What time do you eat breakfast?



  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    I've always wondered about breakfast! That and late night snacks...

    Your meal plan seems pretty stellar, especially if it keeps ya going throughout the day! Mine goes like so:

    6-7 am - Wake up, water
    7:30-8 - Breakfast, usually around 200-300 cal
    10 - Yogurt
    12-1 - Lunch - 400-600 cal depending on if I'm working out at night.
    2:30 - Snack - 100-200 cal
    5-7 - Dinner hours vary on workout
    8 - Dessert/Snack (though I'm trying to curb this, I've heard its not so good to eat late at night? But I dunno!)

    Eating late at night actually is more beneficial than eating earlier in the day due to insulin sensitivity being less in the evenings. Don't believe what mainstream tells you about not eating late....it is rubbish!
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    Eating late at night actually is more beneficial than eating earlier in the day due to insulin sensitivity being less in the evenings. Don't believe what mainstream tells you about not eating late....it is rubbish!

    I completely agree!! I eat before bed every night. then ont eat until I have been up for a couple hours since I get my workout in. Can someone explain why skipping breakfast is better? Im interested and have an open mind :] I only eat before class so I dont ahve a grumbly belly and draw attention xD
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I eat within 20 minutes of getting out of bed (notice I didn't say waking up :smile: ). I do this because I am starving when i wake up. I have 1/2 cup of oatmeal and 1 cup of cereal.
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    Eating late at night actually is more beneficial than eating earlier in the day due to insulin sensitivity being less in the evenings. Don't believe what mainstream tells you about not eating late....it is rubbish!

    I completely agree!! I eat before bed every night. then ont eat until I have been up for a couple hours since I get my workout in. Can someone explain why skipping breakfast is better? Im interested and have an open mind :] I only eat before class so I dont ahve a grumbly belly and draw attention xD

    When fasting the body releases catecholamines, or the adrenal hormones. Think of it like a natural diet pill that speeds things up (metabolism). Also, fat is released into the bloodstream easier at this time. It creates the perfect natural enviroment for fat burning.
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    so would you say what I am doing would be alright? last meal at 9-10 then up at 6 am have my black coffee and workout then breakfast at 7:30-8? Or would it be better to wait longer?
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    so would you say what I am doing would be alright? last meal at 9-10 then up at 6 am have my black coffee and workout then breakfast at 7:30-8? Or would it be better to wait longer?

    I know that the guy on LeanGains.com recommends 16 hours without eating and then an 8 hour window with 3 meals. Think he eats his last meal at around 9-10pm, trains around 11-12pm and then eats his first meal in the afternoon. I really don't know what the optimal time is. This is just what he suggests (know the question wasn't directed towards me but thought I'd throw my 2 cents in...LOL)
  • khuebel
    khuebel Posts: 3
    I'm usually up and moving around 7:00am, breakfast runs close to 375 total calories, Glass of OJ, 3/4 cup Kellogs Cereal & skim milk, one scrambled egg with some cheese.

    When I skip the egg & cheese I will get hungry around 10:00am and have a small yogurt to hold me until lunch about 11:30am.
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    so would you say what I am doing would be alright? last meal at 9-10 then up at 6 am have my black coffee and workout then breakfast at 7:30-8? Or would it be better to wait longer?

    I know that the guy on LeanGains.com recommends 16 hours without eating and then an 8 hour window with 3 meals. Think he eats his last meal at around 9-10pm, trains around 11-12pm and then eats his first meal in the afternoon. I really don't know what the optimal time is. This is just what he suggests (know the question wasn't directed towards me but thought I'd throw my 2 cents in...LOL)

    Hey ill take your advice too! love new knowledge :] will have to take a look at the leangrains site again. im curious :]
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Eating breakfast does nothing for your metabolism.

    agreed with this part. I've read the studies so I'm aware.

    I choose to eat breakfast because I'm starving by the time I wake up. But I don't do it for so called "metabolism boost" haha
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    so would you say what I am doing would be alright? last meal at 9-10 then up at 6 am have my black coffee and workout then breakfast at 7:30-8? Or would it be better to wait longer?

    If I were working out at this time I would just have a protein shake (20-30gms protein)afterwards with minimal carbs. In my opinion you can get similar results to fasting when undereating with just protein. That is what i am currently doing while cutting fat.
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member

    DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS GUY!!! He is off his rocker. Every dietician will tell you that breakfast is THE most important meal and it will boost your matabolism. This guy must just be a meat head and needs to SHHHHHHH!!!!!

    You're 100 percent wrong.
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    so would you say what I am doing would be alright? last meal at 9-10 then up at 6 am have my black coffee and workout then breakfast at 7:30-8? Or would it be better to wait longer?

    If I were working out at this time I would just have a protein shake (20-30gms protein)afterwards with minimal carbs. In my opinion you can get similar results to fasting when undereating with just protein. That is what i am currently doing while cutting fat.

    Sweet! This is exactly what I have been doing. Isopure zero carb protein shake then off to class. heh I was doing it all along and didnt know :] cool!
  • kafoteh
    kafoteh Posts: 18
    Start you day off with a piece of fruit! I usually eat 1/2 a grapefruit or 1/2 a banana. If fruit isn't your thing in the morning, try whole wheat toast or 1/2 whole wheat English muffin with a tsp of natural peanut butter.
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    so would you say what I am doing would be alright? last meal at 9-10 then up at 6 am have my black coffee and workout then breakfast at 7:30-8? Or would it be better to wait longer?

    If I were working out at this time I would just have a protein shake (20-30gms protein)afterwards with minimal carbs. In my opinion you can get similar results to fasting when undereating with just protein. That is what i am currently doing while cutting fat.

    Sweet! This is exactly what I have been doing. Isopure zero carb protein shake then off to class. heh I was doing it all along and didnt know :] cool!

    Your 10am meal should also just consist of a minimal amount of protein calories if you are wanting to do this approach.
  • doitday
    doitday Posts: 59
    Eating breakfast does nothing for your metabolism. The best thing anyone could do for weightloss is skip it.
    Ready for the hate. lol

    Actually, you're spot on. A 16 hour intermittent fast followed by a workout and then eating your meals in an 8 hour window will kickstart the metabolism/burn fat. People have had this ingraned/pounded into their heads for quite some time so no use trying to explain.

    sorry to say it, but he's right...that's the only thing that works for me. =/
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I get up at 4:45, eat breakfast at 7...if I wait too long I get nauseated and have a headache for the rest of the day.
  • IdaBetances
    IdaBetances Posts: 79 Member
    6:00 - Wake up
    7:00-7;30 - Breakfast
    9:30-10:00 - snack
    12:00 - Lunch
    2:30/3:00 - Afternoon Snack
    6:00-6:30 - Dinner
    9:00 Evening snack
  • deathtaco
    deathtaco Posts: 237
    11:00am-12:00pm. I eat around 75% of my daily calories. (1500-1600 calories)
    8:00pm-9:00pm I eat the other 25%. (600-700)

    "Stoking the metabolic furnace 6 times a day!" is just ONE way to do it. Not the ONLY way.

    There is very little, actual scientific evidence in regards to that. Just like when you talk about Ketosis people freak out and run for the hills. Keto is not dangerous, saturated fats are not the devil in food form, eggs will not stop your heart after 1 yolk, and you do not need to eat bread to survive.

    The best way to lose weight is to realize there's multiple ways to the same goal, some are better suited one type over another. But don't dare call someone a negative name for their views on nutrition or exercise because it doesn't match what you believe - they may just be able to help you if you open your eyes.
  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    Eating breakfast does nothing for your metabolism. The best thing anyone could do for weightloss is skip it.
    Ready for the hate. lol

    Thank you! :flowerforyou:
    No hate here! :laugh:
  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    The best way to lose weight is to realize there's multiple ways to the same goal, some are better suited one type over another. But don't dare call someone a negative name for their views on nutrition or exercise because it doesn't match what you believe - they may just be able to help you if you open your eyes.

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