

  • Hmm... Interesting. What is aspertame? I think i've heard of it before, but I don't know. What kind of stuff is it in?
  • Hey there. I'm not too good at this either. I can offer you some items that I eat as snacks. Don't know how nutritional they are but they are fairly low cal snacks. 90 Calorie Quaker Bars Salsa with a serving of Scoops. Looking at like 120 Cals for 12 chips and 2 tbsp of salsa. Fat Free String Cheese Pretzels with hummus…
  • Let me know what you find out. According to the label on them there isn't any calories, sodium or anything like that. Also contains no real fruit juice.
  • I use-to be guilty of that also until about two weeks ago. I went to walmart and bought a 64 Oz (2 Qt) water jug and I know that I have to drink at least the one whole bottle to meet my 8 glasses. I try for 1/2 before lunch and 1/2 after. I then typically have a few more glasses for dinner and then maybe a couple more…
  • I actually have spoke with my doctor. I discovered my issue when applying for life insurance. Decided it was time to call the doctor. He wanted to see if I could regulate myself following a casual diet before placing me on any type of sugar meds. Proud that say that after about 3 months my blood tests came back fine. Thank…
  • That is good to know, thank you. MFP has a BMR calculator tool you can utilize. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/tools/bmr-calculator :glasses:
  • Very interesting replies everyone. Thank you for your feedback. I will have to keep this in consideration. When at work I try to have 4 glasses enforce lunch and 4 after then sometimes 2 for dinner. Somedays a little more. I am borderline diabetic, that is mainly why I have been on my diet. Maybe I should slack off on the…
  • Wow, that's a good question. I have always assumed that you are to eat what you normally would on your diet and any calorie loss from exercise is just a bonus. I'm by far not a nutrition expert though. Would be nice to have one as a member of the group though. I don't even like to log what little exercise I get in a day in…
  • Not a bad idea. I will have to do some photoshop work. Also I have a logo maker software, wonder if I could modify it some. If you photoshop anything let me know. :-)
  • What about a logo idea for the group, any suggestions?
  • Be proud and confident in who you are no matter what shape or size. Be extra proud and confident if you are working to improve your health. Weight loss is not an easy demon to tackle. Congratulations. I was always told that if you knew all the more people thought of your looks, you would worry a lot less. Have a healthy…