Low Carb Breakfast Ideas?

mexigrl64 Posts: 14 Member
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
As I embark on this adventure my biggest fear is breakfast - I'm sure that is common. I am not a big egg girl although I can see eating them a few days a week. I'm going to try a South Beach style diet, I realize Atkins works better for some but I can't imagine not getting any fiber and I do eat low fat usually anyways. I really think my problem is that I'm a carb queen and I just have to learn to really cut back.

If anyone has great breakfast ideas for the early phases of low carb dieting I would truly appreciate it!




  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    bump. Although my biggest battle is dinner.
  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    adkins has many products that are great for breakfast, including a protien drink that is 140 calories. Delicious!
  • marybsalmon
    marybsalmon Posts: 46 Member
    I really like the Kashi cereals that have more protein in them. With all the whole grains and fiber, I think it has healthier carbs.
  • chicpower1
    chicpower1 Posts: 169 Member
    I'm doing a low carb diabetic diet because it's something I can continue as a permanent lifestyle change. I'm already dropping weight with it after only being on the program for 4 days and I feel GREAT!

    For breakfast I allow myself 2 meats (eggs, turkey bacon, etc) and 1 starch (15 grams of carb such as a slice of wheat toast). If I'm in the mood for eggs I'll do 1/2 cup of eggbeaters, 1 slice of toast with a tsp of margarine, and I get another 15 grams of carb in my milk serving so I typically choose a low calorie yogurt. Carb Masters from Kroger is the BEST for low carb yogurt. You can jazz the eggs up with a little salsa.

    When I'm not in the mood for eggs I usually do 1 cup of Special K cereal with 1/4 lowfat or fat free milk. Either breakfast will typically quell my hunger until lunch, which is my largest meal. I also do a snack in between lunch and supper, and then try to eat a lighter/smaller supper and leave a few carbs available for a low carb snack later in the evening to prevent me from overeating. I haven't needed to do 6 meals too often, but I have it planned that way so I don't sabatoge myself if I get hungry.
  • GaveUp
    GaveUp Posts: 308
    I do eat my cereal for breakfast and that is where I get the most of my carbs for the day. I eat fruit for carbs the rest of the day.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I'd love to see something like this too. I'm not a huge breakfast person, so I never know what to have! Today all I had was my vitamins and a turkey sausage patty.
  • holly0623
    holly0623 Posts: 66
    Cottage cheese and blueberries, plain greek yogurt, eggs and turkey bacon/sausage, nuts. You could even eat non-breakfast food, like left overs from dinner. Good luck (:
  • sarahazelnut99
    sarahazelnut99 Posts: 307 Member
    This is sort of a tough egg to crack (pun intended lol)
    My first recommendation is to force yourself to love eggs because thats the best way to go
    my second recommendation is 3 egg whites whipped along with fresh herbs salt, and a no carb/low cal cheese stick cut into parts (it binds the eggs together)

    I hated eggs for a long time too and when i ate them i always needed them with carbs like a potato or toast but ive sort of become the master of making eggs super tasty just because i didnt like them so much
    eventually my recipes started to warp my eggs into something tasty :-)

    Another really interesting tid bit is to cook with tofu

    the no carb diets sort of disgusted me because my ex use to be on it hard core and i just thought cutting out a food group was craziness (no judgement) and im also grossed out by eatting meat flesh every day :-/ so try tofu and you may like it!
  • findingfit23
    findingfit23 Posts: 845 Member
    I eat eggs and turkey bacon, or plain greek yogurt with a tsp honey mixed in
  • lizzil0
    lizzil0 Posts: 181 Member
    I make this microwave muffin almost every day for breakfast-
    Only 2 net carbs and can have tons of different flavors.
  • Jamazurunner
    Jamazurunner Posts: 132

    Egg white omelets or scrambled eggs with veggies is one of my favorite new low carb breakfasts. I always have WAY too many carbs for my breakfast (which isn't always a bad thing), but I would like to save some of my carbohydrates for lunch and dinner too.

    - Another option: as others mentioned, Kashi go Lean cereal is very low calorie and low carb, and delicious! I sometimes have this with Chobani greek yogurt.

    - If you want really really light, I'd say go with some fruit (blueberries, raspberries, etc). But in no way would that give me enough energy.

    - Sara Lee bread is always another good option, you can even use sugar free syrup to make a healthy french toast!

    I hope this helps!
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    cottage cheese
    protein shake
    eat lunch for breakfast...low carb wrap with turkey and melty cheese
    smoked salmon adn cream cheese
    chicken fajitas
  • Ariyasnow1
    Ariyasnow1 Posts: 117
    Not sure what all implies with the south beach diet, but I love to make banana 'nutmeal' with fruit.

    1 (or half, 12'ish carbs) banana mashed up in a bowl.
    1/2 cup of milk (I use coconut-vanilla milk, 5 carbs)
    1/4 cup of almonds or walnuts(or half and half, 4 carbs) ground/mash up (think plastic bag and hammer...)
    Add Fruit (blueberries, apples, strawberries)
    Sometimes I add raisins, and cinnamon or nutmeg if I use apples.

    Stir together ( it will have an oatmeal like consistency) and eat as is (if you like it cold) or warm it up for a minute in the microwave.

    Depending of course on milk and fruit and how much banana you use, but without fruit you are looking at around 300 cal with 20'ish carbs. Not bad for a savory and fulfilling meal.

    Good Luck.
  • Kamioh30
    Kamioh30 Posts: 17 Member
    I have a waffle recipe that I've tweaked. It has 140 cal, 27 carbs, 1 fat, and 8 protein per waffle. Use a half cup of batter for each waffle and I spray Pam on waffle iron before each waffle. The recipe makes 10 waffles and we freeze them and reheat them in the toaster and we use sugar free syrup or smucker's sugar free jams. They are delicious, even our kids didn't have a clue they were healthy!

    Whole wheat waffles

    Stone Buhr - Whole Wheat Flour, 3 cup (30g)
    Baking Powder - Clabber Girl Mk, 2.5 tsp
    Baking soda, 1 tsp
    Generic - Table Salt, 1 teaspoon
    Treetop Applesauce - Natural Apple Sauce - No Sugar Added, 1/4 cup
    Generic - Vanilla Extract, 0.5 tsp
    Egg White - Large, Generic, 4 large egg white
    Generic - Ground Cinnamon, 0.5 teaspoon
    Generic - Fat Free Milk, 1.5 cup
    Water - 2 cup

    Add all ingredients together, use Pam spray to spray waffle iron before each ½ cup of batter.
  • mexigrl64
    mexigrl64 Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks for all the ideas - looking at the SBD it looks like most of those won't work for Phase 1 but will be great once I get to Phase 2 and 3. I'm sure I'm just like everyone else that starts a low carb diet and I'm looking ahead at 2-3 weeks of just eggs for breakfast and thinking - "no way I can do this" :(

    I like the idea of lunch for breakfast - that is a good one. I'm also truly hoping I can get through Phase 1 to get to the Kashi Go Lean cereal. My biggest issue is I'm usually on the run in the morning and like to have a granola bar - that is so ingrained in me that I'm wondering how I will get around it.

    I appreciate the ideas!

  • Mmmary212
    Mmmary212 Posts: 410 Member
    learn to love eggs.

    I like scrambled cheese eggs with stir fried broccoli and cauliflower with cream cheese, seasoned well. So satisfying and so delicious.
  • barbacasec
    barbacasec Posts: 106
    I have a "green smoothie"
    1scoop protein powder
    2 handfuls spinach
    1/2c bluberries
    1/2c strawberries
    1 cup coconut or almond milk
    1 to 2 tablespoons flax seed meal
    few ice cubes
    add a little water if to thick to drink

    I was very SCARED of the spinach but you cant even taste it.... and you can tweek it flavor wise with a little stevia, or "real" vanilla extract....

    you can also swap out the blueberries for 1/2 banana - higher carb but not to bad fo 1/2 banana if you are low carb the rest of the day

    this keeps me full until lunch- where I have a big salad with some protein and fats (almond oil) for dressing

    then dinner is usually just a protein and more veggies.

    if I need more calories or fats or proteins I do that with my snacks...

    or if iti s a heavy work out day I will have just a protein shake after I work out for recovery. (1 scoop pwder, 1 cp almond or coconut milk and ice..... )
    or I will have 2 eggs for breakfast - as is over hard... to get the extra needed calories for the day....
    its going to be what works for you but I hope this helps.
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    I am doing Atkins...modified and you can peek at my diary....I am getting fiber and no problems "going"

    If you are worried about fiber, I love those Ole Mexican wraps that are low carb high fiber about 17 carbs but 12 fibers so they net only 5 countable carbs.

    I usually do that for lunch or even breakfast with eggs salsa and cheese.
    The wrap with low sodium lunchmeat and baby spinach and thin sliced cuke and roasted red peppers and a bit of cayenne pepper is awesome

    For breakfast you can do EAS protein and valio 7carb milk that tastes awesome....I had that today with pumpkin pie spice in it and it was like drinking a piece of pie! they have apple pie spices in the grocery store yo can add to your shakes too or dried mint to add to a chocolate shake yum.

    Nut butters are good to add in too for a creamier heartier shake.

    cottage cheese, chobani yogurts all good choices for low carb high protein....if you are looking to add fiber....open up a few glucomannan fiber pills and mix it into a small amount of cold liquid and add it into your foods for fiber increase.
  • Ping_A1C2U
    Ping_A1C2U Posts: 91
    eat lunch for breakfast...low carb wrap with turkey and melty cheese

    exactly what I do! My breakfast almost every day is a mission carb balance tortilla, a couple ounces of turkey or chicken, and mustard or light flavored mayo (i'm digging kraft sandwich shop garlic and herb at the moment). It's quick, it works, and it doesnt kill my calorie or carb budget.

    Anything you can eat for lunch you can eat for breakfast. =)

    Breakfast food wise - I do breakfast burritos with egg beaters and turkey/chicken sausage, scrambles with the same + onion and peppers, sometimes I'll have a multi-grain english muffin and peanut butter.
  • PhoenixRising17
    PhoenixRising17 Posts: 134 Member
    I have done South Beach in the past and one recipe I found online that actually is very good and convenient is "Bacon Egg and Cheese Cups" you take a muffin pan and fill it with cupcake liners then take cooked turkey bacon and put them in a circle in the pan then crack an egg in the middle then sprinkle cheese on top and bake for like 20 mins these are GREAT and easy to save and heat up later to take with you on the go....

    another low carb option I've started eating is Lower Sugar maple/brown sugar oatmeal except I used to not be able to STAND oatmeal but I add a small teaspoon of peanut butter and now I just LOVE it!

    You can go on google and search low carb breakfast ideas or south beach breakfast ideas there are TONS of forums where people list very yummy recipes that can spice up the South beach meal plan which is helpful especially during those first two weeks!!
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