

  • Thanks for responding everyone, reassuring to know I'm not the only one who's doesn't tally up...about the sodium I do think that has a big impact on me even though I do use the lower brand in any cooking etc. I get very , very thirsty and have been to the doctor for low blood pressure in the past... I would be a bit of a…
  • Weigh in. Sw : 94.4kg Cw : 88.1kg Gw : 70.0kg I am aiming for a 3kg loss for oc&nov
  • I found myself in this situation when I started my exercise and calorie limiting my weight went up by 4 kgs in 3 weeks I was gutted, sweat, blisters and tummy rumbles and all I had to show for it was jeans that wouldn't even zip. I still don't know exactly what the cause was however last week I sprained my ankle very badly…
  • I want to look good on new years, pick the hottest chick in the room, and just walk up and kiss her at midnight. Not a word spoken before or after. Just kiss and walk away. And her memory NOT be of that fat creep that did that. Instead, "OMG WHO was that? IDK but he was HOT!" [/quote] Whooooohhhh, steamy lol
  • I am thinking the same, so many occasions and you wouldn't even know I was there.
  • I have been hoping to loose and tone as I go, its more about getting myself to the stage where I don't dread seeing a steep hill knowing I will be in bad shape by the end of it I want to cruise up it. I am a size 16 but i weight over 200lbs And although I am on a calorie controlled intake and daily fitness goals achieved I…
  • Do you mean dumbbells etc, to be honest my arms are the one thing I don't think I need more muscle on I would have manish arms. I have watched you tube and other wee articles and all the things I have came across is too advanced for me, I don't think I simple but i struggle to keep up and with as much enthusiasm as the…
  • I dont think you are alone, I myself hate getting flustered and red faced out walking but I go to a place that is packed with regular walkers, we are all in the same boat they're the same as you just further on in the journey. Dont let anyone put you off, once a week i get into a swimsuit and get in the pool with my kids…
  • I would be consuming no more than 1800 cals a day and that is only when I have burnt off calories walking or cycling otherwise it is under 1300, I have tried jogging but the backs of my legs are in a bad way from it, I think I will have to stick to the walking. I have a young son who is normally in the buggy when I'm doing…