Would you log this as exercise?



  • eaber
    eaber Posts: 25
    Im not trying to sound mean so dont interpret it that way but why not? Exercise (especially when youre 250 lbs) is not just the gym or going for a run. A month ago I drove everywhere and sat on my couch so walking a quarter mile each way to the WAWA even if it is slow with my son is exercise. The ten minutes I spend going to and from the park is exercise. Every little bit is exercise. I feel better when I see that I walked a 1/2 hour longer than yesterday. If I walk to the diner instead of drive I dont feel bad about eating at the diner instead of cooking. I dont eat those calories back either. But logging them proves to me that I AM MOVING. Sweating and working out are also a prt of my routine but so is walking with my son around the block, its till exercise. Some of you are making me (and i cant be the only one affected) feel like my daily exercise isnt exercise at all which isnt true because I cant run. I cant do hours at the gym (or even an hour sometimes) or P90X orZumba but I can walk. I can do yoga and I can get my butt of my couch.