Scared of others looking at me when exercising?

I have really low self esteem and social anxiety, Its this really that puts me off exercising, I do go out on my bike once or twice a week but only with my son, I am scared of others looking at me, I am a bit chubby but nothing major, I'd love to be able to go out walking or running but can't get over this fear, anyone else suffer with this?


  • I dont think you are alone, I myself hate getting flustered and red faced out walking but I go to a place that is packed with regular walkers, we are all in the same boat they're the same as you just further on in the journey. Dont let anyone put you off, once a week i get into a swimsuit and get in the pool with my kids and it doesn't take a flinch out of me.
  • MoveitlikeManda
    MoveitlikeManda Posts: 846 Member
    iv spent years putting of exercise because i dont want people to see me.
    Thinking people would judge the fat girl, laugh at me, me rude etc.

    but on the 31st agust my friend talked me in to joining the gym with her.
    I was terrorfied, we joined online and booked our inductions for the following evening.

    I felt sick on the way there and almost pulled out several times that day but thought iv paid now, atleast go for the induction and see how you feel.

    We have now done 2 weeks at the gym (7 sessions in total) and i can honsetly say it was not like i thought it would be,
    nobody really takes any notice because they are all too busy doing their own thing.
    Dont get me wrong there are times im still a little bit like "omg, im the fat girl in the room" but instead of freaking out and leaving i just think "im here to better my health and fitness, so im able to run around with my 4 kids without needing a 20min break after just 5mins of playing"
    and i focus on me and get on with it.

    It is a hard thing to "just get over" but you need to do it FOR YOU, and trust me from some of the people iv seen at my gym im not always "the fat girl in the room" i was expecting to be surrounded by stick thin, muscluar hotties, but there are just as many people (men and women) there who are just like me, doing the best they can do for themselves

    im even now enjoying going I KNOW, ITS EVEN A SHOCK TO ME!! lol

    maybe you could start by walking/jogging a bit later at night just after it gets dark so there is not as many people about, you will soon find some confidence the more you get in to it.

  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    A suggestion....when I started I'd walk back and forth in the alley behind my house. Is there an alley or a little used park nearby?
    I know there is also a kid's park near us that I've rarely seen other people using.
    I've actually joined a gym after the first 15-20 lbs. I like it. A lot of older people there in the times I go. After going for a while I've started talking to some of the other members little by little. Although a lot of people just listen to music on their ipods or phones.

    You could also do workout dvd's. They have some free on you tube. Yoga is very relaxing.

    Are you taking any medications for your anxiety? I know my husband's always suffered from it and never would take any meds until he had T.I.A.'s ( mini-strokes in 2012). Now he's on blood pressure meds, anti-anxiety, and nerve pills. They are helping him considerably.

    Good luck.
  • kurotoshiro
    kurotoshiro Posts: 7 Member

    I used to feel the same, I was worried to join the gym and go alone because I felt like everyone's eyes would be on me, but to be honest, people are usually too concerned with themselves to watch what you're doing. What also helped me was buying workout clothes that were comfortable and made me feel good about myself. Workout clothes actually motivated me quite a bit! When you feel comfortable with yourself, you can start to enjoy working out. I think it's just a case of throwing yourself out there, even if it's just to see how it goes! Like I said, I doubt anybody will be watching you, and maybe if you do choose to go for a run or bike ride outside, take some back roads rather than main roads, that's what I do.

    I hope you find the courage to go out there, don't out your goals on the line for fears which probably won't even occur!

  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Ask yourself... why would you even care what anyone else thinks? Not their business. Ignore them and do your own thing.