Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - June Challenge!!



  • KariAmbriz
    KariAmbriz Posts: 7 Member
    Hi I am a newbie too...I feel so late and its only the 4th LOL

    My goal is to get in "Actual" exercise not just the 8 hours a day (5days a week) of walking at work:grumble:

    June goals:
    Angela4Health -run 60 miles in June and eat clean for 29 of the next 30 days
    CCSunlight- Drink at least 8c of water a day, lose 8 pounds, and make sure to stay on track as I move and settle in
    Ashleypeterson37:: Finish the last 10 days of 30DS, finally hit ONEDERLAND (8lbs away), run at least 50 miles and start Ripped in 30!
    ashleyk_xox- Lose 10 pounds to make it to my 100 pounds total lost, bring ALL my meals to work, complete entire 30 DS video, NO sweat tea, go to the gym at least 4 times every week, and tone my legs enough to wear shorts!
    Anitanz - loose 2kg to get down to 63kg / 139lb. Drink less alcohol and look and feel great at my 30th!
    ~KanCrav~..... Reach 135. ~ Drink at least 80oz of water a day. ~ Work out 6 days a week, even if its just Shred. ~ Finish Shred! ~Run at least 4 miles a week.
    milieitner-Get into the 8-stone-something category, Finish shred and start NMTZ, and Eat 100% clean 5 days a week
    emmaldownie (Emma)- cycle 100k, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
    mkingraham (Megan)- Strength train at least 2 times a week, DON'T Weigh-in until July 1, run at least 2 miles 3 times a week, believe in myself, lose 8 lbs (ambitious I know)
    erinnmcpherson- Goals: Drink 6-8 cups of water a day, lose at least three pounds, run/walk a 5k scheduled for June 18, run 3x a week, cook/eat more fruits and veggies again (and less processed foods) and start 30DS again.
    Crystalfaith: workout at least 4x a week, solidify my spot in the 140s (shooting for 145), containing my eating on the weekends, drink lots of water!
    Finncmh (Cait)- Continue with crossfit schedule of 3 days a week (MWF) get back in to a better running schedule (TR, Sat or Sun), compete in Father's Day 5k (hoping for a solid PR!) work on letting myself just get outside and relax a little bit on my day off, complete my Whole 30 challenge (check out my blog to see what it is), continue to blog everyday about my experience with the Whole30 challenge.
    shannonaufman: hit 168 pounds. Drink 32oz of H2O before any other beverage. Stick with 30DS and OHR. One cheat meal a week, log everything else.
    jyopchick: stay on Turbo Fire schedule as much as possible (even through a 10-day beach vacation), make FUN not FOOD the FOCUS of the summer!! :)
    smapl001-work out 3x a week and lose 8lbs :)
    lostalykat- No weighing in until a month from my last WI day, June 26th. Focus on fueling for my workouts and staying in a good calorie range. Relax and stretch more, worry less. Check in on how I am feeling emotionally and mentally once a week.
    Allie7383- stay in the 140's.. WI once a week.. continue with the 30 Day Shred, focus on changing my eating, continue feeling better about myself, no matter the number on the scale!!
    Mariababe81 (Mariam): I want to keep up with c25k and get to week 8 by the end of june, to continue zumba once a week and shred on days i cant run, get back to my clean eating!!! I am going to try to not weigh in every day and stick to once a month or fortnightly as i dont want the scale to rule my life! get the hang of maintainance!
    kafoteh (Kristin): *Lose 2-5 lbs *Workout at least 4x a week and at least 45 mins each session *Go to the golf driving range at least 3 times this month
    guamgrly (Bethany) - no scale!! Focus on the lifestyle, the routine, and meal planning. Work out 3x per week. Drink 8 glasses of water per day. Eat more fruits and veggies
    shelsab (alexis)- lose 5 lbs. Strength 3 x week. More veggies. Read more. Find some new healthy meals to make.
    tjradd73(Tara)- lose -6.0llbs, follow my new workout plan every day, try 2 new recipes, <1400 cal avg/week, and <4 days over cals total.
    meagalayne- get settled into a fitness schedule that works with my new job and stay accountable, continue logging only 5 days/week, drink at least one cup of your coffee black every day (trying to cut back), make 3 spin classes, and make fitness social at least once a week (cycling, running, walking, something - not including baseball games on Wed night)
    imarunner8908- hit 155 by July 1st, start running again , drink at least 80 ounces of water a day, and give up eating fast food more than once a week, no TV
    KariAmbriz- actual exercise
  • anitanz
    anitanz Posts: 72
    Hi Ladies,
    Thanks for the tips for dealing with yummy food at work, I'm going to use them next time.
    This weekend we have been eating out a lot because my parents are in town, but I think I have done OK with healthy choices. It's been so cold here, so last night I ordered steak and a glass of red wine! Still OK with my calories for the day though..
    Today we are off to a kettle bell class at the gym, probably lunch out afterwards. And maybe tomorrow I'll go for a run seeing as it's a long weekend, I"ll see how I feel after the kettlebell class though! Sometimes I can't move the next day!
    Hope you are all having a good weekend!
  • believeinmagic
    I'm still going strong :). I'm on day 4 of the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and I feel like this will make me get over my plateua. I'm seeing my muscles in my arms and my legs are becoming more toned so I'm happy :) Good luck to everyone this month!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Allie- I know that you will keep it in the 140's!! just stay focused like you were when we weren't weighing and it will be all good in the hood! CONGRATS on your new PR on the 5K!! that is a great pace!:drinker:

    Megan-I see that yo are still doing great with your running!! fantastic dedication there girly!:smile:

    Mariam-great job on not weighing in yet!! and you most certainly can pull of those shorts...rock it girl! As for altering your activity level on the weekend...I have mine set at moderate level(due to work)and I NEVER count my walking at work or my housework as calories burned!! if you have yours set as moderate I wouldnt count it...but if you have it set as light and you feel that your HR is increased during it...then count it!! just my opinion :wink:

    kafoteh-great job on getting to the gym...and have fun on Bourbon Street!

    Angela-great job on your June goals so far!

    Meag-looks like you had another great WI, IMO!! I know exactly how you feel when it comes to not being able to wear a bikini EVER!! we put in all of this hard work and time, and then we still can't wear what we want due to our skin!!:grumble: it def sucks, but I myself have come the the conclusion that there is nothing you can do about skin so why waste your time and energy worrying about it?! You should be very proud of how far you've come and remember that you are a ton helathier and happier then you were in the past, so don't let a lil lose skin get you look great! :flowerforyou:

    Kandace-do NOT give up!!! you did so awesome last month, and you need to remember that when you are reaching for a cheat food!!! DON'T DO IT!!! sorry to hear bout your veggie situation though...that does make thing a little more difficult, could you try canned or frozen in the meantime?

    milileitner-congrats on finishing had some awesome results and apparently worked very hard for them...wtg!! And yes, as Meag said I do feel a lil differently then some of the other girls on here!! I am not one to eat back all of my exercise cals, like some of there ladies do, and my average weekly cals are usually less then 1400 for MY best results, but I do think that it is important to listen to your body and if you need to use them, then use them! I will eat a little less then 1200 on rest days but then I may eat closer to 1400 on the weekend and I have lost pretty consistently by doing this....enough said! do what works for you and what you think that you will be able to maintain in the future when you are ready to! good luck! :wink:

    Aly-LOVE the dress!!II think it looks great now and will look fab once you reach your goal weight and have it altered...great idea!

    AFM-you know I am still in it to win it over here!! I haven't missed 1 day of my planned workouts (even with the bf here!) and I even managed to get in some extra activity so far too!! I have done pretty well with my eating (cept for Thursday which was my cheat day) and I am feeling pretty good about things so far!! Ready to keep on killin it!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    This weekend has been rough, because of weather, time constraints and limited food choices. I'm doing my best but I know that this week I am going to come back and revise my goals to make them more attainable. No sense setting myself up for failure.

    Today I'm heading out for a nice long easy run. The weather seems great for it and I really need it after yesterday's food day. Basically, a few bad choices turned into a night of emotional eating. I don't even want to think about how much I ate. Sure it was all clean and relatively healthy but just wayyyy too much food yesterday in general. Today's a new day!

    Making Oven Fried Curried Chicken Fingers tonight using this recipe: -- I am SO excited. Goddamn it looks good. Will let you all know how it turns out. Having it with some baked squash and a garden salad if all goes as planned.

    Tara - Thanks - I know I shouldn't worry about things I can't control or change. But yes, it is disappointing to look in the mirror and see all this skin and 'flab" after having lost so much and worked so hard. I just need to focus on what I do really love about myself and what my body is capable of now that it's strong and fit. :bigsmile:

    Anita - Steak and red wine is definitely an AWESOME option when you're out to eat! Great choices! I hear a glass of red is good for your heart, anyway :wink: Great job!

    Allie - Amazing time on your 5K lady! Way to go! You are doing so well :drinker: As Tara said - We all know you can do this thing. Just keep your goals in sight and you'll do great. Your focus and dedication is really inspiring :happy:

    Alright I gotta run. Literally. Aiming for 5 miles today if I can....

    Much love ladies :heart:
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    I got all ready to have a nice long post yesterday and then I got distracted and never made it back to the board. Yesterday morning a friend and I did a k9 fun walk. It was only a couple of miles and we didn't even really walk fast, so although I wore my HRM I am not entirely sure that I burnt any more calories than I would have regularly so I didn't log the exercise. But it was really fun and maybe next year I will run it with my dog since it seemed to be a decent course.

    Of course the hubby and I decided to follow this up with some gigantic burgers from Red Robin. Which is not the least bit good for you, but it was delicious, I haven't had one in a very long time, and it will be equally as long before I have one again. I know for sure that I went over on my cals. I am doing good not jumping on the scale, but it sure is tempting. I need to figure out a way to get myself back in gear with my eating. Anyone have any good ideas? I feel like I am partially stuck in a rut because we pretty much have the same things over and over again. I think I might need to get another issue of clean eating magazine so that I can have some new things to try and mix it up with. I know that my exercise is not an issue and if I want to meet my lofty goal of 8lbs in the next four weeks I really need to get better with my eating choices.

    Today I want to go for a run at some point. Its really nice outside (which is a life saver since our AC broke) so I will have my pick of the day to go, we are also going to go pick up some paint samples for our kitchen. Hopefully after that I can spend some quality time with a book today as well. Have a great day and I will be checking in with you ladies through out the day!

  • Leela30
    Leela30 Posts: 177 Member
    How in the world have I gotten so far behind in life?!? I'm really disappointed with myself. I promise I'll be here again!

    Angela4Health -run 60 miles in June and eat clean for 29 of the next 30 days
    CCSunlight- Drink at least 8c of water a day, lose 8 pounds, and make sure to stay on track as I move and settle in
    Ashleypeterson37:: Finish the last 10 days of 30DS, finally hit ONEDERLAND (8lbs away), run at least 50 miles and start Ripped in 30!
    ashleyk_xox- Lose 10 pounds to make it to my 100 pounds total lost, bring ALL my meals to work, complete entire 30 DS video, NO sweat tea, go to the gym at least 4 times every week, and tone my legs enough to wear shorts!
    Anitanz - loose 2kg to get down to 63kg / 139lb. Drink less alcohol and look and feel great at my 30th!
    ~KanCrav~..... Reach 135. ~ Drink at least 80oz of water a day. ~ Work out 6 days a week, even if its just Shred. ~ Finish Shred! ~Run at least 4 miles a week.
    milieitner-Get into the 8-stone-something category, Finish shred and start NMTZ, and Eat 100% clean 5 days a week
    emmaldownie (Emma)- cycle 100k, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
    mkingraham (Megan)- Strength train at least 2 times a week, DON'T Weigh-in until July 1, run at least 2 miles 3 times a week, believe in myself, lose 8 lbs (ambitious I know)
    erinnmcpherson- Goals: Drink 6-8 cups of water a day, lose at least three pounds, run/walk a 5k scheduled for June 18, run 3x a week, cook/eat more fruits and veggies again (and less processed foods) and start 30DS again.
    Crystalfaith: workout at least 4x a week, solidify my spot in the 140s (shooting for 145), containing my eating on the weekends, drink lots of water!
    Finncmh (Cait)- Continue with crossfit schedule of 3 days a week (MWF) get back in to a better running schedule (TR, Sat or Sun), compete in Father's Day 5k (hoping for a solid PR!) work on letting myself just get outside and relax a little bit on my day off, complete my Whole 30 challenge (check out my blog to see what it is), continue to blog everyday about my experience with the Whole30 challenge.
    shannonaufman: hit 168 pounds. Drink 32oz of H2O before any other beverage. Stick with 30DS and OHR. One cheat meal a week, log everything else.
    jyopchick: stay on Turbo Fire schedule as much as possible (even through a 10-day beach vacation), make FUN not FOOD the FOCUS of the summer!! :)
    smapl001-work out 3x a week and lose 8lbs :)
    lostalykat- No weighing in until a month from my last WI day, June 26th. Focus on fueling for my workouts and staying in a good calorie range. Relax and stretch more, worry less. Check in on how I am feeling emotionally and mentally once a week.
    Allie7383- stay in the 140's.. WI once a week.. continue with the 30 Day Shred, focus on changing my eating, continue feeling better about myself, no matter the number on the scale!!
    Mariababe81 (Mariam): I want to keep up with c25k and get to week 8 by the end of june, to continue zumba once a week and shred on days i cant run, get back to my clean eating!!! I am going to try to not weigh in every day and stick to once a month or fortnightly as i dont want the scale to rule my life! get the hang of maintainance!
    kafoteh (Kristin): *Lose 2-5 lbs *Workout at least 4x a week and at least 45 mins each session *Go to the golf driving range at least 3 times this month
    guamgrly (Bethany) - no scale!! Focus on the lifestyle, the routine, and meal planning. Work out 3x per week. Drink 8 glasses of water per day. Eat more fruits and veggies
    shelsab (alexis)- lose 5 lbs. Strength 3 x week. More veggies. Read more. Find some new healthy meals to make.
    tjradd73(Tara)- lose -6.0llbs, follow my new workout plan every day, try 2 new recipes, <1400 cal avg/week, and <4 days over cals total.
    meagalayne- get settled into a fitness schedule that works with my new job and stay accountable, continue logging only 5 days/week, drink at least one cup of your coffee black every day (trying to cut back), make 3 spin classes, and make fitness social at least once a week (cycling, running, walking, something - not including baseball games on Wed night)
    imarunner8908- hit 155 by July 1st, start running again , drink at least 80 ounces of water a day, and give up eating fast food more than once a week, no TV
    Leela30: I'd love to lose at least 2-3 real pounds, but realistically my goal and what will happen is more maintenance.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Stellar run today :bigsmile: Although I was totally, absolutely DEAD after 5.01 miles... Not sure how I ever trained for a half marathon. 10K seems to be my breaking point these days, but I think I am just running way too hard. Need to take it slower on those longer runs, but I just can't help myself! :blushing: 5.01miles in 50:35 -- pretty damn good for me!

    Made that chicken and just have it in the oven for the last few mins. Looks fabulous and I hope it tastes as good :happy:

    Angela4Health -run 60 miles in June and eat clean for 29 of the next 30 days
    CCSunlight- Drink at least 8c of water a day, lose 8 pounds, and make sure to stay on track as I move and settle in
    Ashleypeterson37:: Finish the last 10 days of 30DS, finally hit ONEDERLAND (8lbs away), run at least 50 miles and start Ripped in 30!
    ashleyk_xox- Lose 10 pounds to make it to my 100 pounds total lost, bring ALL my meals to work, complete entire 30 DS video, NO sweat tea, go to the gym at least 4 times every week, and tone my legs enough to wear shorts!
    Anitanz - loose 2kg to get down to 63kg / 139lb. Drink less alcohol and look and feel great at my 30th!
    ~KanCrav~..... Reach 135. ~ Drink at least 80oz of water a day. ~ Work out 6 days a week, even if its just Shred. ~ Finish Shred! ~Run at least 4 miles a week.
    milieitner-Get into the 8-stone-something category, Finish shred and start NMTZ, and Eat 100% clean 5 days a week
    emmaldownie (Emma)- cycle 100k, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
    mkingraham (Megan)- Strength train at least 2 times a week, DON'T Weigh-in until July 1, run at least 2 miles 3 times a week, believe in myself, lose 8 lbs (ambitious I know)
    erinnmcpherson- Goals: Drink 6-8 cups of water a day, lose at least three pounds, run/walk a 5k scheduled for June 18, run 3x a week, cook/eat more fruits and veggies again (and less processed foods) and start 30DS again.
    Crystalfaith: workout at least 4x a week, solidify my spot in the 140s (shooting for 145), containing my eating on the weekends, drink lots of water!
    Finncmh (Cait)- Continue with crossfit schedule of 3 days a week (MWF) get back in to a better running schedule (TR, Sat or Sun), compete in Father's Day 5k (hoping for a solid PR!) work on letting myself just get outside and relax a little bit on my day off, complete my Whole 30 challenge (check out my blog to see what it is), continue to blog everyday about my experience with the Whole30 challenge.
    shannonaufman: hit 168 pounds. Drink 32oz of H2O before any other beverage. Stick with 30DS and OHR. One cheat meal a week, log everything else.
    jyopchick: stay on Turbo Fire schedule as much as possible (even through a 10-day beach vacation), make FUN not FOOD the FOCUS of the summer!! :)
    smapl001-work out 3x a week and lose 8lbs :)
    lostalykat- No weighing in until a month from my last WI day, June 26th. Focus on fueling for my workouts and staying in a good calorie range. Relax and stretch more, worry less. Check in on how I am feeling emotionally and mentally once a week.
    Allie7383- stay in the 140's.. WI once a week.. continue with the 30 Day Shred, focus on changing my eating, continue feeling better about myself, no matter the number on the scale!!
    Mariababe81 (Mariam): I want to keep up with c25k and get to week 8 by the end of june, to continue zumba once a week and shred on days i cant run, get back to my clean eating!!! I am going to try to not weigh in every day and stick to once a month or fortnightly as i dont want the scale to rule my life! get the hang of maintainance!
    kafoteh (Kristin): *Lose 2-5 lbs *Workout at least 4x a week and at least 45 mins each session *Go to the golf driving range at least 3 times this month
    guamgrly (Bethany) - no scale!! Focus on the lifestyle, the routine, and meal planning. Work out 3x per week. Drink 8 glasses of water per day. Eat more fruits and veggies
    shelsab (alexis)- lose 5 lbs. Strength 3 x week. More veggies. Read more. Find some new healthy meals to make.
    tjradd73(Tara)- lose -6.0llbs, follow my new workout plan every day, try 2 new recipes, <1400 cal avg/week, and <4 days over cals total.
    meagalayne- get settled into a fitness schedule that works with my new job and stay accountable, continue logging only 5 days/week, make 2 spin classes, make fitness social at least once a week (cycling, running, walking, something - not including baseball games on Wed night), drink more water (!!!) and aim to get at least 6 hours of sleep at least 5 nights a week.
    imarunner8908- hit 155 by July 1st, start running again , drink at least 80 ounces of water a day, and give up eating fast food more than once a week, no TV
    Leela30: I'd love to lose at least 2-3 real pounds, but realistically my goal and what will happen is more maintenance.

    **Revised goals here!

    Leela - Maintenance is a great place to be, apart from how damnnn hard it is! Great goal lady :bigsmile:

    Have a wonderful Sunday! Hope you all have weather as fabulous as ours is... I'm going to enjoy it if it kills me! :heart:
  • eleanoreb
    eleanoreb Posts: 621 Member
    bump bump bump.. will need to put in my goals etc.. but im in :) little late i know
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Meag-those chicken finger sound great!! let me know how they turned son would love em too I bet! Have a great run!:happy:

    Megan-DO NOT step on the scale!! My best advice to you is to eat the way that you KNOW you will lose, since you can't actually see the number!!:ohwell: I was having a really hard time with my food choices last month...and that is why I decided not to weigh and to get my head back in the game!! The first few days I was like "oh...I have 3 weeks to lose whatever I may gain from today's choices (ie Red Robin)...but then I started realizing "hey...there is no way that I can lose what I have probably gained so far!! and I am NOT gonna have a gain or a even for the month to have to show everyone else on here that I messed up!" after that I went 2.5 weeks with PERFECT eating to try and fix what I had done on the first few days! I also posted a "reminder" every day to all of my MFP pals that I wasn't weighing...that for sure helped hold me accountable to NOT weighing and to eating right! you CAN do this, the no scale is the best way!:flowerforyou:

    Leela-you CAN do this!! do NOT give up girl! And maybe you SHOULD really push yourself and shoot for those 2-3lbs this month?! I'll be here rootin on every step! :drinker:

    AFM-month is going great so far over here!! I got in one of my "new" workouts today (just hadn't done it in forever!) it was 37min turbo sculpt!!! I loved it, even though it didn't have quite the cal burn that my normal turbo does, I know that I will be sore tomorrow...which is the first time in a long itme that I will be! :bigsmile:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Recipe turned out great! We altered it a bit using different serving sizes and that (to our tastes - about 150g raw chicken each serving, since we were just having it with veggies and no carb option) but it was sooo good! We used...

    600g chicken breast, cut into strips
    1 Tbsp really, really good curry powder
    1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
    1/2 tsp or so salt and pepper, to taste
    3 Tbsp coconut milk (not the So Good beverage kind, the real milk)
    40grams unsweetened coconut
    1 Tbsp coconut flour (or just extra coconut)

    Mix together the spices and coconut milk. Add the chicken strip and marinade in the fridge for a few hours/all day/overnight. When you're ready to cook, preheat the oven to 350F. Mix the coconut (and flour) in with the chicken to coat, and then spread the pieces onto a foiled baking sheet leaving space in between each strip. Bake for 10-15 mins at 350F and then turn broil onto high and broil for 5 mins on each side, watching carefully not to burn.

    Turned out great. The coconut crisped up really well in the oven and the natural sugars came out wonderfully when it browned. The combination of spicy, sweet and slightly nutty was really good. Didn't miss the breading AT ALL. For our recipe, it was about 257 calories per serving. With a few big servings of veggies, a totally reasonable dinner. We had roasted squash and steamed cauliflower and broccoli. Highly recommended and MEGA easy!

    Anyway, that's all for me. Have a great night :bigsmile:
  • cmg2008
    cmg2008 Posts: 139
    I know i'm a little late in joining but hello!! My name is Courtney and I'm 21 years old. For June I want to get back down into the mid 140s, continue trekking on with C25K, and attempt to not eat any fast foods for the month. Quite honestly that last goal is gonna be a hard one, I rely on eating out way too much! lol

    Angela4Health -run 60 miles in June and eat clean for 29 of the next 30 days
    CCSunlight- Drink at least 8c of water a day, lose 8 pounds, and make sure to stay on track as I move and settle in
    Ashleypeterson37:: Finish the last 10 days of 30DS, finally hit ONEDERLAND (8lbs away), run at least 50 miles and start Ripped in 30!
    ashleyk_xox- Lose 10 pounds to make it to my 100 pounds total lost, bring ALL my meals to work, complete entire 30 DS video, NO sweat tea, go to the gym at least 4 times every week, and tone my legs enough to wear shorts!
    Anitanz - loose 2kg to get down to 63kg / 139lb. Drink less alcohol and look and feel great at my 30th!
    ~KanCrav~..... Reach 135. ~ Drink at least 80oz of water a day. ~ Work out 6 days a week, even if its just Shred. ~ Finish Shred! ~Run at least 4 miles a week.
    milieitner-Get into the 8-stone-something category, Finish shred and start NMTZ, and Eat 100% clean 5 days a week
    emmaldownie (Emma)- cycle 100k, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
    mkingraham (Megan)- Strength train at least 2 times a week, DON'T Weigh-in until July 1, run at least 2 miles 3 times a week, believe in myself, lose 8 lbs (ambitious I know)
    erinnmcpherson- Goals: Drink 6-8 cups of water a day, lose at least three pounds, run/walk a 5k scheduled for June 18, run 3x a week, cook/eat more fruits and veggies again (and less processed foods) and start 30DS again.
    Crystalfaith: workout at least 4x a week, solidify my spot in the 140s (shooting for 145), containing my eating on the weekends, drink lots of water!
    Finncmh (Cait)- Continue with crossfit schedule of 3 days a week (MWF) get back in to a better running schedule (TR, Sat or Sun), compete in Father's Day 5k (hoping for a solid PR!) work on letting myself just get outside and relax a little bit on my day off, complete my Whole 30 challenge (check out my blog to see what it is), continue to blog everyday about my experience with the Whole30 challenge.
    shannonaufman: hit 168 pounds. Drink 32oz of H2O before any other beverage. Stick with 30DS and OHR. One cheat meal a week, log everything else.
    jyopchick: stay on Turbo Fire schedule as much as possible (even through a 10-day beach vacation), make FUN not FOOD the FOCUS of the summer!! :)
    smapl001-work out 3x a week and lose 8lbs :)
    lostalykat- No weighing in until a month from my last WI day, June 26th. Focus on fueling for my workouts and staying in a good calorie range. Relax and stretch more, worry less. Check in on how I am feeling emotionally and mentally once a week.
    Allie7383- stay in the 140's.. WI once a week.. continue with the 30 Day Shred, focus on changing my eating, continue feeling better about myself, no matter the number on the scale!!
    Mariababe81 (Mariam): I want to keep up with c25k and get to week 8 by the end of june, to continue zumba once a week and shred on days i cant run, get back to my clean eating!!! I am going to try to not weigh in every day and stick to once a month or fortnightly as i dont want the scale to rule my life! get the hang of maintainance!
    kafoteh (Kristin): *Lose 2-5 lbs *Workout at least 4x a week and at least 45 mins each session *Go to the golf driving range at least 3 times this month
    guamgrly (Bethany) - no scale!! Focus on the lifestyle, the routine, and meal planning. Work out 3x per week. Drink 8 glasses of water per day. Eat more fruits and veggies
    shelsab (alexis)- lose 5 lbs. Strength 3 x week. More veggies. Read more. Find some new healthy meals to make.
    tjradd73(Tara)- lose -6.0llbs, follow my new workout plan every day, try 2 new recipes, <1400 cal avg/week, and <4 days over cals total.
    meagalayne- get settled into a fitness schedule that works with my new job and stay accountable, continue logging only 5 days/week, make 2 spin classes, make fitness social at least once a week (cycling, running, walking, something - not including baseball games on Wed night), drink more water (!!!) and aim to get at least 6 hours of sleep at least 5 nights a week.
    imarunner8908- hit 155 by July 1st, start running again , drink at least 80 ounces of water a day, and give up eating fast food more than once a week, no TV
    Leela30: I'd love to lose at least 2-3 real pounds, but realistically my goal and what will happen is more maintenance.
    cmg2008: I would love to get down into the mid 140s, continue trekking on with C25K and I want to not eat any fast foods for the month of june =)
  • CCSunlight
    CCSunlight Posts: 249 Member
    hi new friends! haha I figured I would try to become more active on the thread to motivate myself to get back in the game. June is going to be a really, really hard month for me. On Friday I'm moving from Cape Cod, MA to Charlotte, NC for a new job. The stress of moving is really getting to me and it makes me want to hide in my bed with a big bowl of macaroni and cheese. I haven't really worked out since the last few weeks of school and I gained 5 pounds in May. I need to get back on track! I'm excited to be part of the group, though!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello hello hello. :flowerforyou:

    I am having a good day so far! I am done complaining and being depressed, thanks for helping me out though guys. :blushing: Now its time to Kick some *kitten*. !~!~! :devil:

    I started my day off with a drivers test, which I passed!~! Yeay!~! :drinker: .... I guess the drinker was a bad choice to celebrate a driving test, soooo...... Yeay :bigsmile: !~!~! After my test I went to try out a new class our gym is offering. Turbo Kick!~! oh man. No one told me it was going to be INSANE!~!~!~! I didnt look that great doing it cuz I was lost 90% of the time, but I got in a really great cardio workout! Plus my legs kill from all that kicking. WeW. I was going to use the class as a reason to not do my Shred but I missed it last week and I dont want to take forever to get through Level 2. I want to get it down before I move onto level 3. I am at day 5 right now and I can now use my 5lb weights through the whole thing, but I cant complete all of the moves as well as I want. So, I figured I should not take a day off. I might regret it tomorrow but I know I will be more disapointed if I dont even try. Turbo is also on Wed so if Shred is too much for me today then I will take off Wed.

    I didnt really count on all these extra calories today, but I am glad the class was early so I can fit in extra cals as the day goes on. I am thinking about trying a peanut butter smoothie for 1400 Lunch. We still cant eat lettuce tomatos or cucumbers. The german stores are selling them now so I am sure they are safe, but we were advised not to eat them by our post commander, soooooo hopfully by the end of the week we will be able to have salad again. :ohwell: Better safe than sorry I guess.

    Sorry for taking up so much time yapping about myself. I will be back later to see how your days are going!~!~!
    ~Kandace :love:
  • eleanoreb
    eleanoreb Posts: 621 Member
    Angela4Health -run 60 miles in June and eat clean for 29 of the next 30 days
    CCSunlight- Drink at least 8c of water a day, lose 8 pounds, and make sure to stay on track as I move and settle in
    Ashleypeterson37:: Finish the last 10 days of 30DS, finally hit ONEDERLAND (8lbs away), run at least 50 miles and start Ripped in 30!
    ashleyk_xox- Lose 10 pounds to make it to my 100 pounds total lost, bring ALL my meals to work, complete entire 30 DS video, NO sweat tea, go to the gym at least 4 times every week, and tone my legs enough to wear shorts!
    Anitanz - loose 2kg to get down to 63kg / 139lb. Drink less alcohol and look and feel great at my 30th!
    ~KanCrav~..... Reach 135. ~ Drink at least 80oz of water a day. ~ Work out 6 days a week, even if its just Shred. ~ Finish Shred! ~Run at least 4 miles a week.
    milieitner-Get into the 8-stone-something category, Finish shred and start NMTZ, and Eat 100% clean 5 days a week
    emmaldownie (Emma)- cycle 100k, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
    mkingraham (Megan)- Strength train at least 2 times a week, DON'T Weigh-in until July 1, run at least 2 miles 3 times a week, believe in myself, lose 8 lbs (ambitious I know)
    erinnmcpherson- Goals: Drink 6-8 cups of water a day, lose at least three pounds, run/walk a 5k scheduled for June 18, run 3x a week, cook/eat more fruits and veggies again (and less processed foods) and start 30DS again.
    Crystalfaith: workout at least 4x a week, solidify my spot in the 140s (shooting for 145), containing my eating on the weekends, drink lots of water!
    Finncmh (Cait)- Continue with crossfit schedule of 3 days a week (MWF) get back in to a better running schedule (TR, Sat or Sun), compete in Father's Day 5k (hoping for a solid PR!) work on letting myself just get outside and relax a little bit on my day off, complete my Whole 30 challenge (check out my blog to see what it is), continue to blog everyday about my experience with the Whole30 challenge.
    shannonaufman: hit 168 pounds. Drink 32oz of H2O before any other beverage. Stick with 30DS and OHR. One cheat meal a week, log everything else.
    jyopchick: stay on Turbo Fire schedule as much as possible (even through a 10-day beach vacation), make FUN not FOOD the FOCUS of the summer!! :)
    smapl001-work out 3x a week and lose 8lbs :)
    lostalykat- No weighing in until a month from my last WI day, June 26th. Focus on fueling for my workouts and staying in a good calorie range. Relax and stretch more, worry less. Check in on how I am feeling emotionally and mentally once a week.
    Allie7383- stay in the 140's.. WI once a week.. continue with the 30 Day Shred, focus on changing my eating, continue feeling better about myself, no matter the number on the scale!!
    Mariababe81 (Mariam): I want to keep up with c25k and get to week 8 by the end of june, to continue zumba once a week and shred on days i cant run, get back to my clean eating!!! I am going to try to not weigh in every day and stick to once a month or fortnightly as i dont want the scale to rule my life! get the hang of maintainance!
    kafoteh (Kristin): *Lose 2-5 lbs *Workout at least 4x a week and at least 45 mins each session *Go to the golf driving range at least 3 times this month
    guamgrly (Bethany) - no scale!! Focus on the lifestyle, the routine, and meal planning. Work out 3x per week. Drink 8 glasses of water per day. Eat more fruits and veggies
    shelsab (alexis)- lose 5 lbs. Strength 3 x week. More veggies. Read more. Find some new healthy meals to make.
    tjradd73(Tara)- lose -6.0llbs, follow my new workout plan every day, try 2 new recipes, <1400 cal avg/week, and <4 days over cals total.
    meagalayne- get settled into a fitness schedule that works with my new job and stay accountable, continue logging only 5 days/week, make 2 spin classes, make fitness social at least once a week (cycling, running, walking, something - not including baseball games on Wed night), drink more water (!!!) and aim to get at least 6 hours of sleep at least 5 nights a week.
    imarunner8908- hit 155 by July 1st, start running again , drink at least 80 ounces of water a day, and give up eating fast food more than once a week, no TV
    Leela30: I'd love to lose at least 2-3 real pounds, but realistically my goal and what will happen is more maintenance.
    cmg2008: I would love to get down into the mid 140s, continue trekking on with C25K and I want to not eat any fast foods for the month of june =)
    Eleanoreb- Continue with maintenance and focus on eating healthier. I've been more caught up in maintaining, than in eating healthy. I need to cut back on all the treats ive been allowing myself lately
  • Ley2ndtry
    Ley2ndtry Posts: 136
    Hey people anyone mind if i join too? been searching for a motivational group to help keep me in check!

    I'm Ellie - 26, married, 2 kids and 181lbs my ultimate goal is 150lbs!

    Angela4Health -run 60 miles in June and eat clean for 29 of the next 30 days
    CCSunlight- Drink at least 8c of water a day, lose 8 pounds, and make sure to stay on track as I move and settle in
    Ashleypeterson37:: Finish the last 10 days of 30DS, finally hit ONEDERLAND (8lbs away), run at least 50 miles and start Ripped in 30!
    ashleyk_xox- Lose 10 pounds to make it to my 100 pounds total lost, bring ALL my meals to work, complete entire 30 DS video, NO sweat tea, go to the gym at least 4 times every week, and tone my legs enough to wear shorts!
    Anitanz - loose 2kg to get down to 63kg / 139lb. Drink less alcohol and look and feel great at my 30th!
    ~KanCrav~..... Reach 135. ~ Drink at least 80oz of water a day. ~ Work out 6 days a week, even if its just Shred. ~ Finish Shred! ~Run at least 4 miles a week.
    milieitner-Get into the 8-stone-something category, Finish shred and start NMTZ, and Eat 100% clean 5 days a week
    emmaldownie (Emma)- cycle 100k, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
    mkingraham (Megan)- Strength train at least 2 times a week, DON'T Weigh-in until July 1, run at least 2 miles 3 times a week, believe in myself, lose 8 lbs (ambitious I know)
    erinnmcpherson- Goals: Drink 6-8 cups of water a day, lose at least three pounds, run/walk a 5k scheduled for June 18, run 3x a week, cook/eat more fruits and veggies again (and less processed foods) and start 30DS again.
    Crystalfaith: workout at least 4x a week, solidify my spot in the 140s (shooting for 145), containing my eating on the weekends, drink lots of water!
    Finncmh (Cait)- Continue with crossfit schedule of 3 days a week (MWF) get back in to a better running schedule (TR, Sat or Sun), compete in Father's Day 5k (hoping for a solid PR!) work on letting myself just get outside and relax a little bit on my day off, complete my Whole 30 challenge (check out my blog to see what it is), continue to blog everyday about my experience with the Whole30 challenge.
    shannonaufman: hit 168 pounds. Drink 32oz of H2O before any other beverage. Stick with 30DS and OHR. One cheat meal a week, log everything else.
    jyopchick: stay on Turbo Fire schedule as much as possible (even through a 10-day beach vacation), make FUN not FOOD the FOCUS of the summer!! :)
    smapl001-work out 3x a week and lose 8lbs :)
    lostalykat- No weighing in until a month from my last WI day, June 26th. Focus on fueling for my workouts and staying in a good calorie range. Relax and stretch more, worry less. Check in on how I am feeling emotionally and mentally once a week.
    Allie7383- stay in the 140's.. WI once a week.. continue with the 30 Day Shred, focus on changing my eating, continue feeling better about myself, no matter the number on the scale!!
    Mariababe81 (Mariam): I want to keep up with c25k and get to week 8 by the end of june, to continue zumba once a week and shred on days i cant run, get back to my clean eating!!! I am going to try to not weigh in every day and stick to once a month or fortnightly as i dont want the scale to rule my life! get the hang of maintainance!
    kafoteh (Kristin): *Lose 2-5 lbs *Workout at least 4x a week and at least 45 mins each session *Go to the golf driving range at least 3 times this month
    guamgrly (Bethany) - no scale!! Focus on the lifestyle, the routine, and meal planning. Work out 3x per week. Drink 8 glasses of water per day. Eat more fruits and veggies
    shelsab (alexis)- lose 5 lbs. Strength 3 x week. More veggies. Read more. Find some new healthy meals to make.
    tjradd73(Tara)- lose -6.0llbs, follow my new workout plan every day, try 2 new recipes, <1400 cal avg/week, and <4 days over cals total.
    meagalayne- get settled into a fitness schedule that works with my new job and stay accountable, continue logging only 5 days/week, make 2 spin classes, make fitness social at least once a week (cycling, running, walking, something - not including baseball games on Wed night), drink more water (!!!) and aim to get at least 6 hours of sleep at least 5 nights a week.
    imarunner8908- hit 155 by July 1st, start running again , drink at least 80 ounces of water a day, and give up eating fast food more than once a week, no TV
    Leela30: I'd love to lose at least 2-3 real pounds, but realistically my goal and what will happen is more maintenance.
    cmg2008: I would love to get down into the mid 140s, continue trekking on with C25K and I want to not eat any fast foods for the month of june =)
    Eleanoreb- Continue with maintenance and focus on eating healthier. I've been more caught up in maintaining, than in eating healthy. I need to cut back on all the treats ive been allowing myself lately
    Ley2ndtry: Complete weeks 1-4 on C25K
    Complete the 30 day shred and continue with Zumba - Fit into a size 14 finally and keep up healthy eating!!

    good luck everyone :)
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Good Morning Lovelies and Happy Monday!! :flowerforyou:

    Welcome to all of the newbies!! You have taken the time to put yourself on this challenge and make goals for yourself so I hope you are able to stick with us for the month. By staying here, you will have a great group of lovelies that will encourage you and give you the support that you need while also having a place to share and/or vent about anything and everything. :drinker:

    Tara - your goals sound great!! And you could definitely reach your 15 pounds in that 10 weeks. Glad to hear that the workouts are going well too...even with the bf over!!

    Allie - great job on the 5K!! And super glad that you were able to appreciate your hard work and accomplishment.

    Kandace - I :heart: turbo kick!! I am sad that I haven't had the chance to get my *kitten* back to the gym and do some turbo kick but hopefully once the kids and I get moved and settled, I can find some sort of schedule again. And glad to see that your mood has changed around. :bigsmile:

    Meag - hope you are slowly finding some sort of balance in your life!! Trust me, I know that it can be a struggle but over time you will be able to find what works best for you and what doesn't. I know how much you enjoy control but remember to let go of things that are completely out of control. You are a strong woman and will be able to make it all work!!

    AFM...the month hasn't been off to a GREAT start foodwise but I can't say that its been horrible either. I graduated this weekend so there was a lot of eating out and beverages to celebrate this monumentous occasion. But now that its done and over with, time to get back on track. I will be moving this weekend so that will add to the chaos for now. I will be very glad to be moved and settled and establishing some sort of normalcy with the kids and the bf. Some good news is that I won the bidding war on ebay for Turbo Jam and I am sooooo excited to get it and get started. :bigsmile:

    Hope you lovelies all have a great day!! Its the beginning of a brand new week so lets make it count!!
  • Leela30
    Leela30 Posts: 177 Member
    Tara: I really should try, but I just don’t know what to change anymore. I upped my calorie intake while back, that didn’t change anything, and I started weight training, and well I didn’t get too far until the boyfriend came and finals took over my life. I’m starting strong again on my weight training. I’m really hoping that will make a difference. And I love you all for being here for me. I wish my phone had internet, it would be much easier to check in. As it is I do all my updates whenever I’m back at my computer. And you are a huge inspiration – I find it really hard to spend time at the gym when I’d rather be with the boyfriend. You rock for maintaining your healthy life.

    Maria: I log my walks when they are at least 25-30 minutes. Either if I’m intentionally walking for exercise, or because that’s my mode of transportation or just because It’s really nice outside. But other than that, I won’t track it and just consider it extra calorie burning. Oh yeah, but I have my activity level set to sedentary.

    Allie: Amazing job shaving off a minute from your 5k time! That’s fantastic work! And thank you for being brave and posting a bikini pic. You look great! Maybe once I even out these ridiculous tan lines I’ll post one too…. Maybe.. lol

    Kari: WELCOME!

    Believeinmagic: I’m sorry, what is your name again? And great job on keeping up on the 30 day shred! Keep up the great work!

    Megan: I feel the same way! I eat the same things over and over and over again. I’m really bad at finding new stuff to add to the mix, but then I get really bored of my food lol.

    Meag: Great run! I know once I stopped running every for my sports, I can feel the drastic difference. I get tired way faster now lol.

    Courtney: WELCOME!

    CCSunlight: What’s your name? And moving is terribly stressful. I’d try and shoot for some fruit when you are hungry, but the natural sugars will help give you the energy to keep on going.

    Kandace: CONGRATS ON PASSING!!! Ohh Pb smoothie.. that sounds delicious!

    Elle: WELCOME!

    PHEW! I think I got a good chunk of people in.

    AFM – Finally done with school, and currently not working and desperately looking for someone to take me on as their HR intern for the summer. I’ve applied to a few places, but I’m really holding out to hear back from this one so that I can stay in Columbus for the summer and don’t have to move. Or take a position in NYC that way I can be back home again, and at least won’t have to worry about flying home for stuff in the summer. I’m really really hoping that by the end of this week /early next week I’ll know what I’m doing.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    Kan: well done for passing your driving test! the independance you get from being able to drive is amazing! i dont know what id do without my car! lol. the smoothie sounds delicious too!!!

    Leela:good luck with finding a new job. the limbo in between graduating and working is not nice! fingers crossed for you.

    AFM: doing ok so far, not weighed in yet which im pleased about! as im focusing more on eating healthy rather than what the scale says. I was forgetting why i started on this journey in the first place. might weigh in on saturday just to make sure im not losing any more.

    I am also getting annoyed with some people from work and comments about getting too skinny, starting to look really ill etc etc. its become quite common now for them to just come up to me and tell me i look ill. kind of puts a dampner on all the hard work ive done to achieve this. I try not to let it get me down because i know i look good, im healthy and my hubby still fancies me like mad! so im doing something right! I used to suffer from an eating disorder when i was a teenager and so have always had food issues. However, i grew out of if and am annoyed that people come up with all this rubbish as it makes me feel like i used to! BUT this time i have done this the right way by eating right and getting fit! I think its probably just jealousy but boy does it make u feel awful. sorry for the morbid post!
  • hanna1210
    hanna1210 Posts: 286 Member
    OK, so I'm almost a week late on this, but this is the first time to see the thread. Hope I can still join *fingers crossed*

    My name's Meghan, I'm 25 and ready to not be the "fat girl" anymore.

    Goals for June:
    Hanna1210: Consistently work out with C25K, get in the 210s, work out at least 5 days a week.

    Best of luck to all of you :drinker: