p_emmel5 Member


  • Keeping a daily log and seeing a nutritionist are the 2 smartest things you can do. We can give you all sorts of advice or offer opinions, but without seeing your daily log 90% of is said here is based on guess work. Your nutritionist will be able to get you dialed in quickly. See sure they know your food intake and…
  • I second the Greek Yogurt. About 33 grams in a 1.5 cups.
  • I have never understood why some people strive to bring others down to their level of dispair just because they are too lazy or weak to raise themselves up. Really enjoyed the comment (paraphrased) about thanking her for the advice since she has done such a good job with her own health. :bigsmile: You did the right thing…
  • * 1 hour/ 4 days a week Elliptical * 1 hour/ 5 days a week circuit training * 1 excellent nutritionist * 2800 balanced calories (40% carbs/ 30% protein/ 30% fat) a day to maintain my current weight. * Remind myself every day that I may slip up or be discouraged, but it isn't the end of the world. It's just one slip and it…
  • You could grab some elastic bands or dumb bells and get a good workout without having to run or walk in little circles in the parking lot. If there is a bench or your car bumper you can get some split squats or push ups in also.
  • Welcome Verner. as a personal trainer you can use this as a great tool for your clients. My nutritionist logs on the check my food log and makes adjustments during the week before my appointment.
  • Most excellent. That's first step. Don't worry if you can't do all the repetitions at the recommended weight. We all started somewhere. And for most of us that somewhere was light weight and low reps. But, if you keep at it the gains come quickly :wink:
  • A weekend get away without the kids :wink:
  • You have had some major "stuff" go on in your life. Personal opinion: The #1 thing you need to do now is take care of you. Set your goals for you and nobody but you. Sounds like you are headed in the right direction. But, (insert grandfather voice here) you need to eat properly, especially if you aren't taking in enough…
  • I second the see a dietitian or nutritionist. Best thing I ever did. Doctors can usually fix you if you get broken, but they aren't typically trained in weight management and nutrition..... at least weight gain goals. I think it confuses some of them as it is totally bass ackwards from what they typicallt deal with. While…
  • Personal opinion: Its all in the context in which its being used. If it isn't something I would say, in the same context, to somebody's face then I am probably using using it in a derogratory way. Looking at some of the replies, it I were to call several of the authors complete morons and dumb *kitten* I wouldn't offend ?…
  • No deep underlying reason.... just to lazy to eat and exercise correctly. Went from an active work life, on my tools, to an Engineering job with too much time parked at my desk. It was way to easy to eat out rather than be organized enough to eat and exercise correctly . Took 6 years to gain 50 lbs and end up at 230 lbs…
  • Is Prednisone involved or something in that family? If so there isn't much you can do about that. Been there, done that on Prednisone. Ballooned up seemed like overnight. Plus side after I was off it the gained weight fell off.
  • Is your doctor versed in nutrition? Many people (doctors, dietitians, people on forums etc...) seem to give by the book advice without adjusting for the patient's/ customer's specific requirements. Where are you measuring? If you aren't measuring a range of locations you might be missing locations where muscle is sneaking…
  • Pain and clicking? Why don't you get your shoulder checked out before you completely blow it up? Forum analysis and suggestions are nice,but we aren't experts. Lifting heavy or often is a good way to wreck yourself until you know what's going on with your shoulder. Your gym should have a trainer running around. get with…
  • Typically my foot, but we'll stick with fresh blueberrys this morning
  • 54 years old. 45 minutes elliptical/ 4 days a week. 1 hour cross training/ 5 days a week. Recently started with a sports nutritionist. It's all working, better shape now than in high school.
  • Finally a reply that mentions your husband. He needs to get on board with your concerns and attempts at curbing this situation. If he wants to buy the sweet juices, he likes so much, tell him to get the crap at work and not bring it home. By your husband using bribes to get them to finish dinner and having the sweets at…
  • Probably not related to the OP, but as a guy, it wouldn't matter if my wife had itty bitties, pancakes, deflated ballons, stayed the same, or any other way you have described them after a weight loss. As long as the weight comes off and she adds years to her life, that's all that matters. Congratulations to all of you on…
  • Need em? No. Handy in filling your daily protein quota? Yes I will fall back on my pat answer.... save up your money and see a nutritionist, prefferably one that deals in sports training. Their trained where most of us give it our best college try :wink: Yes, they cost a bit, but they also knock down your learning curve…
  • Nothing says you have to lift heavy. With the any lifting you could probably adapt your diet and add more protein and drop some carbs and still stay around your caloric goal. And yes push ups are top shelf exercises for firming your upper body.
  • Definately gotta fim it up now or later. Why wait? I think you should do it correctly and see nutritionist. And probably see a nutritionist who is versed in sports nutrition. If you add strength training in with your cardio it totaly changes your caloric needs.
  • Your going to need a bigger shirt!!!
  • Just WOW!!!! What an accomplishment. When you wrote the first letter did you ever think there would such a positive reply? :flowerforyou:
  • Some great advice listed above Below are my big 4: #1 Sore vs. pain: There is a big difference between sore and pain. If you feel a twinge or pop that isn't a good thing. Fatigue and not being able to finish a set/ rep is one thing but a twinge or pop is entirely different. #2 Have fun. We are doing this to improve not…
  • Sorry if all this has been thrown about on other post(s). I got that with the Dexter shot. We probably ought to let this topic die a sudden dead since it has been covered numerous times in the past. Admin if you want to lock or delete my post you won't hurt my feelings. Beating a dead horse serves no purpose but to pick…
  • I feel your pain. Interesting how the ones we love can be our biggest stumbling blocks. My wife can't understand why I "have" to go to the gym so much (1 hour a day/ 5 days a week for circuit training) or why I started seeing a nutritionist. Some things you just have to do for you. If our friends or family can't be…
  • At least you realize you have an eating disorder. That's the first step to fixing it. Any disorder/ obsession is a continual battle to overcome. Professional assistance is just another weapon in the battle for you to utilize. There are very few people that fix their addictions/ disorders on their own. My advice is right…
  • This has been an interesting and eye opening topic. Never really thought about why the instructor might be in the condition they are and I guess if they are good enough for the gym to utilize they are good enough to give a chance. Like I posted eariler, either intentional or untentionally, in my mind the bar would be set…