

  • I see you have the will to lose the weight sense you have done it before. I seems to me that for you it is just a "diet". It can not just be a diet it has to be a life change. Healthy food everyday exercise everyday. Once the weight is gone it will easily come back if you go back to the "old" way o doing things. So with…
  • You look great!
  • Eat as "clean" as possible. No junk foods. Mostly veggies and fruit and I also stay away from a lot of breads (carbs). I eat only turkey meats and chicken some fish and sometimes steak (lean cuts). When I started out I only ate 1200 calories a day but with the exercise program I am doing I now take in 1600.
  • I had this problem for a little while. I just had to be REALLY strict and say NO to ALL sweets for about 2 months. Then after that I did not crave them anymore. Now I am a little more open on the sweets but you have to be careful and not give in too much and get your self back to where you started. I cut out all coffee…
  • I was just thinking about this last night! My hubby is not on the same track as I am either. In fact he likes to sit and eat pizza or ice cream and watch me work out! He will eat the healthy dinners I make but then go get fast food after the kids go to bed. When we are out it can sometimes be hard but for the most part I…
  • I took a look at you food diary and I see you are still taking in a lot of empty calories! Looks like you need a lot more fruits and veggies. Take out pop and the sugary breakfast stuff, PB & J's . Also what kind of exercise are you doing to be able to take in 1700 calories?? That might be to much. I am doing Turbo Fire…
  • Yes! Birth control can make you gain weight or make it difficult to lose weight.
  • What kind of workouts are you doing? You may not be getting enough calories....
  • I have not done the Chalean Extreme but I have done her Turbo Jam and I am in the middle of Turbo Fire and both have been awesome!!! So I am sure this program of hers would be awesome as well! I lost 15 pounds in 2 months with Turbo Jam and now I am working on toning with Fire and I am getting abs!! But I am only a few…
  • Great Job!!!! You look great :)
  • I am very happy to learn I am not the only one and that its is normal :) It is very exciting to know if I continue being healthy I will not have to worry about all that bloating and cramping, etc... Love that "side-effect" of working out :) Thanks everyone!
  • I am in week one! I did Turbo Jam before this though. So far I love it!!
  • Welcome! Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • Welcome!!
  • HI! Welcome! I have 2 kids alos and tried the whole gym thing and that just did not work for me. BUt my friend introduced me to home work out videos and at first I was not that interested but I got desperate so I tried it. I started with Turbo JAm a 60 day program and lost 15 pounds ( I could have lost more but I am still…
  • I have not tried JM work outs but I have done Turbo JAm and just started Turbo Fire. I lost 15 pounds doing Turbo JAm (2month program). I LOVED IT! Chalene Johnson is awesome! I have a friend who has done tons of works out videos and she tried Turbo Fire and she even said it was fun and she is now going to order her own…
  • I just got done doing the 3 day cleanse with it and lost 5 pounds. I loved the taste and loved how it made me feel. I will be getting a 30 supply very soon!
  • I have not done either of those but I have a friend who just recommended "Insanity" over "P90x".
  • I was the same then I found out I was not taking in enough calories for the amount of time I was working out. I work out everyday for at least 30 min doing Turbo Jam and so I needed needed extra calories.....I actually started to lose more to after that. But if that does not help try taking in more fiber or protein.
    in Hunger Comment by hollybug26 July 2011
  • I would try upping your calorie intake. The same happend to me and I took mine from 1200 to 1600 a day and lost about 3 pounds the same week. I work out everyday so I need more calories. Here is a link that may help you.... http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm
  • I sent a friend request! : )