Kamioh30 Member


  • I saw a slogan T-shirt and decided to adopt it's quote as my own....."Strong is the new skinny" I think a nicely defined muscular woman, but not bulky, is very attractive. I know I'll never be "slim" but with my body type I can be lean and muscular, so that's my focus. Good luck to you, and keep up the hard work
  • Also I've been at this for 175 days for my 67 pound loss. I think that could have been considered overly ambitious, but I still haven't hit my first goal of 160, so I'm still hard at it!
  • There is nothing wrong with an ambitious goal. I think it keeps you focused. Goals aren't set in stone, but its good to have something to strive for and if it needs to be altered, then alter it.
  • You sound just like me. I started alot higher though, but right now I'm 168 and I am also 5'7''. My goal is also 140, and if I get there and think there is room for improvement I may try to go lower. I exercise 5-6 times a week. Running and zumba mostly, but I do lift some light weight. I think your goal is achievable,…
  • I was a chronicly dehydrated person before MFP also. I've never been this well hydrated for this length of time. I do notice that I don't get as many headaches, I haven't had the opportunity to notice what a day without 8 or more cups of water makes me feel like because I have to fullfull my check box to fill my virtual…
    in Water Comment by Kamioh30 June 2011
  • gracias! sounds wonderful
  • congrats. It's amazing that it takes 20-30 pounds for people to notice weight loss. I am in the same boat I have a significant amount of weight to lose. So far I've lost 28 pounds and other than my husband, other people are just beginning to notice. Keep on with the great work, It'll be soo worth it.
  • Thanks for these ideas. I'm looking forward to trying these. Is Flax meal hard to find?
  • I was an all or nothing kind of girl as well but since starting MFP I know I have a certain amount to "spend" and I make choices and compromises. Yesterday I had bread from an Italian restaurant but my main course was only soup and a dinner salad. But I really wanted some bread. Good thing it was the last piece though or I…
  • I had given up peanut butter also. Too expensive on calories. But I love it. It still calls to me, but I've replaced it after another MFP'R told me about PB2. I just got some yesterday and I think it could be a good alternative. Check out http://bellplantation.com/. I found it at our health food store but next time I will…
  • thanks, you as well. I know the dreaded plateau is lurking around the corner though.
  • I lost about 18 pounds the first month. Now I'm at 21 pounds lost.
  • This is definately do-able. Not that I'm advocating for NOT exercising, but without exercise my husband and I have been doing MFP for a little over a month and he's lost 38 pounds and I've lost 21 pounds. I've done the grueling workouts and reverted back to my old ways. When I stop losing with just the dietary changes I…
  • I feel your pain, those love-hate relationships are rough. Thanks for the laugh!
  • I've never really thought about it in those terms. Kind of like spinning your wheels. I got a lil chuckle out of the whole concept after reading your post.
  • I have a waffle recipe that I've tweaked. It has 140 cal, 27 carbs, 1 fat, and 8 protein per waffle. Use a half cup of batter for each waffle and I spray Pam on waffle iron before each waffle. The recipe makes 10 waffles and we freeze them and reheat them in the toaster and we use sugar free syrup or smucker's sugar free…
  • My husband and I would appreciate that function also as I usually enter the ingredients for a recipe and then he has to re-enter since I don't want to go through the process including the directions to add the recipe to the database.