

  • crisped rice, plain popcorn, bananas and sugar free / fat free jelly are some of my recommendations! Also light yogurt with seeds mixed in to keep you going for longer!
  • can't help those is the USA really, but from UK I can recommend Bravissimo and Simply Yours for plus size bras, including sports bras. I'm a 38HH and they work for me! My problem is trying to stabilise my flabby tummy when i'm jumping about - so far even the best 'suck me in' pants haven't done much and i don;t fancy…
  • that's awful that someone would criticise you for what you are doing! I remember when i first did a 5k, i walked most of it, was the last to finish and the organisers had to wait around for me to cross the line lol! But i was still so glad i did it and so proud of myself for even doing it when i was massively uncomfortable…
  • it's happened to me more times that i can count! so you are definitely not alone. I've recently joined OA because my weight and eating habits got to a point where they just seemed unmanageable. So now i don't plan to lose weight, or make drastic cut backs, i simply set myself a calorie limit that is better for my health…
  • thanks all! much appreciated :-)