Breaking Up Is Hard To Do! :o)

quichebradford Posts: 327 Member
edited September 28 in Chit-Chat
(sigh) I absolutely LOVE Triscuits thin crisps...I can literally eat a whole box in a day. While they're low cal, they have tons of carbs....because of them I go over on my carbs everyday. I think this will be my last day to eat them for a while. I'm not quite sure how to break the news to the triscuits. I mean, we've been together so long. Once they were on sale in Walmart, I bought every box they had. (another sigh) Oh well, here goes nothing...

Dear Triscuits,
It pains me to write this but, we have to break up. It's just that, you're no good for me. Yes, you're baked whole grain wheat crackers. Sure you may help reduce the risk of heart disease, and I can't forget about the recipe for the creamy spinach and red pepper dip on the back of the box I've read over and over. But dude, you have way too many carbs. YOu know I'm trying to cut back. This just isn't going to work, the spot on the nightstand is no longer yours. I have to think about what's best for me right now....and ain't you! I'll never forget you, everytime I pass the cracker aisle my heart will ache a little...especially when the 2 for $4 sale is on. Maybe I'll see you in my cart again someday, when I'm'll hardly recognize me....but for's goodbye! (makes dramatic exit)


  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    LOL this is funny! :) I had to break up with a few "trigger" foods, I feel you!
  • NuttyBrewnette
    NuttyBrewnette Posts: 417 Member
    love it!
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    Maybe you can just eat half the amount of crackers you would normally eat and add some protein to it ;)
  • kheavin0928
    kheavin0928 Posts: 21 Member
    LOL This is hilarious!! Thanks for the laugh!!
  • MissMandy1010
    MissMandy1010 Posts: 52 Member
    this is cute. you could always just cut your intake down. everything in moderation. self discipline is hard when it comes to certain foods though. good luck!!
  • Love this!! Great to find humor in a touchy situation! I too have had to 'break-up' with the Triscuts; my fav was the cracked black pepper and olive oil. *sigh*
  • Kamioh30
    Kamioh30 Posts: 17 Member
    I feel your pain, those love-hate relationships are rough. Thanks for the laugh!
  • haulinbuns
    haulinbuns Posts: 44 Member
    Love it, stay tough!
  • PJS323
    PJS323 Posts: 115
    I love this!! I broke up with 94% fat free popcorn for Lent. It was hard! It was my go to snack when I was hungry, and was tired of fruit/veggies. Recently I started a relationship with a similar man, 100 calorie mini bags. I only make time for him twice a week, but so far so good. If my weightloss stalls, then I am kicking him to the curb like a Ricky Lake guest.

    Best wishes with your break up. In the long run you might be able to see him for a snack, but for now maybe it's good if you didn't talk for awhile.

  • mthorne313
    mthorne313 Posts: 15 Member
    Love it! I need to work on that with wheat thins! :)
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Love it! I need to work on that with wheat thins! :)

    I eat wheat thins everyday...dip them in cracked red pepper is a lunch staple and not a bad part of a daily diary...the multi-grain ones are very good. Keep eatin' em darlin'!!!
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