How much Strength training do I need

I have being walking approx 6 miles or more a day or Jogging on the spot at the weekend as my eldest child is not keen on power walking and I cant say I blame her she is only 6 my youngest is put in his pushchair during the week and I do laps of the park close to her school in the morning and afternoon. I have been trying to do lunges and squats although I only seem to have mastered doing about 5 of these before I have to stop. They don't seem to register any calorific loss on the add exercise app, I was wondering if anyone knew why or if anyone has any deadly simple exercises that I can do at home, winters on its way!


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    you have to add resistance training under cardio for MFP to give you a calorie burn...but it's really hard to estimate.

    I would personally recommend doing an actual program like New Rules or Strong Curves or something like that rather than just doing random movements here and there....for best results you really need proper programming....programming a resistance routine takes a ton of most people go with tried and true routines. Even more experienced lifters derive most of their programming from previously performed routines.
  • Do you mean dumbbells etc, to be honest my arms are the one thing I don't think I need more muscle on I would have manish arms.
    I have watched you tube and other wee articles and all the things I have came across is too advanced for me, I don't think I simple but i struggle to keep up and with as much enthusiasm as the instructors apart from counter top press ups which i do like a pro lol:laugh:
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Do you mean dumbbells etc, to be honest my arms are the one thing I don't think I need more muscle on I would have manish arms.
    I have watched you tube and other wee articles and all the things I have came across is too advanced for me, I don't think I simple but i struggle to keep up and with as much enthusiasm as the instructors apart from counter top press ups which i do like a pro lol:laugh:

    No...I mean there are actual programs that lay everything out for you....if you're dieting you're not going to be building muscle, you would only be maintaining muscle mass...girls being irrationally afraid of "bulking" gets really annoying...

    Girls who lift look like this...


    To get all crazy bulky or whatever requires;l 1) genetics, 2) lots of food combined with a body building routine; 3) **** tons of work and time in the gym...not just an hour a few days per week; 4) since you're female, testosterone supplementation; 5 ) steroids.

    Don't worry about things that will never, ever, ever happen. Resistance training is how women achieve that "toned" look they're always suggesting they want...but so often afraid to actually do the one thing that will achieve that look for them. It' baffling.
  • I have been hoping to loose and tone as I go, its more about getting myself to the stage where I don't dread seeing a steep hill knowing I will be in bad shape by the end of it I want to cruise up it. I am a size 16 but i weight over 200lbs And although I am on a calorie controlled intake and daily fitness goals achieved I am increasing a friend mentioned that might be muscle gain
  • I am 5'10 and started last year at 200# us size 16 pants. I am now 150 and a size 5/6. I did this through diet and lifting. I started with strong lifts 5x5, and ran it for most of last year.

    Look in my pics. I have a pic if when I was 200 and a few now pics including 2 bikini.

    Don't let the profile pic fool you, it's almost all lighting and camera angles.