lying around the house and I was gonna validate eating it because I was working so hard on packing but I decided that the extra calories weren’t worth it to me and just kept packing.

    Hope you lovelies have a wonderful day!!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    First I want to say thank you to everyone for supporting me and understanding my weird emotions lately. I know this is all a process, and when I would have before just ate or drank my feelings away I am learning how to deal with them, which is hard! I have been struggling with my job lately which reflects on everything I do. I am looking for another one but as for now I just have to pull through.

    Thank you as well to everyone who complimented me on my dress. It feels good to hear nice things when I am not too nice to myself sometimes.

    AFM- I actually feel great today! It seemed like it took a little bit to shake the bad feelings I had in my head but today I am back and ready for action; I came home and made my fiance dinner before we went to a movie. A really nice change of pace. Then when I got home I started an overnight chili so I would be ready for lunch. I woke up early this morning and made a delish egg/egg white with spinach feta and cherry tomato scramble. I even had time to do my hair and put makeup on which I have been lagging on. I packed my bag so I can go straight to the gym right after work. The sun is finally shining (thank you Calfornia for keeping your word) and I am ready to take on everything. I am even having a “skinny day” hehe. I will be back to comment on posts when I get a lull at work. Have a great day everyone!
  • Leela30
    Leela30 Posts: 177 Member
    Maria: As long as you are healthy and still have muscles, just ignore them. They aren’t used to people actually looking under the obesity rate. As long as your doctor says you’re healthy, and you know that you are healthy, eating enough, and working out.. just ignore them

    Meghan: Welcome!!

    Cait: I’ve heard wedding planning is a huge headache. I’m no where near ready for that myself. Goodluck with it all, and great job with still staying healthy and active.

    Allie: I love tai food, and find is super super hard to still measure/calculate when the place I’m eating at isn’t a chain and doesn’t have nutrition posted. I usually use PF Changs, even though I’ve never eaten at one.. I figure how different can it be? Also, try and always choose the steamed option, and healthier looking noodles (as in not fried) though I know that’s all the yummy food lol. And BTW.. I GET THAT TAN LINE TOO!

    Aly: you can always vent here. :hugs: I hope you are doing better.

    Tara: that’s the perks of spending a lot of time with significant others before any questions are popped.. can we really work and live together? That’s great that he is supportive of you. I guess 4x a week is like practically living together anyway… Now if only you can get him to workout with you…. Lol

    Shannon: we all go on little hiatuses when life gets really busy. But we all love each other all the same lol. And your Saturday night free-night is perfectly fine and that’s fantastic that you accept that life is about balance.. and enjoying life means splurging and as long as you don’t beat yourself up about it, or not losing weight really fast, that it sounds like you have made a really great deal with yourself.


    CMG: one step at a time. Great control not stopping off at mcdonalds. It will only get easier the more you get used to not going.

    Tara: Wow! Fantastic job not eating any of that.. IDK if I could have done that. But I love the rule of using a small plate and don’t go back for more lol.

    Kandace: I just did a project of the DOD lol. I know they have an HRM position open. Thanks for the suggestion!
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Hey Ladies-

    Just dropping in to say hello to all the newbies and to vent a little.

    As those of you who were around in May know I have been SOOo busy at work. And was really looking forward to some slower pace days. Well now that I am in training all week not only am I having to basically do all of my regular work, but I am in training attempting to learn new software. Then my sister- whom I love dearly- decides last minute that her, her husband and my 4yr old niece are going to come and visit next week. This would be amazing except I am so busy at work that I can't really afford to take time off, and its not like I can get extra done this week because I am in training. I'm barely hanging on by a thread over here when it comes to just not throwing in the towel with respect to my diet, and I just need a second for myself. I thought I was going to get that this weekend as the hubby is heading out of town to visit some high school buddies, but since my sister is coming I will instead be spending my weekend cleaning my house from top to bottom. All I wanted to do was go for some runs and lay out on my deck with the pup. I am feeling really stressed out and while I'm not diving head first into food I'm kind of sucking at resisting stuff too. To top it all off I am having muscle tightness in between my shoulder blades, but I can't go see the chiropractor because i'm in training. Its a vicous cycle and I feel like I need to spend 50hrs at the gym to relieve all this stress! UGH!

    Thanks for listening and I will attempt to reply to everyone's posts when I get the chance!

  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Thought I'd share my fave saying, "What's done is done, there is no point in lingering in the past. The present is here, and the future is yours to changed!":flowerforyou:

    Anita-you are gonna love this group!! we have been going strong since (at least) October...maybe a lil longer (before I joined it)! And if you can control yourself with the brownies (which I could not) then have one and move on...if you can't then don't touch em!! :tongue:

    Bethany- *cheers*:drinker: to routine, and to not eating the chocolate!!

    Aly-glad to hear that you are having a great go rock the gym!:heart:

    Leela-4 days/week is def a lil challenging!! He is really good about doing his own thing while I am working out, but he has also come hiking with me, and will totally go running with me (when I am ready to start that!), and I also offered him my elliptical, on the days that I am doin my DVDs....we shall see how it goes!! And yes the food sitting right in front of my face for 12 hours sucked!! :laugh: I only had the 2 cheese and crackers that I mentioned last night and then I had 1 salt water taffy....overall, I'm happy with it!

    Megan-I'm sorry to hear that things aren't "tops" over there!! Just remember to take 1 hour each day to do the things that you enjoy!! Your house cleaning can wait for a minute! Wake up....workout for 30min....clean for an hour....sit on porch with pup....clean some more, the breaks will be well deserved and the cleaning will get done! Not to mention the fact that cleaning can be a great workout! :smile:

    AFM-2nd rest day of the week, last work day of the week!! I (as always) am not feeling that great about the scale this week...I have done EVERYTHING that I should have this week and will be very disappointed if I do not have a loss!!! I'm thinkin I may be hitting a plateau...which sucks since I am so close to finishing now!! Grrrrrrrrrrrr! :grumble:
  • cmg2008
    cmg2008 Posts: 139
    shannon: i just started W5D1 of C25K and it was kinda easy! week 4 bout killed me and i was reluctent to start week 5 but i'm glad i did =) walking up the stairs used to get me winded now i can run for 5 minutes

    hanna1210: as you can prob see above i started week 5 tonight and i've never felt more refreshed after a run before! I love to c25k its making me feel wonderful bout myself =)

    megan: i know things seem frustrating for you right now but things will get better =) Also think of it this way, cleaning the house for top to bottom is also exercise it might not be that type that you want, but at least your still burning those calories! i hope your week gets better!

    AFM: I bought myself wii fit plus today as a little treat =) I spent bout an hour playing the random games with my little cousin while getting exercise and having fun at the same time, plus some of those games are actally kinda hard, i feel the burn when i do them! Afterwards started W5D1 of C25K and let me tell you I've never felt so good after a run before! Then i jumped into the pool for some relaxation =) Today has been one of the better days that ive had in a long time! Plus i'm still on track with my goals for this month! Now to write my 10pg rough draft for my summer class =(
    EDIT: I forgot to meantion that i bought almond milk today to try && i absoutely love it! thats all lol =)
  • bootssowhite
    bootssowhite Posts: 93 Member
    Hi! I'm 26 and since I started this diet on Sunday, I think my June goal might just be to still be dieting at the end of the month. I have a long history of giving up on a diet around day four. Also, I'm tentatively planning on running my first 5K on July 4th, so I'd like to start running at least three times a week.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    This week has been bananas!

    Update from me - The bff is coming for a visit Thurs night, so along with all my other life craziness I am trying to prepare for that. I know I've been absentee but it looks like that won't be letting up until at least Sunday night. I am expecting lots of craziness at work and loads of over-time conflating my timing issues as well. Fun!

    Race today went ALRIGHT :indifferent: I ran it in just under 64mins (waiting on official chip time results), which is about 3 mins short of my PR and so a bit of a disappointment. I can justify it by the following:

    1) I'm totally under-trained. I ran my PR at peak physical/training condition in February and my 2 month running hiatus has really set me back
    2) It was hotter than a Thai bath house today... 36C with the humidex, which is almost 100F for my imperial friends. Damn hot. And so humid/muggy. My HR was in the 170s and I was still able to chat with other runners. Don't know what that's about but I was sweating like a *kitten* in church...
    3) Ok so that's about it. But still!

    I'm not overly pleased but I am happy I ran it and it was a great race in general. I know I'll get faster again, eventually. It's just frustrating. C'est la vie! I also definitely need to get back into strength training and cross training regularly because I am feeling very unbalanced lately and like I'm losing my fitness. Definitely a personal goal for the month!

    Food? Bah! No time to comment on that. It's so-so. I still have my battles but I'm doing ok. Check my diary.

    Boots - HI! My first suggestion is to consider "diet" a 4-letter word. Think about this journey as a way of teaching yourself to make healthy choices in the first instance. Start slow, with one or two easy changes, and work towards more challenging goals. It's not about giving up or sticking with it 100% - we all have struggles! Just take it one day at a time and count your victories when they happen. It's the only way to get anywhere on this journey. Good luck and welcome! :drinker:

    Shan - OK you're fabulous, darling! And thank you so much for kind words - although you deserve to take ALL the credit! This thread is such a love-fest and that's what I adore so much about it. Women supporting other women in their goals -- It's such a refreshing change from the catty reality we are faced with so often.

    cmg - Not sure I properly welcomed you - So welcome! And great to hear you treated yourself to something so positive - I love motivating myself like that! Enjoy it!

    Megan - BREATHE! Sounds like life is getting the best of you, dear. Keep things in perspective. I know I sound like a mega hypocrite here but I constantly have to ask myself "What's the worst that will happen if X doesn't get done?" -- You can only do so much. If the house isn't looking brand-new, so what! Most people don't notice. If you need to relieve stress and your shoulders are at their breaking point, have a bath and a glass of wine and just CHILL OUT. Don't even count it if you don't want to. It's all up to you. You have to be your own best coach and motivator but you also have to be your own best friend on this journey. Be good to YOU, because the honest truth is that no one else is responsible for your happiness. Take time every day to make today great :heart:

    Meagan and Hanna - WELCOME! :flowerforyou: you'll love it here and great to have you. Don't worry if you feel overwhelmed with all the posts. You aren't obliged to keep up with everyone. I know how it goes - Way too much to keep up with some days.

    Speaking of which...

    Alright folks. Bed time. Having some yummy food tomorrow (which I hope I'll be able to log) and then hitting a concert at night that Tyler really wants to go to. Hope we can get SOME sleep, but who knows. Have a great Wednesday ladies! :heart:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Adding boots- WELCOME to the group! :bigsmile:

    Angela4Health -run 60 miles in June and eat clean for 29 of the next 30 days
    CCSunlight- Drink at least 8c of water a day, lose 8 pounds, and make sure to stay on track as I move and settle in
    Ashleypeterson37:: Finish the last 10 days of 30DS, finally hit ONEDERLAND (8lbs away), run at least 50 miles and start Ripped in 30!
    ashleyk_xox- Lose 10 pounds to make it to my 100 pounds total lost, bring ALL my meals to work, complete entire 30 DS video, NO sweat tea, go to the gym at least 4 times every week, and tone my legs enough to wear shorts!
    Anitanz - loose 2kg to get down to 63kg / 139lb. Drink less alcohol and look and feel great at my 30th!
    ~KanCrav~..... Reach 135. ~ Drink at least 80oz of water a day. ~ Work out 6 days a week, even if its just Shred. ~ Finish Shred! ~Run at least 4 miles a week.
    milieitner-Get into the 8-stone-something category, Finish shred and start NMTZ, and Eat 100% clean 5 days a week
    emmaldownie (Emma)- cycle 100k, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
    mkingraham (Megan)- Strength train at least 2 times a week, DON'T Weigh-in until July 1, run at least 2 miles 3 times a week, believe in myself, lose 8 lbs (ambitious I know)
    erinnmcpherson- Goals: Drink 6-8 cups of water a day, lose at least three pounds, run/walk a 5k scheduled for June 18, run 3x a week, cook/eat more fruits and veggies again (and less processed foods) and start 30DS again.
    Crystalfaith: workout at least 4x a week, solidify my spot in the 140s (shooting for 145), containing my eating on the weekends, drink lots of water!
    Finncmh (Cait)- Continue with crossfit schedule of 3 days a week (MWF) get back in to a better running schedule (TR, Sat or Sun), compete in Father's Day 5k (hoping for a solid PR!) work on letting myself just get outside and relax a little bit on my day off, complete my Whole 30 challenge (check out my blog to see what it is), continue to blog everyday about my experience with the Whole30 challenge.
    shannonaufman: hit 168 pounds. Drink 32oz of H2O before any other beverage. Stick with 30DS and OHR. One cheat meal a week, log everything else.
    jyopchick: stay on Turbo Fire schedule as much as possible (even through a 10-day beach vacation), make FUN not FOOD the FOCUS of the summer!! :)
    smapl001-work out 3x a week and lose 8lbs :)
    lostalykat- No weighing in until a month from my last WI day, June 26th. Focus on fueling for my workouts and staying in a good calorie range. Relax and stretch more, worry less. Check in on how I am feeling emotionally and mentally once a week.
    Allie7383- stay in the 140's.. WI once a week.. continue with the 30 Day Shred, focus on changing my eating, continue feeling better about myself, no matter the number on the scale!!
    Mariababe81 (Mariam): I want to keep up with c25k and get to week 8 by the end of june, to continue zumba once a week and shred on days i cant run, get back to my clean eating!!! I am going to try to not weigh in every day and stick to once a month or fortnightly as i dont want the scale to rule my life! get the hang of maintainance!
    kafoteh (Kristin): *Lose 2-5 lbs *Workout at least 4x a week and at least 45 mins each session *Go to the golf driving range at least 3 times this month
    guamgrly (Bethany) - no scale!! Focus on the lifestyle, the routine, and meal planning. Work out 3x per week. Drink 8 glasses of water per day. Eat more fruits and veggies
    shelsab (alexis)- lose 5 lbs. Strength 3 x week. More veggies. Read more. Find some new healthy meals to make.
    tjradd73(Tara)- lose -6.0llbs, follow my new workout plan every day, try 2 new recipes, <1400 cal avg/week, and <4 days over cals total.
    meagalayne- get settled into a fitness schedule that works with my new job and stay accountable, continue logging only 5 days/week, make 2 spin classes, make fitness social at least once a week (cycling, running, walking, something - not including baseball games on Wed night), drink more water (!!!) and aim to get at least 6 hours of sleep at least 5 nights a week.
    imarunner8908- hit 155 by July 1st, start running again , drink at least 80 ounces of water a day, and give up eating fast food more than once a week, no TV
    Leela30: I'd love to lose at least 2-3 real pounds, but realistically my goal and what will happen is more maintenance.
    cmg2008: I would love to get down into the mid 140s, continue trekking on with C25K and I want to not eat any fast foods for the month of june =)
    Eleanoreb- Continue with maintenance and focus on eating healthier. I've been more caught up in maintaining, than in eating healthy. I need to cut back on all the treats ive been allowing myself lately
    Ley2ndtry: Complete weeks 1-4 on C25K
    Complete the 30 day shred and continue with Zumba - Fit into a size 14 finally and keep up healthy eating!!
    hanna1210 (Meghan)- Consistently work out with C25K, get in the 210s, work out at least 5 days a week.
    MeaggyTheGreaty-To drink at least 8 glasses water/day (FOR REAL!) and to not quit P90X!
    bootssowhite-to still be dieting at the end of the month, and to start running at least three times a week

  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    cmg-i like my wii fit...I recommend getting the extra raises for the board really makes it more challenging while doing the steps!

    Meag-I think that was a great time for your race (all considering!) you should be proud that you could hold a conversation while running in 100 degree heat PERIOD!!

    AFM-kinda in a "pity party" mood I will leave with-I hope everyone else is having a great night :)
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Just a quick post.......

    Its Wed. That should almost say it all!~! I am feeling much "less depressed' than I was last week. Things are looking up, but now I have to realize that fact that If I start to dwell on the sad stuff in my life again I am going to slip right back into bed. My older brothers Bday is soon which is awesome. Yet the thought of being away from him on his birthday really makes me sad. I have my little brother and my parents are gone, its not fair that he has to be without us on his bday. My birthday is also coming up, and lucky me, it lands on fathers day. This used to excite me beyond imagination when I was little and the days would coincide. Now I just dont know how to deal with it. I want to be able to be happy and celebrate.... its just going to be so hard. Why cant I think about my parents without being so sad?? I know it hasnt been very long, but I dont want my heart to hurt anymore.
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member

    That's about all I can say right now. I'm a little perturbed at myself. Normally, I don't have much of an appetite in the summer...too hot to eat...but this year seems to be an exception much to my dismay. Yesterday, I ate an oatmeal creme pie for no other reason than it was there. Really?! I have all this fruit and such and yet no desire to eat it. Ack.

    And exercise has been less than a priority. So not happy with myself.

    My water goal has been easy to attain...I can't get enough lately!

    Any encouragement would be fabulous...I need to lose some serious pounds this month.
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    Hey Ladies-

    Just dropping in to say hello to all the newbies and to vent a little.

    As those of you who were around in May know I have been SOOo busy at work. And was really looking forward to some slower pace days. Well now that I am in training all week not only am I having to basically do all of my regular work, but I am in training attempting to learn new software. Then my sister- whom I love dearly- decides last minute that her, her husband and my 4yr old niece are going to come and visit next week. This would be amazing except I am so busy at work that I can't really afford to take time off, and its not like I can get extra done this week because I am in training. I'm barely hanging on by a thread over here when it comes to just not throwing in the towel with respect to my diet, and I just need a second for myself. I thought I was going to get that this weekend as the hubby is heading out of town to visit some high school buddies, but since my sister is coming I will instead be spending my weekend cleaning my house from top to bottom. All I wanted to do was go for some runs and lay out on my deck with the pup. I am feeling really stressed out and while I'm not diving head first into food I'm kind of sucking at resisting stuff too. To top it all off I am having muscle tightness in between my shoulder blades, but I can't go see the chiropractor because i'm in training. Its a vicous cycle and I feel like I need to spend 50hrs at the gym to relieve all this stress! UGH!

    Thanks for listening and I will attempt to reply to everyone's posts when I get the chance!


    You've got to demand some you time from whoever isn't giving it to you. Hubby needs to do is part of cleaning. Just because he wont be there when the family come to stay, it's still his responsibility to show off a house that he lives in. He will be judged for it just as much as you so he needs to put some work in. And when the family are there, make sure you push them off to visit a local attraction or something for a few hours. If you can, I also can't recommend enough that you take maybe 1 hour, no more, and cook a couple of super-easy big meals that can be frozen (soup, stew, tomato pasta sauce, curry etc work great). Then you can freeze them in individual portions for the next week and when you haven't got time to cook you can just bang one in the microwave and eat it without any effort. Plus you will already know the calorie content. It makes junk easy to avoid because you have fast-food right there already. I do this during busy concert seasons or exam weeks, it saves soooo much time over a week if you cook enough for say 10 portions. You can add different stuff each time as well, especially if you just make a bulk tomato sauce, so it's not too boring.

    I have had really busy mornings this week with violin lessons (I'm a violin performance student in music college) and exams so my exercise hasn't been great. Plus I am getting more travel jabs tomorrow afternoon. I'm really happy I finally hit 9 stone (126 for non-UK people) which I always said would be a kind of "new maximum" for me. I also am pleased to say I bought a size UK6/US2 top which fits nicely. 15lb done now :)
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Happy hump day lovelies!!

    Megan – sorry that you won’t be able to take a breather in between your still-crazy work schedule and your sister’s last minute visit. I give you props for not jumping head first into all the comfort food that you can think of though. Just take it one day at a time and don’t stress about things out of your control. Will your sister really be worried if your house isn’t spotless from top to bottom? The reason for her visit isn’t to check on the cleanliness of your house but to spend some good quality time with her sis. Do what you can but don’t overdo it either!! I wish you the best!!

    Cmg – sounds like you had a fabulous day!! My daughter has been asking for a Wii for a few years now and I’m thinking that once we get settled into our new place, it would be a good treat for all of us. I also wish I was still doing the C25K program. I never in my life thought I would enjoy and even miss running but I do so hopefully once the dust settles, I will be able to pick that back up again.

    Meag – all things considered, I think the 3 minutes under your PR was definitely a win!! You haven’t been able to run like you were previously so 3 minutes is nothing!! And I hope you have a great visit with the BFF!!

    Tara – sorry to hear about your pity party. I hope the party ended early!! I know that a plateau is the last thing that you want right now but you have been doing an amazing job so far. I have no doubt that you will reach your goal within the 10 weeks. Hold that head up girly!!

    Kandace – sorry to hear about your woes!! I was actually just having a conversation similar to that with a friend of mine yesterday. My dad has been gone for 15 years now and I still cried 4 or 5 times this Saturday on my way to graduation because I wanted him to be there and I wanted him to be proud. The pain will ease but will never go away. Cherish the good times that you had with him and the good times that will come with your husband, brothers, family, and friends. Take Father’s Day to celebrate his life and your birth…make it an amazing day!!

    Iamarunner – don’t beat yourself up about the past! It’s the past and it is what it is! Take time to find the drive and motivation you once had to make the right decisions. Sometimes we become weak and lose that drive and motivation but you will find it again and you will do amazing things!!

    AFM…have been busy this week packing and getting ready for moving day. Food hasn’t been extremely horrible and I think I am slowly getting back to where I need to be. I think slow and steady is better for me…especially with everything going on in my life.

    Lovelies…lets make it a great day!! Sounds like a lot of you are down so lets keep our heads held high and make the most of our day!!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    Meag: that was excellent time for your race! I would love to be able to run for 60 mins flat! maybe some day! so well done you.

    Megan: hope you can find some time to get much needed chill time. Like mili suggested, some local attraction might be the best way to distract them and get them out of your hair for a bit!

    Tara: Hope u are feel better soon, and dont sweat the scales so much. You have done amazingly well so far and you will get to that 100 soon! you are a true inspiration girly and you will rock it :)

    KanCrave: I would say you need to celebrate your birthday and fathers day and remember all the good times you had with your parents rather than focusing on the fact they are gone. easier said than done i know. big hugs to you

    Iamarunner: we all have these rubbish days, so pick yourself up and start afresh! the amount of times ive eaten something just because it was there is ridiculous! but dont let it sabotage your plans. you can start again! which is why i love mfp as months ago if i were on weight watchers id have long given up!

    Guamgirl: good luck with your move! hope u get settled in soon.

    Mili: well dont on hitting your 9stone! that was my goal initially! as i weighed 9stone on my wedding day, however once i got there i decided i wanted to go a bit lower! Im 8st 9lbs now and still toying with whether i want to make is 8.5stone but im happy being an 8/10! so i think i will stick to 8st 9lb!

    AFM: have had a busy few days due to moving offices- big hassle and loads of egos to please, wont go into it as far too complicated. but im a bit sore from all the lifting etc. Liking exercise atm as such a fab way to release stress! lol. Doing ok food wise this week, am doing a bit of calorie cycling to curb some bad habits so staying between 1430-1700. liking my polar monitor for the accurate burn!

    did level 3 of the shred yesterday and tbh i felt like level 2 works you harder! dont know if its just me though. Has anyone tried any other Jillian dvds? im thinking of getting burn fat boost metabolism or no more trouble zones? anyone used these?

    going to do week 5 today of c25k and i feel like im ready for the 20min run! so im going to give it a go (once my little one is down, she is being a pickle lol) ! wish me luck!
  • anitanz
    anitanz Posts: 72
    Hi Ladies,

    Meag- I think your running time was awesome. Good on you for getting out and doing a mid-week race too, because that can be hard. Your heart rate may have been so high because of the nerves and stress, that’s why you could still chat. Just a theory, but I have heard of runners going home before they even started to run because their HR was so high that they thought they must be sick. Also, how did the official results come in?

    KanCrave- Can you take some time out on your Birthday/ Fathers Day to remember good times that you shared with your Dad? Maybe go somewhere that he would like or eat his favorite meal, that is what Indian families do and I think it’s quite a nice tradition. Xx

    Megan- I hope it all goes well with your sis there. At least the cleaning will be good exercise!

    Someone asked a couple of pages back (can’t remember who and can’t find the post- sorry) if I recommend a personal trainer, honestly, I think if you can find a good trainer who really pushes you then they are great. My BF and I go to our trainer together, and although it is a lot of money (like as much as going out for a nice meal), it is worth it for our health and as long as we can still afford it I think we will keep going. Gym night is the new date night!

    AFM- Last night I had my hair cut, and while I was at the hairdresser I indulged in a glass of wine and some olives. I wasn’t going to but after the terrible traffic getting there I just thought ‘what the hell’. Anyway, it took all of my willpower not to open a bottle when I got home and polish off another couple of glasses, some more olives and maybe some cheese. I just had to get a glass of water and my dinner down really quickly so that I could forget about it. So I am quite pleased because it is one of my goals this month to not drink so much, but man it is just so hard once I have a glass and get the taste!

    Take care lovelies xxx
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Anita- I totally feel you on the drinking front. I struggle with this a lot but it has gotten better. Great job at the hairdresser! I wish my hairdresser did wine and snacks that sounds so nice! I love that your bf and you go to a trainer together. I would love to get my fiance into it, maybe one day.

    Guam- You know what you have to do and you are ready to conquer. Just keep going and don't give up!

    AFM- I have still been feeling lonely lately. I am hoping it will fade after this weekend when I see some friends to train with. I only have about 7 weeks of training until the race. I am not sure what I am going to do after that, I have built a lot of my life and happiness around training with friends since that is where my healthy social life is. I am hoping that I will not lose that. I might go seek out more healthy friends on group meetup sites since they seem hard to come by. I am going to try to plan a little hiking or walking with my fiance this weekend since it will be so nice. I have a double brick workout scheduled on Saturday (1.5 hour bike, 15 minute run and repeat) so I am hoping I am not too tired from that and I feel up for more activity. Eating lots of salads lately because I have been craving fresh veggies. Still struggling with meal planning and I feel like at one point in the week I always need to go to the store to get a few things. I need to work on that. So far so good, hopefully acupuncture tonight will make me feel better and give me a clear head. I guess I just have to learn how to be ok with being alone.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Kan-stay strong girl!! Take a look at the quote that I posted a few back...and always remember it! Be happy for your bro...I am sure he will have a great b-day, and sometime in the near future maybe you can spend it with him! And you should ALWAYS celebrate and enjoy your b-day NO MATTER WHAT!! Look at it as a way to not only celebrate your life and changes but to also celebrate your dad :happy: You will do great!

    imarunner(sorry I don't remember your name)-take a deep breath! we ALL fall off track on occassion...the most important thing is to take it one step at a time! Get the lil debbies outta the house....and get in a fab workout!! Just remember how good it feels after you have done a great workout, and remember how great it feels to get on the scale and see a loss!! NEVER forget that and you will push past this "down time" soon!! I wish you great success girl! :drinker:

    milileitner-CONGRATS on hitting 126lbs!! that is one of my huge goals for myself (1lb away) as it will be 100lbs lost from my heaviest! Also congrats on the size 2...that is great! :happy:

    Bethany-thanks girlie!! you are right...a plateau (which it seems I MAY have hit) isn't what I want right now...but hopefully that means when I break through it, the rest of my weight will drop off quickly and maybe I will even hit my goal weight early!! who knows?! :bigsmile: Good luck with the moving...i can't wait to see you back in action full force again soon!

    Mariam-thanks to you too!! You are doing AWESOME on your workouts!!! The only other Jillian DVD that I have tried (which is actually a BL DVD) is cardio max...and I think it is a pretty good one!! I don't think it is quite as hard as the shred but I do think that it is better cardio and has a better burn! :smile:

    Anita-nice work on resisting the yumminess of the adult beverage!!that can be a true challenge at times for me too!! WTG! :laugh:

    Aly-keep pushing through girl! Seems like you are totally on track with your workouts now, and getting there with your eating (yah on the veggies!) take that alone time as a me... once you are married and have kids, you will wish you had more of it! :wink:

    AFM-well...I was right about the scale today...I have officially still NOT hit my 100lb mark!! I think I am in my first plateau of starting this journey (in October)...which sucks because of timing! I think that the couple of changes I have made this month, will benefit me by the end of it...but are hurting me right now!:noway: I had upped my cal intake by like 100/day and have added in more stregth training to my routine, so we shall see I guess!
  • drjennelle
    drjennelle Posts: 138 Member
    ahhhh i haven't been here in WAYYYY too long :embarassed: i am just dropping a quick update and then hope to catch up with everyone ASAP!!

    life has been crazy, but i know that's no excuse! :ohwell: i have really been refocusing the last two weeks, and it has done a WORLD of good. i started talking to more people about what they do for workouts (people who i respect and are in the exact kind of shape i want to be in!) :smile: while i LOVE LOVE LOVE all my Turbo workouts, i know that i can't just live as a cardio junkie forever! :cry: hehe jk jk - it's a good thing to realize! plus when it's 90 degrees outside and you work out in your non-air conditioned apartment, doing Turbo Fire might actually kill you :laugh: so i recently got into yoga (of all varieties) mostly because i felt it would be a great "mobile" workout to take with me on vacation (a week from today ill be on my way to the sunny sands of FLORIDA! woot woot!) - you don't need any equipment for yoga and you can still get a KILLER workout (jillian michaels just kicked my butt with her yoga meltdown - LOVED it!). i think yoga (or some variation of) will TOTALLY be my summer workout :bigsmile:

    additionally, i've made some big life decisions this week. i have roughly a year and a half of graduate school left, and ive been working on what is supposed to be my dissertation for a while now (i am in an experimental psychology doctoral program and my thesis currently is about understanding children's odd behaviors and deciding whether or not they are "psychologically healthy"). i realized this week that health and wellness are no longer just an "interest" for me, but it's a passion and one i want to pursue as a career. that being said, im attempting to completely change my dissertation to instead look at the mutual causal link between psychological and physical health - as in mental states can affect health habits just as much as health habits can affect mental states (which we here at MFP all recognize, but the public at large does NOT seem to get this, or to care, or to follow it... and of course we've all struggled with this connection ourselves i imagine). ultimately i want to work on finding a better way to "market"/ promote "health" in regards to diet and exercise. so many of us grow up in this country and have NO idea what it means to be healthy as children and young adults. we have to COMPLETELY re-learn everything once we become adults and decide to commit to a change in lifestyle. doesn't this seem so backwards? shouldn't we be training our children to BE healthy, active, people? while i have been studying and always been interested in mental health, i have always focused on mental illness and treatment for illness... now i know that being healthy does not necessary remove mental illness, but it is such an amazing first step to improve mood and overall function. i want to start here, because it's so much less depressing and there is just so much hope :love:

    so.... this is going to be a big day. i outlined the new thesis idea and ill be emailing my advisor about it today... i just hope this doesn't give her a heart attack, she has two small children to take care of at home :tongue: wish me luck, i might finally be being bold enough to step up and take charge of the future i want to have, but more importantly, the future i want everyone to have... happy, healthy, & hopeful :heart: