

  • I dont know what they have available in UK but I imagine it cant be much different. My husband drinks protein shakes as a meal replacement occasionally and its only about 180 to 200 cals which is certainly not enough to ruin your whole day.
  • The scaled moved today! Yay! As frustrating as it is when the scale doesnt move, I love seeing the changes in my body and ability and that number 'slowly' moving up on my ticker does help with my motivation. How was everyone elses week?
  • My husband has a very gay uncle who hangs with us alot and let me tell you he gets distracted by my boobs all the time. He may not like girls but he is just as easily distracted by boobs as a staight man lol
  • Yeah people who wanted to join but never even began to participate are obviously not interested. if you gave them ample time (which 2 weeks definately is) than there is no reason to leave them on the boards. Its makes the charts kind of tedious and really long for no reason. Its hard to see the success of my challengemates…
  • I have so much motivation to meet this goal!! I want to lose 50 lbs by my 25th birthday as a personal victory and my grandmother told me that she will take me on a shopping spree when I lose 50. Plus I got my husband to commit to a Victoria Secret Bra shopping trip/spree if I lose 50! I am so excited and have so much…
  • I cant even tell you how much i like this idea!
  • Just looking for a little feedback. I love that I am able to track my calories and exercise so that I know I am on track and the scale will more than likely reflect that but does anyone find the "accountability" of counting calories stressful? Like we are ordering italian for dinner and I really want a pizza turnover and I…
  • Im not trying to sound mean so dont interpret it that way but why not? Exercise (especially when youre 250 lbs) is not just the gym or going for a run. A month ago I drove everywhere and sat on my couch so walking a quarter mile each way to the WAWA even if it is slow with my son is exercise. The ten minutes I spend going…
  • i do log housework and shopping but only if it is extensive. I dont log a 15 minutes clean up but I do log 60 minute cleaning from top to bottom of the house with vaccuuming or dishwashing and there is also dancing to the music i am playing lol. I went to the mall today and spent 4 hours walking around the mall leisurely.…
  • I personally dont care about the teams either way but Im not Edward or Jacob or Bella....Im Team His Hotness Emmett....oh Emmett is so very hot. And athletic. And stuff :)
  • 1st goal week 1- Commit to my workout everyday!! 2nd Goal week 1- No wasteful snacking this week! I like to have soda but I am really trying to stop wasting on empty calories and sodium and sugar!! I am so excited about this! I want to be commited to this!
  • I am totally in! Im a huge fan and I am so excited that once again i get a Twilight movie for my birthday weekend. I was shooting fr 50lbs by my 25 birthday which is Nov 22 sooooo maybe I can use this as a double motivation....50 lbs for Twilight? LOVE IT!
  • Its only been 2 weeks but.... -I can talk on the phone while I walk down 3 flights of stairs without getting winded. -I can walk to the store and back and to the store again because I dropped my sons lollipop without batting an eye -I can do 45 minutes of yoga and 20 minutes of cardio, 2 weeks ago I could barely make it…
  • STOP FIGHTING YOURSELF! Yes you can count calories without depriving yourself or only eating salad or boring food! You just have to be a bit more creative. I eat many meals a day and never feel hungry even though I have always thought that dieting means depriving. THe internet is a limitless resource for food that is good…
  • I do yoga, some ten minute ab workout and buns and thighs (LOL) and a lot lot lot of walking. I am trying so hard
  • I want to lost 100 lbs total but i want to lose 75 as my big goal right now. I am giving myself a year with a bunch of small goals! I am down 6 lbs with 19 lbs to my first goal...feel free to add me I am always looking for more support and we can help each other!
  • WTG!!!!
  • You guys are giving such great advice and a lot of them i already do either by accident or purposfully. I do C2 5k which is really kicking my butt but i just started so hopefully i will be able to master them soon. Although I have changed it a little, i refuse to move past week one until i can do it all the way so it may…
  • It is absolutely cute and way fun!! The bears should be smallish if possible to not overwhelm the other decor but I think its a great idea. We threw a lot of ideas around for our wedding and one that we loved but ended up scrapping in the end was taking like fishbowls and using those inexpensive yellow goldfish and blue…
  • I made some mini-goals for myself. I hope by this time next year I will have met my goal. But I have seen some amazin results on the forum and losing it faster is definately possible! Only 22 lbs until my first goal!
    in 75 lbs! Comment by eaber May 2011
  • Thank you guys for advice!! Im working on thngs!!
    in 75 lbs! Comment by eaber May 2011